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Archive for the Catherine Zeta Jones Category




Catherine Zeta-Jones Bikini Tits of the Day

When I look at Catherine Zeta Jones’ tits, I am reminded that she may or may not have given her husband throat cancer with her tainted vagina…but then I remember he’s super fucking famous, possibly married to Goldie Hawn, unless that’s the other one, I always get them confused, and as a celebrity with a celebrity dad meaning he was raised in Hollywood being “come over to my pool, do you know who my dad is”….or being a victim to old dirty celebrity ladies who like to get eaten out by young kids of their celeb friends…it’s a debauchery kind of place filled with vile people and the HPV throat could have come from all kinds of places….we haven’t even dived into the groupies, the costars, the random people met in bars…because you know dude’s laid some pipe like a plumber in retirement…

YES, this is a Michael Douglas HPV origin story exploration while looking at his hot, now old, wife’ big WELSH tits being rich and famous and better than you…


Posted in:Catherine Zeta Jones




Catherine Zeta Jones Bra Pic of the Day

They, and by they I mean MadamMeow in the stepFORUM claims this is Catherine Zeta Jones in a bra that was posted to instagram….

I went to the CATHERINE ZETA instagram to further investigate like I was Barbara Walters or some shit, and didn’t see the pic, but did see it in the tagged pics, so we’ll assume this is of her…

I think we’ll also assume it’s a throwback pic, an old slutty shoot of herself from decades ago, because this girl looks 20 and ZETA is 100.

The most interesting thing about her is wondering if her pussy HPV gave Mike Douglas the throat cancer, or if his throat cancer gave her the HPV…that’s the only Catherine Zeta news I care about…learning the origin story of HPV cancers she has been in direct contact with…

Posted in:Catherine Zeta Jones|SFW




Catherine Zeta-Jones Tits of the Day

Catherine Zeta-Jones See Through Dress Golden Globe Award 2

Catherine Zeta-Jones brought her tits to the Golden Globes to cart out her Father In Law’s corpse that I guess they are keeping alive, possibly by her running around in outfits like this, cuz motherfucker at 101 is like a pile of fucking sludge, but I guess Catherine Zeta-Jones can relate, you know cuz that HPV that gave her husband Mike that Throat cancer – lives deep within her cervix….

I guess this was the highlight outfit, if you’re into old ladies with big tits showing off their tits, which I guess I am because I am a pervert and so are you.


Posted in:Catherine Zeta Jones|SFW




Catherine Zeta Jones VS The Paparazzi of the Day


Pissed the paparazzi photographed my ass, thus sharing the photographs my husband took of my ass. Always a better option for viewing

I guess the throat cancer from eating pussy has got in the way of Michael Douglas’ photography skills, or maybe, he’s just too fucking old to figure out how an iPhone works, and maybe he’s not even on the iPhone yet, he’s rich, who gives a fuck about iphones, he can pay trained monkeys to do menial tasks like text, email and take pictures for him…because these phone pics are fucking GARBAGE….not just because they feature old, tired, Catherine Zeta Jones, who I’ve never cared for….but because they re pixelated, blurry, run through some fucking filters…

Meaning, I appreciate the protest against the paparazzi, the paparazzi deserve to suffer when you can work around their scamming images, and like celebrities I hate the paparazzi, for years I got lawsuit threats from them – over and over again – for sharing images I found on tumblr, facebook, other social networks….because they apparently owned the rights…which didn’t sit well for me, as a blogger, on the internet, where anything put out there is free game…including all the jokes I write that get stolen by movies…including this Catherine Zeta Jones pics…that are more of a protest really, and I guess she’s not that bad, while blurry from weird angles, like on her tippy toes, doing low level stripper tactics…that make me confident she wouldn’t exist as an actor or celebrity if she was to try in this era….she beat the digital marketing fame whoring and half naked pics makes you famous not raw talent….but then again, I guess she’s pulling their basic bitch tactics….

Posted in:Catherine Zeta Jones|SFW