I don’t know why Dakota Fanning has decided to be hot, but I guess it has to do with staying relevant and knowing she has to compete with all the hot girls of instagram who don’t matter at her level, you know at least not from her perspective, because you know deep in her soul she thinks she’s more important that the normals, she’s Dakota Fanning after all and she has accomplished so much, even before her 18th birthday, thanks to parents who saw her as a cash cow they could exploit and sell off, like a prostitute in a third world country would do with her kid, you know get her earning we have RICE to buy…
Anyway, she posted a slutty selfie yesterday, now she’s wearing tight tops that show off her nipple, and I haven’t been one to get excited over a hard nipple since 9th grade gym glass, where one of the girls in our class either wore the wrong bra, it was pre padded bra era, or just had massive nipples, that all the guys were pretty stoked on, especially during Volleyball season.
Point being, a nipple’s not a big deal, I am all good with the don’t sexual nipples feminism, in part because it makes these girls show off their nipples like some sort of beacon of hope, a torch of freedom, the answer to all their unfair position in the world due to be a woman woes….but the hard nipple definitely gives us something to stare at, I mean without them, we wouldn’t know where to direct our eyes…so thank you for your guidance dear nipple…always a friend to me.
To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE
Posted in:Dakota Fanning