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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Pretends She Knows How To Read of the Day

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Bella Thorne, a high school drop out, we assume, has the ability to even make reading a slutty selfie opportunity….as she shows off leg…ass..and bra….learning her lines…the way her parents beat into her on their quest to use her as a retirement plan…that apparently has worked for everyone involved so far…from us, to them, to her…but that we all know the real victim in all this is Bella Thorne…the sacrifice that is currently high rolling – but the second she falls off – will fall off so hard…possibly dying prematurely…as Lindsay Lohan did before her…There’s a lifespan to this shit..so take it in…today she makes reading slutty..and today this is what matters…I never care when the hooker, sex worker, child star, abused person cracks…I like them when they are bringing the gold…or in this case…the pussy.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne in a Bikini of the Day

In the event you didn’t hear the screaming..the “look at me, look at me, look at me”…or “follow me, follow me, follow me”….or “like my pics, like my pics, like my pics”….coupled with the tits, the bikinis, the butt shots, the pics of dicks being retweeted…

Bella Thorne is still on social media…and using it as her marketing platform so that people know she exists enough to hire you to work in their shows…making her Florida Trash family pretty pumped

And I think she’s been wonderful this entire time…with every move she makes…I just don’t understand why she looks like a fit 40 year old…I want a damn birth certificate to confirm we’re dealing with jailbait…she’s the Obama of shameless girls on social media…prove you’re worthy…girl.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella THorne and Sister for Nike of the Day

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Bella Thorne is a little narcissist who loves posting slutty pics of herself for attention – because her parents taught her how important that is for her to do…

I remember when being a vain narcissist was something you were told you couldn’t openly show the world…that you’d be slaughtered and destroyed…and when people were self hating, destined for failure, self medicating, disasters who didn’t feel as hot as the models in the magazines…yet now…everyone seems to think they are hot enough for the magazines because all these ugly fat people are famous and magazines are now instagram…it’s super fucking weird….but now it’s celebrated and gets these people paid…

People that are so annoying to be around because they think they are important…when really they are just shit..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




The Bella Thorne Crew Doing Pilates of the Day

Not only does my pathetic pervert ass know who Bella Thorne is….as a personality, actor, child star, jailbait, exploited by her parents to become the next LOHAN…nothing wrong with that….because Stage Parents just have a dream…an ego…a delusion and an understanding of ROI on bringing a girl into the world who can make the family some motherfucking cash…not that this one makes that much cash, but she has a lot of followers, so she must…

Well, I also know she’s back on vacation, and her and her girls had so much fun – they decided to run to a pilates class together – because that’s how BFFing works….especially when the BFFs are famewhores trying to ride this one’s coattails like I want to be ridden by her….hard.

But scammers need company to continue the scam…to make it more believable…to give it some layers…otherwise it’s just slutty selfies…and there’s more to her than slutty selfies…she also does pilates….I think they call it the long con…ans I don’t even believe she’s actually 18…but I like the storyline…it makes her hotter…

The pic of her selfie-ing is just too much…these girls these days are fucking nuts…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne is Still in Bahamas of the Day

Bella Thorne is Still in Bahamas

In this day and age – we are so obsessed with girls being naked, or half naked, you know stripping down and showing bikini or panties, or bare asshole spread so I can imagine tonguing it as she licks my ass while jerking me off….you know 69 the Asshole edition….and Bella Thorne knows it..

She knows she’s long and lean and has a rocking body. She knows that the world needs a hot redhead and she’s it. She knows that when you’re raised on porn, sex is different, outlook on sex is different, anal is first date behavior, so are gangbangs, orgies, rape fetishes…so half naked pics aren’t a big deal…that shit is G Rated…G Rated we can all jerk off to because bikinis are fucking wonderful..

I like what she’s bringing to the world…it’s easy, not complicated, basic, and perfect…

Here she is in her underwear….


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne And Sharks in Bikinis of the Day

Bella Thorne in a bikini with ass

Luckily for Bella Thorne – she’s not on her period – I don’t know if she’s old enough to have a period – but probably has her period thanks to her parents exploiting her at a young age – traumatic – she just doesn’t even know it, the hormones in the food and the fact that she’s actually a 40 year old…pretending to be 18…to relive the moment and make it happen for her – and happen is happening, with her 15 million followers thanks to being slutty in pictures but not too slutty so that she can maintain her mainstream acting career…which is super fucking weird…but not really – since instagram is everything- instagram is life – just ask Mark Zuckerberg as he counts his fucking money…

She’s still on Vacation, still in a bikini, but will continue to be in bikinis, even after this vacation is over…because that’s how it works. Instagram.



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Least Attractive New Years Kiss and Other Bikini Adventure of the Day

Bella Thorne Ass Shot

Bella Thorne and some instagram model had a horrible New Years eve kiss, but it was probably the biggest day in the instagram model’s life because she got tagged by Bella Thorne on such a big day…in what must be the peak of her social climbing…good hustle…I am sure her ego and attitude as an instagram model is substantially more annoying today….

Bella Thorne was also in a bikini with these girls, her sister, etc, and it was a very skimpy bikini, I watched some of it on snapchat randomly, because a girl I know was scrolling snapchat to see what every asshole was doing, or pretending to do on New Years Eve, to polarize their life and seem interesting, and Bella and her 18 or 19 year old confusingly not fully slutty, but slutty enough to get noticed, hot young body, that has millions of followers…was in this bikini and I was like…this porn generation that grew up on porn and self promotion really get it…good hustle grils..

Childhoods robbed of them….but taught them what matters…being liked by people who can pay….making them vain and vapid brats thanks to having so much pressure on them to get cast….plus they have these parents who are willing to get them everything they need to live the dream…

It really is wonderful because I get to watch on like the pervert I am…and I enjoy that..

Another Jon Benet of her generation, just not dead…and she’s fun to look at…especially when I can see the hang of her pussy in her tight bottoms… so click through the pics below to see close up shots of Bella Thorne’s ass in a bikini.. we need it…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne in Underwear New Hair of the Day


I always laugh when “celebs” get new hair cuts or hair color and people actually act like it matters – and by people I mean the media that is so starved for content – looking for anything good, different, intersting, click bait-y – that will garner views, lure ad sales, make them fucking matter…

Well let me tell you…no one gives a fuck about Bella Thorne’s new hair, and if they do give a fuck about her new hair, you should probably avoid them..because they are clearly creepy..

In fact if you meet a person who even knows who Bella Thorne is…you should probbaly avid him, and definitely don’t let him babysit your 14 year old daughter…because motherfucker is a creep…

And the fact that I know who Bella Thorne is, or that I follow her along with 7,500 other girls I think are worth fucking – because they post slutty content – and slutty content in a world filled of slutty content – is still slutty content….that we don’t need tabloids, or anything to send out way…it’s like nothing we can do can angle a story – better than just following these idiots on their own social channels – reminding me that my big fail in life was not starting Youtube / Instagram / Facebook and other social networks these people use to polarize their bullshit existence…

Instead I write badly written content about jerking off to their shit, and I don’t like hearing about other people jerking off, why would anyone want to read about me jerking off…hence why I am a failure..

One of these pics is her in her underwear with her old hair – but who cares – it’s all within the theme of girls who don’t matter – trying to matter – and people making them matter – cuz we got nothing else going on



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Looking Amazing of the Day


I like the acne ridden, pocks so big it looks like she’s a meth addict clawing at her face, all big headed in both size and attitude, wearing her pajamas or what some people would call her period pants, that are strategically ripped, because it’s style, but I would argue strategy in ripped clothing has more of a easy access to crotch…it doesn’t need to be a big hole, just big enough to get a finger in….she’s a redhead, redheads are horny, she’d probably appreciate that…and maybe that’s why she’s got her beanie in front of her cunt, you know cuz it’s been dripping so hard…all fucking mentally fucked up being a young slutty celebrity her parents cultivated and exploited…

I’m into it..and would do the same thing if I had kids, because if we can learn one thing from Dina Lohan, Michael Jackson’s dad, Beyonce’s Dad, Jessica Simpson’s dad…and Britney Spears actual meth looking trailer park dwelling monsters…it’s pretty lucrative..I’ve said meth twice in this post…I think I need a hit….

All this to say…Bella Thorne is a child star I’m excited to see explode in some nebula of amazing…in the mean time…I’ll think about all the other pics of her where she’s not in oversized sweat gear…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Recycles Slutty Christmas Pics of the Day


OMG. This is Blasphemous. A scandal. Terrble. Fame Whore Bella Thorne who fucking lives and dies for social media content – it’s her marketing, her branding, her positioning, her attempt to be relevant to the big investors and casting people in the Hollywood circles – to hire her and live out her parents dream she was cultivated for her entire life….

Yet….she posted a Christmas selfie / bullshit slutty santa pic, from a shoot SHE HAS ALREADY POSTED ON DECEMBER 12

Like her pervert fans don’t deserve another slutty Xmas pic, all she had to do was lay in bed with slutty Xmas socks, or panties, it’s fucking ridiculous to sit on a stupid shit quality badly lit pic, when you have a fucking iphone and can produce selfie porn all fucking day….

I am offended with the lack of creativity – when her lifeline is this content…this work…and she’s young, at her prime and being lazy….terrible…replace her with the more eager..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW