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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Big Nips of the Day

Bella THorne reminds me of having sex in the dumpster outside of a KFC….it’s not the proudest or most luxurious place to fuck…and it’s not even really considered sex when you’re just jerking off amongst the greasy chicken bones fully immersed in the aromatherapy of that KFC grease smell…but you can’t tell me what sex is and isn’t….like we can’t say if a girl is being slutty, or a girl is being trash, or they’ll tell us we are MANSPLAINING with our TOXIC MASCULINITY and MISOGYNY, all while doing the same damn thing to us….women…confusing…

But the good news is that thanks to Kardashians, and basically all the trash of the internet that has gone viral from being smutty, and with the mainstream of porn, we have Disney kid identity crisis girls like Bella Thorne who really don’t need to hop on the get naked on the internet bandwagon, but because she did, her career has taken off….just a greasy, monetize as hard as she can and all it took was showing her fake tits and fit young Disney body at the time….thanks to social media…she didn’t fade into obscurity she made more money than ever and people think money equates to success and purpose and relevance…so why not make more by scamming dudes into buying her sluttiest of content that isn’t even slutty…she’s walking that line of still being able to work mainstream, while still being relatable and edgy to her audience…it’s a cool thing to sell nudes…so it only makes sense in manipulating her audience that she would do that too.

I know I’d be mad if I subscribed to get this bullshit, but I’d never be that fucking lame, I just wait for the content to leak since it’s not that important….I wouldn’t have even signed up to LOHAN’s only fans, and she’s the only celebrity worth donating to in exchange for smutty pics….so in this era of SOOO many options, too many options, so much nude and porn all for free, why the fuck would anyone bother with this nonsense….

A lame ass slimely, loud, greasy, annoying, culture vulture mooch trying to cash in on trends all while having basically zero sex appeal despite the hot body…it’s weird…but it’s happening and this is what Hollywood thinks has value…we’ve all lost our damn minds.

Her sister Kaili doing the porno


Posted in:Bella Thorne|Kaili Thorne




Bella Thorne Nipple of the Day

Bella Thorne’s tits get faker and faker by the day, which makes sense since everything about this bitch is some contrived bullshit barely cool, always lame mess….that looks like it smells like old farts she’s forced into her piss soaked mattress due too one too many burritos and I guess one too many nights getting pissed on, or pissing on, lame ass youtubers who are just so excited to be in the presence of some trending Disney kid….

Lame ass Bella Thorne is still doing her whole “Only Fans’ marketing campaign, in part because she makes millions doing it, but also because it allows her to pretend to be edgy, or sexual, in an era where everyone is edgy and sexual…they’ve all grown up masturbating to hardcore porn from a young age, they get it…and don’t need some loud mouth celebrity clown to try to make online sex, nudity, sex work, whoring about herself…

The fact that the industry accepts her as this visionary because the industry is filled with old out of touch idiots who just see followers and money and realize if they don’t partner up with her, someone else will, and that someone else will make all kinds of money because Bella Thorne’s fans fucking listen to her like she’s their messiah, which is a terrifying thought if you have hope for the future, which I don’t, so it’s actually good news…because you want celebrities to influence their idiot followers into being whores…it makes for more jerk off material…

I don’t find Bella Thorne hot, or to have any substance or sex appeal, she’s basically representative of all things wrong with society….clickbait, a meme, garbage manufactured fake as fuck shit….not to mention her “sex work” she’s getting paid for is not even her fucking, inserting or showing her nasty shit smeared skid mark of an asshole….it’s just the most basic Disney level of bullshit…but it helps her perpetuate her lie and it’s working for her….thanks to society sucking at its core.


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Ay Oh It’s Bella Thorne of the Day

I know that Backpages got shut down for being a human trafficking ring, but for some reason, I am pretty sure BELLA THORNE still smells like Backpages, that reason is the fact that in her overly horny, almost retard level of horny, that could just be an act or sign of the times since these kids were raised on hardcore porn, I mean she posted something yesterday about getting her fake nails removed so she can finger some sugar baby, and she’s doing the whole cashgrab on Only Fans faking selling nudes to be cool…and it’s all very contrived, very lad, very gross, very slimy, but she’s monetizing bro…and the industry, because it is lame and has no idea what is up, so it attaches to anything trending, proven by the Kardashians and Hadids…just eats her up despite the smell…

It’s all so weird, her sex appeal to me is a zero, even with her seemingly hot body…she’s just all very irritating noise…but there are ginger titties involved so they override my general disgust of her…..money grubber….

Bella Thorne Grazia


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Queer Sisters Fetish of the Day

Bella Thorne Fairy

When I do my shitty naked girls of the internet round-ups each day, I always come across girls, weird fucking girls with elf ears on. It’s a thing….they say shit like “Nymph” or “elf” or “fairy” and that level of insanity confuses me….maybe it’s aspergers, autism, or elf / fairy ears on a naked selfie is fucking lame sci/fi fantasy, queer millennial video gamer shit I don’t fuck with….but clearly Bella Thorne does because she’s all about ripping off the nude girls of the internet while tipping a toe in being a nude girl of the internet….selling subscription site nudes to the fans like nude girls of the internet do….

Clearly, Bella Thorne is a Disney kid, which means she’s a lame mainstream fuck trained to be a lame mainstream fuck….she’s not edgy, she’s mall brand edgy…you know PG rated edgy that’s basically ripping off the people who are actually edgy and building an identity around it….since actors have no souls and thus no personalities…they don’t know who they are…it’s just about the packaging and marketing of themselves…which Bella Thorne is probably doing better than most as she’s managed to be relevant, trending, an influencer, celebrity, with a development deal with FOX while still making millions in a day on her nude subscription account…it’s all so confusing…just not as confusing as her lame sister, who thinks she’s an original, obviously trying very hard at being an original, and it’s all so fucking lame….

This is a trending from every angle of weird sister fetish shoot with some nip…and neither have any sex appeal at all…but still worth looking!

Bella Thorne Fairy

Bella Thorne Fairy


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne See Through Lingerie of The Day

Bella Thorne’s in some see through lingerie for her paying subscribers in what is obviously a massive scam, taking advantage of the simple minded fans that see a clickbait title and need to bust out the credit card to buy whatever is being sold, time and time again, because they can’t help themselves. They are programmed this way.

So this is her version of edgy so that she can feel as though she’s down with the feminist movement….and reassure everyone she’s a nasty girl, a pervert into SEX and porn…in a world where all these overly horny fucks are half retarded about that shit and can’t contain their vaginas….

Whether she’s authentically like this, or just some pile of broken, confused, identity crisis weirdness doesn’t really matter, she’s a celebrity, trending, it-girl, people like her and do what she says, she’s got influence…and tits….so if showing her tits, even in the lamest of ways because she’s basically text book cheesy loser….that has the sex appeal of a bunched up cum rag that looks like it resembles a vagina like how they twist your towels at resorts into swans….but probably more bacteria than the cum rag that it looks like it resembles a vagin….there’s just something nasty and not in a “you a nasty girl” dirty talk kind of way…but rather in a I shat the bed last night because I caught a parasite eating a hookers ass kind of way…

Keep up the good work you earner!


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Birthday Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne Topless

Bella Thorne still looks like a hot dog you left in the microwave too long about 5 months ago and only realized because you found the source of that rotting flesh smell you’ve been smelling the last 4 and a half months ago….

She’s got the sex appeal of an obese woman shitting herself because she couldn’t get off her motorized scooter fast enough, which could be the hottest thing out there for some of you lonely fucks, but I am saying it in a “it’s not hot” kind of way.

Sure she’s got the body….and she’s got the tits, that I keep trying to find the implant scars on, since I am sure these are after market tits…but you can never be too sure….I just know her face, despite the pock marks and acne scars she likes to celebrate because it’s part of being relatable to the idiot generation which makes the relatable generation buy your shit…it’s a basic marketing, or network marketing, pyramid scheme scam…where she’s at the top of the food chain cashing in on the idiots who think she’s being authentic….as she pretends to be the voice of her generation and gets rewarded for it…even when she hits OnlyFans like.a bartender or waitress now out of work and ready to cash in on her tits the internet way…despite having 12 revenue streams….pretty fucking greedy right, even more greedy when you realize she doesn’t even get naked to risk that mainstream money she likes so much….so she does this softcore shit and dumb fucks pay to see it….making her millions….while I post them and make about 50 cents a week….because I guess those bolt on tits aren’t mine to monetize…

Point being, for whatever reason, the loud trashy girl saying all the inappropriate things to get noticed is such a cliche, and it’s not hot…even if everyone celebrates it like it is…

I don’t know why I find her sex appeal a zero, I don’t think her level of loud and annoying, vulgar and trashy would throw me off so much that I’d think a girl being slutty has no sex appeal…but maybe it’s because she looks like a dude….so those closet cases out there probably like her for that…while the straights are like…keep the tits coming you scamming clickbait Disney Trained manipulative and annoying cunt….even though we don’t really like anything she does…..but get that she’s a meme and this is her life as a meme.

Bella Thorne Topless


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Birthday Lingerie of the Day

Bella Thorne is a horny girl, who at 18 decided to sexualize herself like her mother, who is also a horny girl, had taught her…and is now taking things harder and harder because I guess she fucking loves it, a passion project, because in case you didn’t know, she was on a Disney show and running an Only Fans where she makes millions, like a gutter internet stripper, thanks to COVID bringing all these girls to the conclusion that selling nudes is a recession proof job, and with Only Fans, she faced hate for not being a legit sex worker, while navigating how to be relelvant, mainstream, and a porn chick at the same time….while always wanting to be that mainstream celeb above all…but really wanting to still be that porn chick…so she gets racier more sexualized, and really utilizes her fake tits…

Now despite her looking like she smells like homeless man piss she would drink for a shocking viral video if the opportunity presented itself, the overly horny girl who is pretty manly and lacks a certain level sex appeal, or allure because she’s putting it all out there….is still worth looking at….

I don’t know if it’s one of those things where some people just can’t handle porn, I remember when porn was a dirty little secret, despite being the number one search result on google, no one ever talked about it, but with it getting more and more normalized, people just accept that as real life, and can’t escape the horny…and when you’re an ego, narcissist you hop on board…hot or not…selfie porn is being created every where….it’s a thrill to some, embarrassing or gross for others…and if you can’t keep it in your pants and you’re a girl…it may not be the hottest thing you could do, but it’s still worth looking at…if if you look like you smell and eat farts…like Bella Thorne does.

The only interesting thing about this is that I always wanted to make mainstream movies with real sex, and clearly we are heading in that direction, if only I got an earlier start, because I knew this was obviously going to happen eventually…as porn always wins…it speaks to our animalistic pervert nature…

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne’s Red Bikini Top of the Day

I just did a post on all the Sex Workers who are mad that Bella Thorne is better at sex work than they are…not that sex work is that complicated, it’s actually a lazy work for a lazy breed of people that oftentimes see it as the easiest and quickest way to get paid and in an era where it doesn’t mean throwing away your future, it’s accepted, why not get in on it…..but yeah…I did a post on the BELLA THORNE HATERS because Bella uses the same platform to sell content to her fans that they do, only Bella makes millions and they probably make rent money…we can’t all be super famous, relevant people that look like they smell like a bus shelter after two homeless men Brokeback Mountain on some random street drugs they find outside of a nighclub, three weeks since last showering….she hustling, maximizing her celebrity, and cashing in when it’s available…a valuable lesson for all the losers out there.

But I figured Bella’s birthday red swimsuit titties, where the “sex positive” as her generation likes to call horny nympho sex addicts, calls her boyfriend “daddy”….it’s her 23rd birthday around now…so a celebration for some I guess..

Posted in:Bella Thorne




The Sex Workers Who Are Mad at Bella Thorne of the Day

Bella Thorne is trying to push her Disney Kid image as far as she can without getting her blacklisted from the mainstream, which she likely won’t see happen, as the mainstream tries to adapt to the new generation, someone like Bella Thorne is a much needed asset, one all of the big companies are fighting for, so the highest bidder locks her into a development deal…a first right of refusal…if you come up with an idea, we’ll buy it so no one else does, all because you are trending…

They don’t care that she looks like she smells like homeless man piss, or that she’s have sex with homeless man piss if it was frozen into a dildo shape, because she’s gross and edgy…and that’s what the clout chasers like…and what the younger audience like..

So she started the Only Fans, made a million dollars in a day, pissed off the actual sex workers who weren’t Disney Kids and have no business making a million dollars in a day, shamed her for using their platform for her non-sex work needs….angry she clickbait lies to get people to buy her pics and videos as a joke….all while keeping the revenues she makes…attracting all these other mainstream people into doing the same thing because it’s now OK, Bella Does it So We Can…..as they all eagerly want to sell nudes and cash in…but don’t want to fuck themselves over if they do…

Anyway, all these only fans girls are mad, because they are the same people saying “we should support other women in their quest”…but don’t mean it, obviously….and they are leaving hateful shit on Bella’s account for all to see….while tagging Bella Thorne so that the Bella Thorne fans who click “Tagged photos” see them….it’s their bottom feeding approach to act like activists, while hating on another girl selling her content to her fans, because she actually has fans, and I figure what a great opportunity to showcase all the Bella Thorne haters, made Bella Thorne does better than them…jealous of Bella Thorne…while pretending “at least I am not Bella Thorne”….get the fuck out of here…but before that…here’s Bella Thorne’s mom’s mom tits for her only fans, it’s a family cash grab….these bitches don’t know sex work until they are Disney Kids…

Here’s one of the hater’s comments:

“Bella Thorne made an OF account which landed her an overnight revenue of over a million dollars.

Bella is already a millionaire. She does not have to be out here doing sex work. SWers have been out of work since March. it’s insensitive, it’s rude.
“Influencers” are taking the opportunity to profit off a STRUGGLING industry in which girls are becoming houseless for the first time after being faced with the harsh reality that we have zero income right now. SWers cannot perform work as they normally do during this pandemic. Right now, it’s a privilege to carry out sex work.

We have sat back and observed as patrons respond with praise and respect towards D list* celebrities who spontaneously decide to sell a nude, while girls who’re truly invested in this line of business are left forgotten about, insulted and to die.

It’s beyond an issue of people reading the room. It’s an issue of influencers profiting off an industry where girls are dying and becoming houseless because of the loss in demand over the pandemic. The root of sex work is people RESULTING to do so for an income. For survival.

They’re sex workers dying, endangered, being trafficked, abused, facing poverty and many battles the public is not ready to acknowledge yet.
Then comes along Tana, Bella, etc.
These women ALREADY HAVE A PLATFORM, money, security, etc. they aren’t actually WORKING. They already had their following. They get a pass to upload ONE revealing photo at the cost of $ 50 per subscription, and even if they never post again, they’ve already made one million dollars just off a “launch”. Perhaps if the circumstances were different and these individuals cared about our community, it would be appropriate. If they gave back or put INTO our environment, donated their earnings to help us struggling out. However at this point, it’s simply the wealthy hoarding wealth and further placing blame on an industry built on hustling and surviving for your own dollar. You’re not advocating or being an ally for our industry, you’re placing blame.

@bellathorne I’m calling on you to do better. Shame on you.”


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Teabagged Of the Day

Bella Thorne Tea Bagged

I am not surprised that Bella Thorne has all the success she’s having…

She’s a Disney Kid who turned to social media when that Disney shit was over, where she was able to re-invent herself, try to sexualize herself, and actually get seen or get talked about, because she was a Disney Kid…..I don’t think anything she’s done has been all that remarkable or even interesting, she got a bunch of followers from Disney Hype, got a hell of a lot more followers for social media porn, that was gradual, she didn’t just start up with her Only Fans, it was a process to get there…so as the girls of her generation got sleazier, she got sleazier and unfortunately they were all raised on porn so their idea of sexy is vulgarity….a “watch me shit as I finger my asshole, and squirt cum all over your face as I eat a girl’s asshole and you jerk off” kind of thing….but her era responds to that, they think it’s real, it’s cut to the chase, people are ADD, show your tits or fuck off, none of this cocktease shit, even though all her onlyfans content I’ve seen has been cocktease shit to cash grab money from her loser loyal fans…

But she’s more than just a really bad sex worker, or a mainstream girl trying to be edgy with sex work, in what she think is bridging the gap of porn and mainstream, and maybe she’s the answer all us porn watchers need to make mainstream movies more up to date and up to speed with actual sex instead of fake actor sex despite all the money they make…like get fucked or get out motherfuckers…

She’s got movies coming out even though she’s a terrible actor, she’s writing movies, has a deal with fox, because Hollywood execs are vultures who know she’s relevant and know they can make money off her audience so they move in on it hard….

All while looking like she smells like a dirty fucking diaper from all the piss and farts she soaks in until it turns into a yeast infection…not that she soaks in piss and farts and yeast infections…she just looks and sounds and carries herself like she does….but through all that, she has a hot body….which overrides her level of very fucking annoying….because not all VIRAL things are good things, in fact, most viral things are annoying, like herpes, aids, covid, the Tron Guy….yes…the Tron Guy…and Bella Thorne..


Posted in:Bella Thorne