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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Got Them Tits On of the Day

Bella Thorne looks like she smells like shit. She’s a greasy and disgusting Disney kid with a social media feed, who is so dialled into popculture, because she is popculture.

I would say she’s likely the most influential person on social media besides the Kardashians, and she is equally if not more Vulgar than them, and we’ve seen them get fucked up the ass….

People confuse her cries for attention, her rebelling on the internet with slutty content, her details of her sex life, horniness, etc as being open and honest and empowered, when really it is just clickbait…she is clickbait…and in this era…clickbait is about the depth we all expect cuz we are fucking busy…

Here are some olives:


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Finger Banged for Fashion of the Day

Bella Thorne Finger Blasted

Bella Thorne, the attention seeking Disney Whore, who I don’t blame for her actions, because she was prostituted by her mom to both her stepfather and whoever the fuck else came along to help with their plan to get famous, you know execs who wanted some fresh meat redhead pussy….because the PEDO ring in Hollywood, with people of power is real…that PEDO Island by Epstein is probably just the tip of the PEDO island, that ty are trying to divert attention from with an AREA 51 viral troll….

Either way, it was all for the best interest of the family as a whole, one casualty to get where they need to go to feed that ego and vision of her stage mom….has left us with with…

I’ve figured that Bella Thorne’s next strategy to get more open and honest with her audience by posting pics of her shit / period / anything gross and vulgar….but there’s a chance she will transition to a man as that’s trendy…or start releasing leaked porn cuz she wants you to see how good she fucks and by you I mean anyone, but mainly her ex boyfriend…who she’s trying to make jealous.

In everyone of her generation is a pervert exhibitionist…she out here getting diddled in the her latest instagam pic..full pussy grab for the camera…and you may or may not be into that…I don’t see why you wouldn’t be into it. It’s not like we need to smell this trash that looks like she smells like trash…

Bella Thorne Finger Blasted

Bella Thorne Finger Blasted

Here is bella naked..
Bella Thorne Naked of the Day


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty Crack Buy of the Day

Bella Thorne Slutty Crack Buy

Bella Thorne just looks like she smells like shit….like she’s one or two selfies away from posting pics of her fisting her ass as she transitions to become a man as it will garner more attention to herself, like all these freaks who are broken from being on social media are doing to get people to talk about them.

TITTY PICS AINT ENOUGH ANYMORE…you need to be really broken….and you need to really put yourself out there by cutting off your dick, or tits, or whatever it is all the kids are doing….

In my era, you’d become punk, or goth, or whatever….in this era you change your gender.

It’s the hip thing to do…and Bella Throne on her way to becoming a man is a very fucking likely outcome of this try hard, hype generating idiot.

Here is her new tattoo..
Bella Thorne Slutty Crack Buy
Bella Thorne Slutty Crack Buy



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Sad Titties of the Day

Bella Thorne posted this bolt on tit pic along with a caption about being sad, which she can cure by having an opiate overdose, you know make some real noise about things as nothing cures sadness like suicide….not that I am a suicide advocate, but if you’re tired of feeling a certain way, it is a viable option, a shitty viable option, I prefer the just going out through drink and being an asshole to everyone..some Leaving Las Vegas inspired suicide…you know when you actually don’t give a fuck, it’s very liberating and emotions don’t come into play like sadness..

I think it is safe to assume this sold to Disney as a kid because her parents don’t love her but love fame…has no feelings or emotions…and is a shell of a person looking for IG likes….when she’s out here trying to pretend she’s a real person and not some attention seeking robot….while posting “FREE ASAP ROCKY” who is in jail in SWEEDEN for ASSAULT…because he ASSAULTED someone and should be in jail…typical thing idiots protest when they see one of their own disrespecting a fucking country.

Either way, her bolt on tits.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Spread Pussy of the Day

Bella Thorne Pussy Spread Bikini

Bella Thorne is a slimy looking rich kid from Disney, who has turned her life around to become an “entity” in and of herself…thanks to Disney signing her up, promoting her to all the perverts into Disney as they do, that Minnie Mouse bitch, what a whore in that provocative outfit…

So, thanks to social media, she’s not a personality, outside of her life changing roles, and a lot of her personality is being loud and annoying, because that’s how you get noticed, that energy that kills in auditions, the other part of it is getting fake tits and showing them off without doing straight up porn, cuz that forces you out of the mainstream pay checks, and into the porn / cam girl / patreon world…when the real money is in the mainstream…so keep talking to people about being slutty…and be slutty…but don’t masturbate on instagram…just pretend to…in a rub my pussy / lick my fingers that is going on right here…

Keep your slutty strategic girls…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Not Getting Eaten by Shots of the Day

Here is Bella Thorne cockteasing us in her bikini by not getting eaten by sharks like we wish she would because it’s some survival of the fittest, how nature intended it, the shark population due to the warmer waters are moving closer to shore, situation that basically comes down to people, not just Bella Thorne are more likeable when they are dead, especially from a tragedy like a shark attack…it makes her less desperate for attention….you know once she’s dead.

Now, we can only hope in this shark attack, that her fake tits float to the surface and wash up on shore in America somewhere near us so that we can finally Titty guck her

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Bikini Erotica of the Day

Bella Thorne Bikini Slutty

This dude Bella Thorne fucks looks like a little queer…but I guess the deal of masculinity and the American male has made everyone a hairless trans, at least the dudes, while the chicks have all grown out their hair and man the fuck up – with their crass humor, their porn watching, their empowerment…and the whole thing is gross…despite be being a voyeur and loving every tit I see….even Disney shit like Bella Thorne all over exposed and the fucking worst.

Bella Thorne Bikini Slutty

In other Bella Thorne is vulgar and gross, but other women think is open and honest and empowering, news….she wants you all to know she’s finally got rid of that Yeast Infection and the burning itch that comes with it…from having a dirty fucking pussy…thanks to not showering and looking like a disgusting greasy mess…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty of the Day

Bella Thorne….who I am sure she wasn’t even hacked and it was just tactic to post a nude and get talked about like a victim, instead of whore……because Bella Thorne is such a troll you don’t even realize she’s a dude. She just trolls that hard..

She just plays every angle to be the leader or voice of this slutty internet generation…posting nudes, pretending they have been raped and have daddy issues, are all sex positive…judgemental but pretending to not be judgemental…becuase they are all full of shit, humans are just as shitty as they’ve always been, still greedy opportunists…manipulating the public for personal gain..

She isn’t hot, she’s disgusting…but people like her tits, but clearly they’ve never seen her tits ….the nips are gross..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Posts Nudes to Thwart Hacker of the Day

Bella Thorne Nude Nipples

In news I didn’t care about when it was unfolding….

Bella Thorne’s iCloud was hacked, the hacker was threatening her with her nudes, that are really barely nudes, she cried about it to her fans and followers, and decided to be a strong, brave, defy all odds kind of girl, you know a hero who champions her own tits that she’s been showing off in various ways the last few years, after Disney and her Mom abused her by forcing her into this life, and to take ownership on her nudes…she posted them….

I am going to call FAKE…an excuse to show her actual tits, that I thought were fake tits, but that now that I see that big red Nipple, the kind some Ginger’s like Bella Thorne get while others like our Goddess Lohan luckily didn’t get…

The whole thing is pretty fucking gross, not really a fucking story, if anything very silly…but I guess I should post it up.

This is such an easy publicity stunt to pull, easy angle to play, and as if this girl gives a fuck about flashing some tit.

I am surprised she hasn’t had a shit covered dick pulled out of her on her IG Story…

This is weak and lame and the whole angle on it…about being a violated woman who won’t let another man take charge of her sexuality….boring, repetitive, a little too staged or contrived to matter…

I’m not against the nudes, even though some women look better clothed than nude…I am against the back story of empowering herself with her nudes. That shit is just dumb….when all you gotta do is post the shit, it’s not that far off the shit you already do….daily..

The whole cry rape, cry molested, cry being abused by toxic masculinaty and misogyny is so boring, but I guess the girls need to do this when they post nudes now, so they don’t look like attention seeking whores, even if they are….

The fact is, when you take a nude, that shit is already public domain cuz the dude you took it for is showing everyone.

NOT TO MENTION, I have female friends and they all show every dick pic they get to each other and everyone….many of the girls I know have shown me dick pics of their current boyfriends as an LOL…

We can all agree that this is just human nature, and this whole predator shit is exhausting and takes away from the simplicity of a nude…


I am sure she wasn’t even hacked and it was just tactic to post a nude and get talked about like a victim, as Bella THorne is such a troll you don’t even realize she’s a dude. She just trolls that hard..

Tactics…to get attention, to piss off exes, to be the exhibitionist narcissist she is…crying rape, to come out of this a survivor, not a victim, or a SLUT…but she’s still pretty slutty to me, I’ll just never look at her tits the same way again cuz of those weird saucer nips…

The one thing we can say is that Bella Throne’s got some of the worst nipples in town..maybe in the WORLD…

Bella Thorne Nude Nipples

Bella Thorne Nude NipplesBella Thorne Nude Nipples



Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Got her Bikini On of the Day

Bella Thorne is out there promoting the importance of books, the only way she knows how…by being a half naked slut…

She is famous, she’s big on the social media feed, and she cares about elevating the intellect of the future generation through reading, despite not being able to write her captions, and being a high school drop out, she has recently released some bullshit book in an era when no one reads, that is a best seller…which makes no sense….

But since books aren’t a trend, you gotta get out there and make reading cool again, like you’re on some reading rainbow shit, even though the kids only know how to read rap lyrics to find new phrases to bring into their daily life and MEMES…and you do that bikini slut posing and that’s good enough for me…I’m buying into this….I am a believer….stay woke or some shit.

BElla Thorne Booty Wet Bikinir

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW