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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne’s Solid Outfit of the Day

Bella Thorne put out a topless video because…that’s what you do when you’re young, exploited by family, getting attention for your body, in a world where tits aren’t a big deal, while reckless…but barely reckless…but reckless enough

Bella Thorne is good.

That’s really all there is to it. She’s got it all figured out and it’s working out pretty fucking well for her…and throughout it all – she’s a skinny girl with good tits…tits she shows off…tits we’ve seen…but tits that the industry embraces as they scramble to figure out how to merge digital and traditional TV…fascinating….but not really…it’s just good…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Topless and Transparent Nipples Sticking Her Tongue Out in Bed of the Day

Bella Thorne finally posted up some tits to her snapchat, which was barely her tits but still her tits….thanks to being a ginger has transparent nipples….good thing she got a nipple ring so that you can find what you’re looking for….

I’ve banged girls with see through nipples before and one of them had inverted nipples…so there was like nothing there…closes thing to a barbie doll ever…not as magical as you’d expect…since I like nursing…

I really would have preferred her big topless reveal to be more iconic, exciting, and not lying down – so that I can see how perky her youthfulness is….laying down is the 50 year old tactic to look less like her nipples are knees….are Bella Thornes tits just push up bras…the LIES…i need TRUTHS…

I’m having a hard time looking past her gangrene chest….because skin rash on sensitive skins that get all rashy….makes shit a little less erotic….in what is hardly erotic…but is more a young girls like people seeing their nipples – desexualizing them – but not for you – cuz you’re a pervert…and so am I…

I guess we should celebrate these young girls – and their youthful tits in bed with friends showing tits…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne is Magical of the Day

Bella Thorne is the jailbait who looks 40 and who isn’t really jailbait of the minute….it’s one of those probably not so sustainable, and not because of her terrible skin, or even because her body or willingness to show off her body isn’t there…but because we are all wilted flowers, separated from our stem, slowly rotting away….and the world is a vapid, insignificant place…where nothing actually matters, where people don’t commit to anything, where we move onto the next young tight body showing off her tight body to get fans and followers, the second she comes along…and sure the one sold off to the industry by her terrible stage parent is still going to be around…and thanks to social media….will still make money because being on TV gets you started on social media….where the real money is…and the slut pics carry it, grow it, and help you monetize it…

You all know this, but what the fuck else am I supposed to say about Bella Thorne, that she seems fucking boring, trying to be ratchet, since all young girls are ratchet now…hip hop is pop and being a rachet is cool…so they are all doing it…like basic white girls…are fucking twerking and shit…and that is or can a wonderful thing….what was once reserved for strippers is now perfect for Disney kids…amazing..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Still Showing Off her Ass of the Day

Guess what…Bella Thorne is showing off her ass again…sure she’s milking the same old bikini pics from earlier in the week that we posted here on this very up to date and current celebrity slut site….but it’s still showing off her ass…because a day…or week doesn’t go by where she doesn’t say “i have a great ass, people like my great ass, 15 million people follow my great ass…they say that beauty fades, but if she doesn’t go totally off from the ego, the fame, the no parents, the money…I’m sure her ass will still be worth jerking off to at 30….it’s just the right shape to age right….so 11 more years of her, but hopefully not 11 more years of this site…I mean…imagine I did this for 25 years…that’s fucking ridiculous.

I’d rather just look at her ass than reflect on my pathetic existence.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne in Black Face of the Day

THAT ACNE FACED / POCK FACED / GINGER FRECKLE FACED racist….all in black face cultural appropriating black America while trying to get LIKES and follows to increase her fame and profile…WEIRD…

All running her minstrel show….all in black face like she’s Al Johnston…in black face…Unless she’s in Orange Face doing the Donald Trump….

Whatever it is, it looks like she was just jerked off on by 12 fucking Orange Julius employees….who have been living off the shit for years…if that’s a thing? I mean I couldn’t think of anything orange…that would cum orange…like her hair….

I kind of like whatever this lubricated face weirdness is – because it’s not a “look how hot my hot ass is cuz I am young and it’s hot”…pic…mixing it up…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne See Through of the Day

Bella Thorne just keeps bringing it…as far as I’m concerned…this is bringing it…it doesn’t take much to bring it…the mindset of all you perverts is treat the internet like a picture book…so as long as there’s a young girl with a hot body producing selfie porn…we’re good…she’s good…pushing 15 million followers good…despite probably being the worst kind of broken…which is also good…just irritating…to listen to when it talks..which we don’t have to deal with while staring at her tits in a see through shirt…

Here she is in a bikini from yesterday…..lookin hot..



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne is on Vacation with some Mooch of the Day

While I was sitting on my couch, staring at my wall this weekend…Bella Throne landed her 15th million follower and she claims she loves every single one of them…from the RUSSIAN and INDIAN fake accounts her family bought to get her to the first million….to ME…because I follow her…and I feel so special, you know being one of the 15 million people she loves, like a little attention seeking, never satisfied slut who needs to be filled at all times to feel complete…thanks to parents who put importance on fame and selling her off to the internet and entertainment industry…..

I guess she went on some free Social Media vacation – with free CRUISE and free HOTEL because when you have 15 million followers, you get free shit…or paid….and she brought some bikini wearing MOOCH….

The mooch’s name is Kyra Santoro…she’s not all that hot, you’ve never heard of her, she’s never done anything that I know of, but she’s worked her way into Bella Throne’s nest of irrelevants, including Bella Thorne herself, despite that follow count…and girl is leveraging the fuck out of that…

MAYBE…just MAYBE…ONE DAY…she’ll book a job….and in the mean time, keep growing that audience with BIKINI pics…girl…because there is no way this one isn’t working this friendship like the lottery ticket it is….

Poor Bella Thorne…everyone keeps using her…her entire life…being used…

This is going to end bad, at least historically, it will end bad….





Posted in:Bella Thorne|Kyra Santoro|SFW




Bella Thorne in a Bikini of the Day

Bella Thorne fucking brings it…everything she’s producing is hilarious to me….it’s like she was so well trained by her tyrant mother we can assume she broke free from….and now she’s addicted to male attention, getting likes, injecting her face with fillers, being high AF and silly, while doing whatever it is she does….I think it’s acting…at least that’s why I post on her…cuz she’s more than just an insta whore but is still an insta whore…a massively followed insta whore with a great body who plays it so well…

She’s about to go on vacation on a Cruise…so expect more ridiculous drunken content out of her that I may or may not post if I see it – cuz I’m a pervert who watches all these young bitches in action…

I’m a fan and I don’t know why…I think it’s cuz she’s funny and manipulating all of us…with her ass. Good girl…no wonder the execs and Disney let her suck their dick for jobs…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Snapchat Dreams of the day

I hear Bella Thorne has a really fucked up mother, the quote I was told was that she was worse than Dina Lohan, and we know how Dina Lohan worked out for Lindsay Lohan, who by 18 was a way bigger deal than Bella Thorne, who I still don’t really know why she exists or what she does, but who was also a redhead the industry liked and used, who had great tits, who had a bunch of face fillers on her face to look like a clown, who liked getting high as fuck, in an era when that wasn’t legal, and now she’s off in Arab country converting to Islam, unhireable, but trying to get that Arab oile money, like a perfectly normal person…from the entertainment industry that eats you up and shits you out…

But the nice thing with Bella Thorne is that she just puts herself out there, in a not giving a fuck kind of way, despite probably giving a fuck, and with that comes some low level nudity in her attention seeking for all you perverts to jerk off to….

So thanks Bella Thorne for existing…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Throne Sticks Her Tongue Out of the Day


A day is not a day unless I post a Bella Thorne snap chat screenshot that I didn’t watch, because all these live streams of every idiot out there is annoying, suffocating, boring, repetitive, bullshit that I don’t need in my already maxed out in terms of media messaging I don’t care about, as I am ready to move out to the wilderness and never be seen again, since I hate all of this shit…

But luckily, someone watched it, jerked off to it, captured it and posted it to the internet for me to repost as if it’s a big deal…while not really knowing who Bella Throne is or why I bother posting on her all the fucking time.. I don’t even find her that hot…her head is big and tranny / man like and sure the body is thight at 19, the tits big, the shirt see through, which is I guess why I post it…

All these attention seekers out there on some hybrid slut kick, the almost pornographic but not quite pornographic, even though I can still jerk off to them…if I could still get erections…

The world, in all this self broadcasting and sharing is going to a very weird fucking place…and here’s one of those twats participating…before she eventually develops an opiate addiction and dies prematurely..as they do…it’s not sustainable…eventually it all crashes and burns…

But in the mean time she wants to remind you she got a nipple ring – huge deal, big deal, amazing deal..for all of us she’s weirdly showing it off to…

Some paparazzi styles…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW