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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin Bikini of the Day

Barbara Palvin Tits in a Black Bikini

Barbara Palvin, and her strong Hungarian child bearing hips…seem to have taking a break from the Goulash or whatever it is that Hungarians eat, to lean the fuck up and get back out there, with her Eastern European work ethic, to make as much money as she possibly can…

You know, the Mall Brand Victoria’s Secret, that I think found her, created her, abducted her from her homeland, and used her, before spitting her out and replacing her, unless she still works for them, or is on hiatus from working with them because she got fat…

Well she’s back…and stripping down…because it’s her birth right, or at least what has made her family money, and it’s way better than being a low level cam girl…

Barbara Palvin Tits in a Black Bikini and Thong

Barbara Palvin Tits in a Lace Bra

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barabra Palvin Bra and Panties of the Day

Barabra Palvin Bra and Panties

Barabra Palvin had a minute or two that lasted about a year or two where she was a big deal. The youngest VS model. The ROOKIE on the scene. The girl in the paparazzi who hung out with Bieber…the whole story being one that must have been a wild and crazy time for a girl who was from HUNGARY or so they say…but who was quite possibly from the human genetic cloning facility in HUNGARY where Victoria’s Secret uses top Eastern European engineers to make hot pussy they can exploit for a discounted rate because they are robots…or AI…

AI, that apparently can gain weight, you know not programmed necessarily the best yet, which we saw with Palvin the last few years where she was huge, something that is still celebrated by fat women everywhere, making her still hireable, but that I guess wasn’t the best for booking jobs, because here she is posing half naked looking like she starved herself out, the way a model should and I think that’s worth celebrating in a world where all these bitches think it’s ok to be fat lazy slobs…when we all know it’s not…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barbara Palvin Tits Out in Selfie Mode of the Day

Barbara Palvin Tits Out in a White Robe

Barbara Palvin, who I assumed was fired from Victoria’s Secret because she got fat and because her mooch “friend” Stella Maxwell stole her job, her fame, and her existence, forcing this one back to Hungary where she had to find her bearing before getting back into the game through slutty pics either in Selfie form cuz they are easy to get done, or in shoots, making moves…

Unless she’s still a Victoria’s Secret model, I just don’t remember seeing her ever, like the forgotten Eastern European sex worker she was destined to be….but maybe they keep her on payroll because at 18 they used her to cover up a scandal of a married Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber…poor Orlando Bloom….this was years ago and before Palvin fattened up…

I think I’ll just post the titty pics.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barbara Palvin in a See Through Bathing Suit Jacket of the Day

Barbara Palvin once a patsy for the people at Victoria’s Secret to avoid a scandal involving Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber after their bullshit infomercial all you idiots buy into….

Now ousted by Victoria’s Secret for whatever reason, and really she may even still work at Victoria’s Secret, I don’t keep track of the inventory of pussy in that brothel of the sex workers they’ve hired….

I just think Stella Maxwell, who used Palvin to get into the VS scene, at the expense of Palvin, making her another patsy, thrown under the bus and sent back to Hungary or wherever she is from, where she got fat…

But is on a comeback, the big girl on a comeback, with her nipples out…making her magical enough to stare at….even if it’s for Sports illustrated bullshit..

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin in a Panty Photoshoot of the Day

Barbara Palvin Pink bra and panties spreading her legs

Barbara Palvin once a patsy for the people at Victoria’s Secret to avoid a scandal involving Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber after their bullshit infomercial all you idiots buy into….

Now ousted by Victoria’s Secret for whatever reason, and really she may even still work at Victoria’s Secret, I don’t keep track of the inventory of pussy in that brothel of the sex workers they’ve hired….

STILL IN LINGERIE this time for someone else…because when you are paid a million dollars a year to get half naked…people will think you’re worth that…and that when they get you for 10k, they think it’s a deal…keep this HUNGARIAN alive..

I think I see nipple.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barbara Palvin Legs of the Day

Barbara Palvin in fishnets

Barbara Palvin once a patsy for the people at Victoria’s Secret to avoid a scandal involving Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber after their bullshit infomercial all you idiots buy into….

Now ousted by Victoria’s Secret for whatever reason, and really she may even still work at Victoria’s Secret, I don’t keep track of that brothel or the sex workers they’ve hired….I just post shit as it comes in….

Still willing to get in lingerie, because as an 18 year old Hungarian she knew the sacrifices she had to make to get out of that Cold War era bunker she lived in, and will continue that struggle….of getting into lingerie…which isn’t really a struggle…but let these girls think their work matters…

This time for GQ Portugal…not offical GQ…but it counts…they license the same logo…you know and I’m sure people in Brazil read it…cuz of the Portuguese…assuming people anywhere still read magazines…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barbara Palvin Stripper Pole of the Day

I was trying to boycott the clickbait that is Love Advent Calendar, because I’ve been posting their nonsense for years, even before it was on Youtube and I thought, fuck them, they never link me, or feature me, or give me any credit, they don’t even know I exist, yet here I am posting their bullshit videos, letting my MASSIVE audience buy into their nonsense, that is really not very good, if anything it’s just zero thought out crap, produced by people who have scammed the fashion world, and is hyped up as authetic editorial, something all the models want to be part of like a stamp of approval…

But then I saw big girl, looking better than she was when fired by Victoria’s Secret and replaced by Stella Maxwell the Celeb fucker, Barbara Palvin doing a stripper dance..and thought to myself…


I have to post that, because it’s so trashy and lame, it’s not even a good pole dance, it is CULTURAL APPROPRIATION from sex workers, even mocking sex workers, not EMPOWERING anyone, but she says “STAY STRONG” at the end of the video, so it must be about women being strong to come out against sexual assault despite being sex workers, or maybe

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barbara Palvin’s Topless Ad for Tod’s of the Day

Tod’s isn’t paying me to post this, but they should be, because it only has 600 views, and I’ll make that shit go viral, and they’re getting that for free, because they they tricked me into posting it, because they turned Barbara Palvin, into some Jack in the Box with her titties out…not that anyone really cares that much about Barbara Palvin, not enough for her tits to go viral….but maybe I’m wrong about her, the big girl from Victoria’s Secret…all Hungarian and clearly Hungry because she got fat after Victoria’s Secret forgot her…even though they used her to protect their brand back in the Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber like a dirty drunk Australian…and who is now…Hungry to make a comeback…topless..good.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barbara Palvin in a Magazine Being Wild of the Day

Barbara Palvin in a Magazine Being Wild

Big girl Barbara Palvin is trying to make a comeback and it looks good to me…in this photoshoot for some magazine where she’s almost naked….

She is on a mission to reclaim her early in success life…because when she was a fresh 18 year old she was signed to Victoria’s Secret, being positioned as the girl Bieber fucked, people fucking loved her, talked about her…then she got fat, no one gave a shit, and now she’s figured get in underwear, get erotic selfies, get noticed…

And here she is almost naked….TACTICS…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Barbara Palvin Instagram Erotica of the Day

Barbara Palvin Instagram Erotica

Barbara Palvin is on a mission to reclaim her early in success life…because when she was a fresh 18 year old she was signed to Victoria’s Secret, being positioned as the girl Bieber fucked, people fucking loved her, talked abotu her…then she got fat, no one gave a shit, and now she’s figured get in underwear, get erotic selfies, get noticed..

I like this young girl’s thinking…if you get the naked or half naked selfies the people will care damnit…the people will care…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin