I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Colin Farrell Category




The Pussy Colin Farrell Knocked Up of the Day

So Colin Farrell knocked up a bitch with a crazy name Alicja Bachleda-Curus out of wedlock and now he has to pretend he likes her or even loves her because he wants to do right this time around since he’s decided he doesn’t want to feel the guilt he feels from wanting nothing to do with his other illegitimate kids, but in his defense, he was at the peak of his career back when those other kids came out of the woodwork and totally got in the way of his drinking, drugs and fucking all kinds of women cuz they all though he was the hottest thing in Hollywood.

And here’s some Spy Cam Creeper Pics…..

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Alicja Bachleda-Curus|Colin Farrell




Colin Farrell Sex Tape


The good thing about being a useless website that no one reads is that when I post a link to a celebrity sex tape that was submitted to me, and that I couldn’t actually watch because I don’t know shit about codecs, but assume it’s legit so download it and let me know how retarded it is… I totally lost my train of thought, oh right, I won’t get sued for posting this like that fag perez hilton did. That’s the good thing about being a useless blog that no one reads.

Download sex tape HERE

This is old news, I got it days ago, but forget to post it. Sue me. Get it…Cuz everyone is getting sued over this….anyway download the fucking sex tape and leave me alone.

Posted in:Colin Farrell|Sex|Sex Tape|Slut|Unsorted