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Archive for the Kim Kardashian Category




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Chick Tits of the Day


I just like to remind people that this tranny looking bitch with fat tits, cuz she’s fat and a plastic face, cuz she’s tacky and looks like a stripper, launched her career with some trust fund money, that bought a camera, that she used to film a sex tape with a black man, and instead of it tainting her and damaging her rep, the team of expert PR people and Ryan Seacrest, turned it around into something that made her 100,000,000 dollars….all for nothing.

You all know this, why bother repeating myself, she’s fat, squeezed into a tight dress to look less obese and lazy, even though everything about her is lazy, hack, bullshit…

Stare at her tits….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian is an Offensive Vision in White of the Day

Kim Kardashian is the worst. She the person most closest to hell. The only explanation for her success is that she sold her fucking soul to the devil because she has no official talent or reason to be famous, but she’s making 100s of millions of dollars. She’s not even hot, she’s fat, lazy, boring…she’s not good at fucking or interesting to watch, she’s not funny, smart or clever, yet she’s this marketing machine that people pay tons of money to face their brand.

The shit makes no sense, kind like this outfit, it’s like she’s some plantation owner’s wife in the deep south in the 1940s, trying to look all euro and glamorous, all Hollywood, when we all know if this was the 1940s, she’d be out back working the fields by sucking off the staff on their day off…until being killed off by the KKK when she got caught….and the only thing glamorous about this trashy cunt is her bank account balance, everything else is bottom feeding scum of a human ….

All this to say, she needs to be producing more porn….I’m bored of this twat…they need a death in their family or some shit…. Fat, vile, souless, horrible human…..the jokes on us…


Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Some More Kim Kardashian Honeymoon Bikini Pics of the Day

If you’re planning on killing yourself this weekend….this may help inspire you to go through with it…not that you should kill yourself, I mean even if you’re a fucking loser, fuck up, failure, criminal, pathetic like me, it’s more fun to ride it out and laugh at shit like this….because it is entertaining, disgusting, and helps remind you the world is doomed and there is comfort in that….

For a pornstar , I expected more fuck in this staged bullshit she’s using for attention because the world is starting to hate her, I’m sure it’ll come eventually….they got all kinds of obvious tricks up their sleeves…

To See The Pics
Follow This Link

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Ill-Fitting Pants of the Day


It amazes me that cancers on society exist….because I know they exist because of us…the general public…because if there was no interest in her…she’d fade away where she belongs…and I anticipate that happening, but also know she’ll put up a good fight, since she started out rich, and didn’t need the money, so this public life was all for ego….sure the money is bonus for a grubber like this…but it wasn’t the motivation…so it’ll be fun to watch the demise…

In the mean time, here’s her dumpy, fat uterus, shitty body, not from her more interesting angle, cuz the paparazzi suck and are paid off, because for some reason she wants us questioning her fatness, wondering if she is pregnant for ratings, when really her huge spanx controlled ass is far more fun to stare at, especially with weird pants jacked up her shit…literally…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Tight Dress of the Day

I hate on Kim Kardashian for being fat all the time, only because she’s got a dumpy body and she’s all smoke and mirrors.

I bring up the fact that she’s a pornstar because of her sex tape that launched her career, only because the general public eat up her bullshit, like she eats up cake at the all you can eat dessert cart, or even as much as she eats up all that black man urine, and I like to remind everyone of the truth…the inspired by Paris Hilton to be the next Paris Hilton truth, that has made her 100 million dollars or more….doing this hustle…when really she should be in the back VIP Room, hip hop dancing, snorting lines off black hip hop cock…living off her trust fun, not providing for the other trust fund trash….but the truth is that Kim Kardashian has made me over 1000 dollars…which is like a million dollars to the average guy by comparisson….so she has provided for me too and for that I got no choice but to love her and apprecaite her body of work…even if I don’t really appreciate her body…or her work….who cares…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Chick Cleavage of the Day

It amazes me how far this BBW fetish AMATEUR PORNSTAR has gone with her career after doing porn….you know how much she has accomplished in denying that she’s a porn star, even though you can buy a DVD of her fucking…..instead of embracing it….You see cuz if she embraced that she shot porn to get famous and known, she would have never got famous in the first place, cuz the world discriminates against pornstars, they just more porn gigs after putting themselves out there, when if they just deny it and cash the millions they make from it, act humilated by it, everyone will take a bitch seriously….and the fact that they take Kim Kardashian seriously, since she’s a fucking stain on society….who doesn’t deserve any of this..is just fucking weird to me…but here is her fat chick cleavage anyway…cuz I’m part of the problem…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Some Kim Kardashian Thickness of the Day

It always amazes me that someone so fat and more importantly someone so shitty at making a sex tape …I’m talking real boring sex ….even though that sex tape is the only reason she’s famous, cuz other than that sex tape she’s got nothing else going for her….no talent, no skill, just pure garbage human….but for some reason you all care….so here are her tits…and belly…and ass…and midget stalky legs….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Honeymoon Video of the Day

This staged pig in a bikini honeymoon for a fake wedding video is hilarious….just two large and irrelevant sized people, making money off the public interest, frolicking in the water half naked, to sell to partner publications like E and Instyle, to keep the well-oiled bullshit machine well oiled….and it’s beyond me why they exist, but it is funny that they do exist…and here’s some Animal Planet worthy shit…enjoy….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardahsian’s Fat Belly of the Day

Porno Sex Tape Star Kim Kardashian, if you can really call her that, I mean after seeing the SEX TAPE a couple dozen times as I like to be reminded how much of a whore a whore is, she’s hardly staring in shit, but mainly just laying there….I mean I think she’s more a media whore, and the sex tape was just a product of that to project her into this phony public life people care about, in some weird fucking phenom I’ll never understand, partially cuz she’s uninteresting but mainly cuz she’s fat.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Shitty Music Video of the Day

I was just sent this video from my good friend SPEEDMONKEY …..and I had no choice but to post it because…let’s face it…it’s amazing…I’m talking hotter than her porn movie cuz there’s no black dick and lots more clever angles that their homemade camera skills couldn’t pull off….making her look better than she did…..not to mention her horrible sex skills aren’t distracting even though this is probably a stunt ass….

Sure the song fucking sucks, but we didn’t need Kim Kardashian to prove that having no substance, quality, talent or anything of value except maybe some fame from a shitty show, Ryan Seacrest, and Vivid….coupled with some good PR people, a crazy mom with some contacts and an ability to make a lot of money for the family….is all it fucking takes….computers, smoke and mirrors, and the diversion that some famous for no reason twat is on it, will make it a hit….

The world is doomed….Kim Kardashian remains a fucking hack….but a hack that’s good at making money and sucking in idiots meaning this is going to make her money cuz you all fucking suck…and don’t mind having your brains raped…

This song is seriously cheesy…low quality..and ghetto. Disgusting.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian