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Archive for the Bar Refaeli Category




Bar Refaeli Fitness of the Day

I know it isn’t Throwback Thursday, but it is Flashback friday, and what better way to remember the past, than to put up a picture of a star model of the past, that at one point in time was at the top of her game, and who has since pretty much packed up and moved back to Israel to do whatever it is she does…like post pics of her abs engaged mid crunch, you know to let you know she’s still alive and kicking, even though no one cares, since the world is filled with hot girls, many of whom have also had sex with Leonardo DiCaprio, leaving this one old news..but not quite forgotten…right…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bella Thorne VS Bar Refaeli Bikinis for Instagram of the Day

Bella Thorne vs Bar Refaeli bikini on social media contest of the day…

It’s like what do you like better, a 16 year old who has probably had more sex than you because thanks to internet porn, she was raised on the shit from a young age and it aint a thing…especially when raised by stage parents to finance the family.

Or do you want a washed up, old, barely famous model who once had an A-List celebrity boyfriend, who now just hangs on with random campaigns, her own underwear line, and social media shoots…

I figure new vs old, or not, they are both winners, because they are using social media right.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|Bella Thorne




Bar Refaeli in a Bikini of the Day

Bar Refaeli was implicated in the nude picture scandal, there was a pic of a girl spreading her asshole that they claim are her…

I was about to post the pics from the scandal when they were all over the internet – but that I decided to not post because I am not an idiot and I know that the FBI and the Legal team behind at least Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, two 100 million dollar franchises are going to go for fucking blood.

It’s really not 2006 anymore, where you can get away with posting this shit, now there are laws that aren’t worth fighting – because there is no glory in reposting pictures that some asshole stole from their computers or phones…and there is no glory in going to jail or having legal issues over pics of people you don’t care about.

I don’t know if I am getting old, a conscious, or bored of celebrities, that their nudes and sexts aren’t interesting to me. I don’t know if I feel bad about people being violated, haing their shit stolen but prefer when girls leak or send their own pics for attention…

I just know that there was a weird mix of people involved, that there is more to the story than we know, maybe even an insider leak, and that as much as I like as asshole pic because it is the gateway to a girl’s soul, I actually prefer her in self shot bikini pics, because they are still good enough for me to want to fight for Israel just to impress her…enough to get Leonardo DiCaprio herpes on my face…no homo – I am not a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio…but I figure her vagina comes stocked with that…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli “alleged” Hack Pic is Next Level of the Day

I’ve always said that the asshole is the gateway to a woman’s soul, and seeing as Bar Refaeli is one of the chosen ones according to her Jewish Religion, I guess she’s well aware of that…

If this is her…she’s amazing


Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli in a Bikini of the Day

Bar Refaeli is defending Israel in a far more peaceful and pleasant way than other people are defending Israel, because she’s doing it in a bikini, and I like bikinis…while I don’t like war, death and destruction, even if I have no faith in humanity and actively encourage natural disaster to watch every scramble to survive…except for Bar Refaeli, because I like looking at her in a bikini, so we can keep her old ass around…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli is Fighting Palestine in a Bikini of the Day

Bar Refaeli posted the worst bikini picture in the history of bikini pictures on instagram…and I was there to see it…

It’s like she’s a bust bikini model, with a bikini line, who has fucked A-Listers, at least in theory, there are rumours he’s a poofter – but still we’ve seen her half naked…but unlike all the attention seeking instagram hookers, the crying for attention bottom feeders, the girls who have booked half a job once for a few drinks and some sexual harassment and maybe some free clothes…the fat chicks and the normals who hit the gym and want to show off…so they selfie from the right angle, run through a filter, bullshit “we’re bikini models too”…since everyone on social media is a fame whoring slut…her bikini pics fucking suck…

I guess she has nothing to prove. That’s so disappointing. Success will do that to you.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli for Elle Spain of the Day

Bar Refaeli got into a bikini for Elle Spain….

I guess there is life after Leonardo DiCaprio…or maybe she’s trying to prove that there is life after 30….or maybe she’s just into having her picture taken because it is all she knows…

Maybe she wants to feel like it is old times, and like people care because living back in Israel gets a little sleepy, even though she gets to party every night, as she counts her money she’s made, amongst her friends and family…

Maybe this is that stamp of approval…or maybe it’s just her subtle way of self promoting, because she has a line of underwear that won’t sell its fucking self…it’s all about making the money when you can, and you don’t need to be Jewish with big Jewish tits I would convert for…to know that…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Hot Instagram Bikini of the Day

Bar Refaeli posted this picture on instagram to celebrate Easter like good Jewish girl from the holy land…who fucks non Jewish guys….but only if they are A-list….because helps her make money….and money is what her vagina loves…that’s why she’s posting these naughty instagram pics to stay relevant….the way I like it….

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Promoting her Lingerie of the Day

Bar Refaeli is relentless, these pics from her lingerie company were re-released the other day and blogs are writing about them like they are news, but I am pretty sure I’ve seen them and posted them before, but I guess they believe in why the fuck bother doing more shoots, that’s too much work, when we can just trick the public with half nakedness, and they don’t really care when they were shot, because she’s Bar Refaeli, ex swimsuit and lingerie model, turned business woman with swimsuit and lingerie companies, because why pose for someone else for millions, when you can build your own empire, it’s what happens when a bitch gets an ego and doesn’t really realize she’s replaceable with 10 other bitches built better…

All this to say, I don’t think she’s that hot, but I fear saying that, because people are going to blast me for being anti-Semitic…even though I do think she’s hot for a Jewish girl.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli’s Gold Facial of the Day

I am not post pictures to draw attention on the fact that Bar Refaeli, despite being a vain bitch who has a lot of money, and does weird beauty practices like GOLD FACIALS to represent the quality or value of each load she’s ever taken on her face, like a rich girl I once knew who would say classy things like “My piss is worth more than her”…or maybe the gold facial is to salvage her looks or maintain them because they were celebrated in her youth, with A-List cock, and top tier model money..that made her relevant and losing that would suck…even she’s lost it…

I am posting these pictures to point out that she’s got no ass.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli