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Archive for the Dakota Fanning Category




Dakota Fanning’s Hard Nipple of the Day

I don’t know why Dakota Fanning has decided to be hot, but I guess it has to do with staying relevant and knowing she has to compete with all the hot girls of instagram who don’t matter at her level, you know at least not from her perspective, because you know deep in her soul she thinks she’s more important that the normals, she’s Dakota Fanning after all and she has accomplished so much, even before her 18th birthday, thanks to parents who saw her as a cash cow they could exploit and sell off, like a prostitute in a third world country would do with her kid, you know get her earning we have RICE to buy…

Anyway, she posted a slutty selfie yesterday, now she’s wearing tight tops that show off her nipple, and I haven’t been one to get excited over a hard nipple since 9th grade gym glass, where one of the girls in our class either wore the wrong bra, it was pre padded bra era, or just had massive nipples, that all the guys were pretty stoked on, especially during Volleyball season.

Point being, a nipple’s not a big deal, I am all good with the don’t sexual nipples feminism, in part because it makes these girls show off their nipples like some sort of beacon of hope, a torch of freedom, the answer to all their unfair position in the world due to be a woman woes….but the hard nipple definitely gives us something to stare at, I mean without them, we wouldn’t know where to direct our eyes…so thank you for your guidance dear nipple…always a friend to me.

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Dakota Fanning Bra and Panties of the Day

Dakota Fanning Bra Panties

Dakota Fanning is a special breed of celebrity because she was sold off to the industry by her parents, who were supposed to protect her, but were more excited by the feedback, work, money and success their spawn was getting in her acting work. They decided to go full tilt with that and get the money while it was available to them, I mean waiting for her to turn 18 would require too many x-factors to actually make it, it’s more competitive as only a handful of parents are dick sucking fame whores at a level where they’ll choose Hollywood over the kid’s well being. So you know she’s fucked up on a lot of levels. Held under a microscope her whole life, scrutinized by the media and perverts and just all around bad things because fame is shit.

However, fame is more shit now that ever, it’s almost a commoner’s experience, everyone gets their 15 mintues at varying levels of fame, but all approach it with the same “I have an audience, therefore I must chase more likes and follows, and I’ll do that half naked”….

It’s weird to me, because I am in part a Dinosaur, but not really in this case because I’ve seen this whole thing play out, it started out slowly and became mainstream….but a dinosaur in that I like the subtle tease of sexuality from the starlets, where you’d have to watch the movie to see them naked or half naked, and sit through 2 hours of bullshit to get to the good parts…having it handed to me on a platter daily…from EVERYONE trying to be famous, or at least trying to maintain fame, just cheapens the whole thing. I want sleazy paparazzi hiring helicopters to fly over celebrity swimming pools to get a glimpse of the bikini…but instead we get self produced smut.

Sure, I happy to see what would have been a nude selfie you’d jerk off to if it was sent from a crush 10 years ago, before gaping asshole pics were used for that purpose, sure…but would it be better if she was “above all that” social media clickbait….probably…but she’s risk relevance and you can’t have that…so here’s her underwear…


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Dakota Fanning in a Dress of the Day

Dakota Fanning Sexy

I don’t know why Dakota Fanning creeps me out. I mean when looking at the picture, she’s a cute girl out on the town without a mask because it was picture time, showing some leg…you know if you saw her on the street you’d definitely look twice, or would have looked twice before the era of everyone is a queer, or turning into a queer, because they want everyone queer and you can’t look at a woman, and you sure as fucking hell can’t tell her she’s hot, even if some girls need that positive feedback, it’s just not worth getting shut down…but you know what I mean…she looks good…

But to me she’s this weird kid exploited by her parents to be a star and to live out the family’s hollywood dream that the media used as some sort of pawn when she was doing media tours at like the age of 7 and she’s just grown up so fucked up because of that…but not fucked up enough to be selling pics of her butthole on the internet….it’s weird…some of these young people who were straight up thrown into some weird fucking upbringing for a shitty but lucrative industry who you are sure are broken at their core or at least very fucking nutso….while other girls who were far less traumatized are crying about how traumatic their upbringing was to justify selling the butthole pics….when really, creepy or not, I’d rather see Dakota Fanning’s butthole than these other sluts of the internet, because Dakota Fanning is a celebrity and thus her butthole is of higher quality than those non famous buttholes…

Either way, Dakota Fanning in a Dress…really exciting!


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Dakota Fanning Hard Nipple of the Day

Dakota Fanning Hard Nipples

Dakota Fanning will forever creep me the fuck out…..

Any of you out there who are super fans, as these celebs have fucking weirdo super fans, you’re fucking predators and should be locked up….

Just her name alone reminds me of when she was doing media tours as a kid. She was so trained, robbed of her childhood on a level where she was overly serious, overly proper, creepily adult….and she got press for being this mini adult….

It really could have only been one interview but it was enough for me to write her off as some robot, puppet, trained by her parents to give them the good hollywood life…exploited child amongst all the other children…and whether she’s 60 or 40 or 35 even if she’s out there producing fan content for her porn channels…I’m talking auto felating herself, not that girls can do that, I’ll still be weirded out by her because there was something very off then and you don’t just grow out of that weirdness.

I can’t imagine watching any Dakota Fanning movie, if she pops up in something, I avoid it….so needless to say, I don’t find her or her hard nipple hot she’s more on a horror movie level of creep me the fuck out…but I do this for you.


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Dakota Fanning O Face of the Day

Dakota Fanning O Face

Dakota Fanning creeps me out because she’s been in the hollywood game for a very fucking long time, since was three or some shit, and that just makes me uncomfortable…like lock up her fucking parents who exploited their kid instead of letting her get to work as an adult like a normal fucking person…it is abuse no matter how much money they make or how many Oscar nods they get…let that talent brew you shitty fucking opportunistic fucks who don’t even care about your own kids because you only care about money and fame…fuck you.

That said, Dakota Fanning creeps me out….so I can’t get behind her simulating sex for her “craft”, but I am sure some of you can, so here it is.


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Trying to Look Up Dakota Fanning Shorts of the Day

The upshort is basically the upskirt with more obstacles thanks to that pesky crotch that should just be eliminated all together making it the upskirt we are more into….because there’s more exposure, easier access, better line of sight, etc….

However, I have seen some pretty hot upshorts, oftentimes in the form of pajama shorts that are just loose enough to expose a full pussy, so I would never discount the upshort ability to be hot, it’s just not going to be as good when the girl is getting out of a car, the prime upskirt moment….instead of a desperate attempt at a post by saying if you look from the right angle, that shadow could be her side pussy….

POINT being, Dakota Fanning, upskirt or upshort or not…creeps me the fuck out and has since her parents first traded her in, or sold her to the industry fro the good life….that has done so much for them like give Elle Fanning, the sister a career, but also allows them to drive Porches, even though I know strippers with the same car who are likely more damaged that Dakota so that’s a bad argument for the selling of children to Hollywood being evil, it worked all right for this one….


Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW




Dakota Fanning Sports Bra Erotica of the Day

Dakota Fanning Tits Ankle Weights

Dakota Fanning like all the girls who are staying at home and broadcasting their fitness / home workouts because they crave to be watched, they love their fan interaction, they are bored and need attention, they are losing their minds…but no where near where they will be losing their minds in 3 months from now when still at home!!

Luckily for you Dakota Fanning fans, who I hope are fans from one of her more recent roles and not her early roles, you sick fuck, she does her fitness in a sports bra with her titties all squished out like a beach ball being balanced on by some fat chick…I don’t fucking know what her tits are being squeezed like…figure it out on your own….as she tries to figure out how to be a hot influencer cuz there’s nothing else to do.


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Dakota Fanning Short Shorts of the Day

Dakota Fanning Fitness Shorts

Dakota Fanning is doing a little fitness in some weird jogging shorts and a sports bra for all you Dakota Fanning perverts, those of you who aren’t creeped out by her weirdness that we can assume her parents groomed her to be, back when they first made her a star.

I don’t know why celebrities, who normally command a lot of money are compelled to post workout videos of themselves. Is their dream to be the next Jane Fonda, you know a hobby they dabble in and can finally commit to thanks to the Pandemic. That acting shit just got in the way of that, or are all these fuckers greedy pigs who figure they can get that influencer money from brands instead of influencers getting that money since they are celebs and thus have more influence by default.

The world doesn’t like when people who aren’t selected by the big media empires get traction, so the last 5 years of instagram ads going to no names must have been very upsetting….but luckily they have puppets like Dakota ready to try to get eyeballs on her…she’s fit, she’s strong enough for one pound weights and she’s ready to take your brand deals….as society resets itself to benefit the elite.

Dakota Fanning Fitness Shorts


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Dakota Fanning Self Isolation Sports Bra of the Day

Dakota Fanning Self Isolation Sports Bra

The nice thing about self isolation is that all these idiots, from creepy Dakota River, to the lowest level “influencer”…are bored, with their own thoughts, forced to deal with their personal traumas….by distracting themselves with all their friends that they still hang out with because “they can’t be contaminated, they are my friends”….or distracting themselves by facetiming all those people….and chatting on the phone…remaining the idiot who lacks any self-awareness they’ve always been….but luckily, as egotistical fucks, they can produce garbage content of them working out or whatever, because it’s sexy and healthy, even though all we want to see is insertion videos….STICK THINGS IN YOUR PUSSY DAKOTA…what the fuck is this lame workout shit.

Dakota Fanning Self Isolation Sports Bra


Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW




Dakota Fanning Nude of the Day

Dakota Fanning Nude

Dakota Fanning with the nudity for the holidays…a little G-String while applying make-up in the sink because you are high concept thanks to your parents selling you off as a child and forcing you to live in a fucking aquarium…with people trying to grab at you from every fucking angle because you are DAKOTA FANNING but thanks to the brilliance of the people at INSTAGRAM…she can define her own content…and block out anything good with an emoji like her parents blocked out anything good from her childhood with stardom….


Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW