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Archive for the Christina Aguilera Category




The Whitney Houston Hologram Sings with Christina Aguilera Weirdness of the DAy

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I saw this video earlier today and it was fucking disturbing, not because the media thinks it is important to project a video and audio of Whitney Houston singing a Whitney Houston song while Christina Aguilera does Karaoke along side of it…but because Christina Aguilera looks fucking awful…

I am all for dead crackhead with the voice of an angel coming back from the dead in a really low quality hologram…but mainly for sexual purposes, which I guess in a way this kind of is, because clearly it’s smut at least one guy is jerking off to, probably the guy at Whitney Houston’s estate that will be getting a royalty check for every iTUNES download after this airs on the voice…

IT’s safe to say that we are eternal…as long as we have footage of us for people to watch – even though we’re still dead…

This is just pretty fucking trashy…but so is America, so it works…on all levels…

Oh this was leaked…something Christina Aguilera’s mom pussy knows too much about….fluid everywhere…

Meaning – they want you to see this but they will pretend they don’t….

It’s called BUILDING hype.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Christina Aguilera Tongue at a Charity Event of the day

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Clown faced Christina Aguilera brought her big rich still alive tits to some charity event…dressed like that Labor Party “We Can Do It” girl…or maybe she’s being an emoji…

The “We Can Do It” poster was designed to encourage laborers to not strike, but in the roaring 80s…it was brought back as a Feminist image for equal rights for women in the workplace….

In 2015…they have taken that imagery of “woman power”, even if it wasn’t intended as a Women’s Power campaign in the 40s when it happened, and pretty much shit on the memory and purpose of the 75 year old image, by having some vapid rich kid who has never worked a day in her life, or at least not in the traditional sense of having a job…she’s more a celebrity that people pander to and always have because she makes them money…

But when she’s dressed like a laborer, it may make her feel like she’s more connected with the people…like the little Mexican she is…

All I see is huge tits, too much make-up and a girl I bet someone I would fuck in my lifetime, but probably won’t…because she’d have to be institutionalized and I’d have to work as an orderly…

She may think she’s part of he plight of the feminsits of the 60s and they pay equity fight…but I just think she’s tits.

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Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Christina Aguilera’s Mom Tits in Women’s Health of the Day


These were released over 10 days ago…and no one fucking noticed….

Possibly because Women’s Health is a nothing magazine with zero impact on the world….or maybe Christina Aguilera is just past her prime…which you can probably make out for yourself when looking at these pictures that scream anything but health…

I remember when she was a tiny little singing machine, sure her voice was irritating, but that big voice was impression out of a little breast implanted frame, but that loses its appeal when she really looks like a 35 year old mom…she’s juste decided to say fuck it to trying to be hot and Hollywood, and just embraced “I’ll sing and be fat, because that’s what my mentors, big black women, do”….

I guess babies, quitting coke too many times, eating disorders and not working while sitting on your pile of money, makes retiring and looking like a retired momma ok…

This isn’t really my thing, mainly because there are younger hotter women….pretty much everywhere you look.

Oh and there’s a VIDEO!

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Christina Aguilera Sings of the DAy

X-Tina aguilera brought her mom of two with different dads because she’s just a stereotype…with daddy issues…tits to some singing performance that was as annoying as you’d expect her to be, all pushing her voice to this loud screeching awful place that people were impressed by in the 90s, giving her a career…when she was about half the size and without implants…

I just trolled her instagram account, which I think is xtina, but I’m too lazy to check…but she posted a topless panty selfie there addressing how “real” she is…

She also has pics of her 1920s style lingerie, boudoir with XXX neon sign over the door, because e every rich as fuck girl needs a sex room which would have been hotter when she was pre-menopause and in her 20s, because no one really wants anything to do with horny old ladies, if anything they make us question everything as they aggressively come onto us thanks to being at the peak of their sex drive..but only because we can feel anything when inside them due to the sheer size of the cavity.

HEre she is singing another song…with her tits…


Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day


There must be some deep rooted psychological, or even genetic coding, that may be a product of evolution, you know being the most desirable pussy in the room, in some animalistic way to lure the most eligible cock in the room…to keep the human race going….

Because why else is every single girl compelled to post panty pics on social media…sometimes topless…sometimes…in different poses, or staged photoshoots…

Is it a mob mentality? Do people get their egos massaged doing this?

THis is X-Tina Aguilera, she’s rich as fuck, she’s been jerked off to more than most girls are in a lifetime. She was hot shit in the late 90s…she’s rich as fuck…she’s a mom…go do mom things…why the fuck is she flashing her panties…

Not that I’m complaining about this mob mentality, all girls doing it, I just don’t get it…why?! Is it a daddy thing, male attention thing? Someone explain why everyone wants to be naked or half naked on intagram…it’s so fucked.

Here’s her caption:

Just so you know with me, it’s all real, all the time. Felt like it was time to start sharing some personal stuff with you guys… And it’s just the beginning. Night night. X


Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Christina Aguilera Big Tits Live of the Day

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Christina Aguilera lives…

I mean I didn’t expect her to go anywhere, partially because she’s too fat to get off the couch…and walk past the kitchen or bathroom…but mainly because she’s some trashy, over the top, hispanic-based girl who has been doing this for so long and who thinks she’s sent from heaven, because hispanics believe in heaven…to grace the world with her voice…

It’s like you know she tells people that “god gave me this voice, and I had to use it”…or shit like “My god given talent was meant to be heard”….making bitch think she’s one step away from god…like some kind of saint…when really she’s some marketed and exploited tween, who has since got implants, pregnant with multiple dudes, and who spend the bulk of her pop career being slutty…

It’s that kind of delusion that ruins a bitch…I mean coupled with overeating…making for these big momma tits…you probably want to bury yourself in…because I know that is what I want…I mean how could you not…she looks so cozy and fertile…


Posted in:Christina Aguilera




Big Christina Aguilera Singing Britney Better than Britney of the Day

This went viral, probably more because Christina Aguilera has a professionally trained voice, which means that she can hit notes from every angle, she’s been doing it since she was a little girl and her mom realized she could make money off of it….You see, impersonating other people, is just using your professional trained voice…it isn’t shocking…

Maybe to Jimmy Fallon’s Audience, who I assume are just over 35, who were behind on the whole internet revolution, and who got into it later in life…you know the kind of people who were into the Britney / Justin / Aguilera tabloid fodder of the late 90s…this is probably exiciting..

THis is some “Bitch, I’m better than you, even though I was always in your shadow, despite being more talented than you”….shade being thrown…

I am just amazed at how fat she is, and how phony this Jimmy Fallon suck up bitch is…it’s like he has fully lost his identity in being this nightly puppet, with his schoolyard games, comedy for the retard with a mental capacity of a 9 year old, but who’s videos go viral because they must be good, even though he has an opportunity to create real golden moments with these overpaid assholes, and instead he plays pin the tail on the Donkey…

The real question, besides, how did Aguilera get so fat again, is she up on some Oprah YOYO dieting shit, is when will the world turn their back to this asshole…I think the time is now..

And in the meantime watch Aguilera mock Britney…by singing when Britney can’t….

Posted in:Christina Aguilera