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Archive for the Elisabetta Canalis Category




Elisabetta Canalis Legs for George Clooney Divorce of the Day

I saw these Elisabetta Canalis pictures before I read that George Clooney is divorcing that ugly libtard activist lawyer bitch who no one understood why he was fucking.

He was the most eligible bachelor, who ran through a few beards over the years and Elisabetta Canalis was one of them who we all liked.

The assumption when he married AMAL is that she had dirt on him and was going to pursue legal action or go public with it unless he married her. He did what was best for him and the motherfucker said goodbye to fun and hot chicks and instead stuck it out with some freakish fan who bred him.

Maybe he had imposter syndrome because the very rich actor wanted to be more serious of a person, taken more serious, involved in serious thing like laundering money through NGOs and trafficking children through shipping containers for the rich friends, or whatever these non-profit scams do besides tax evasion….rather than being a booze peddling party boy who is the cornerstone of Hollywood thanks to being the nephew to Rosemary Clooney….

All this to say, Elisabetta Canalis is 10 or 11 years older….still hot…divorced a year or two ago from her husband….and ready to get that Clooney cock wet again before her pussy dries up since she’s pushing 50. Unless it already had.

Posted in:Elisabetta Canalis




Elisabetta Canalis Nipple Top of the Day

Elisabetta Canalis See Through Nipples

Do you believe in life after George Clooney?

Apparently Elisabetta Canalis doesn’t, unless she’s got her full tits out for the world to see and remember her for dating George Clooney back when he had a Lake Como Italian fetish, and using some Italian TV host filled that void, along with eating lots of pasta.

It must be weird getting all that international attention because of the dick you choose to put inside you, only to be totally forgotten 5 minutes after he dumps you….and 10 years later…your attempt to get seen, noticed or paid attention to basically involves walking around topless, like some homeless crackhead who just got fucking raped, or some schizophrenic having an episode unaware that they are actually in public when they strip down and simulate showering in a fountain.

It is Fashion week, so a good excuse to be fashionably topless, plus ITALY is the second country in line for the most cases of Corona Virus, so don’t take chances of getting your outfit covered in disease…

What I am getting at is that I support Elisabetta Canalis and her life after CLOONEY. She’s doing great.


Posted in:Elisabetta Canalis




Elisabetta Canalis Pregnant Bikini of the Day

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If, like Elisabetta Canalis, your hopes and dreams were to one day become the host body for George Clooney’s baby, because it is good for business and finances….and it doesn’t work out for you, because Clooney is gay and had a schedule for each beard he had over the years, and fame whore immigrants only have a small window of opportunity before immigration starts looking for Green Cards…the perfect excuse to break up…

There is hope for you…even if you got so close to not just see the golden sperm…but even tried to impregnate yourself with the golden sperm…only for it to not stick…

There are other rich dudes, who are less careful with their sperm, because they aren’t queer actors..

Here she is either fat, or pregnant, in bikini…

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Posted in:Elisabetta Canalis|SFW




Elisabetta Canalis Ass Since George Clooney of the Day


I guess there is life after George Clooney dumped you for some Lawyer who he constantly praises because she probably knows a secret about him…like that he fucks trannies, and is legal owner of such footage, because she’s a lawyer and wouldn’t extort someone into marriage unless she couldn’t get in trouble criminally…

Her name Elisabetta Canalis, she’s from Italy…and apparently…she’s wearing tight pants on instagram…showing what I can assume George Clooney never put his penis inside because he’s gay.

But maybe I am wrong…but what I am not wrong about is that she’s got this level of “this close”…or “almost made it”…but now I’m nothing…about her…and I find it hot..

Posted in:Elisabetta Canalis




Elisabetta Canalis Looks Fun of the Day


When George Clooney dumps you, moves onto other girls, because you’re just not good enough, you’re left scrambling to figure out how to break free from being only knowns as the Italian who dated George Clooney. When you throw in Valentines Day, which is huge in Italy I’m sure….it can’t be just an American created holiday based on Consumerism, I mean isn’t St Valentine an Italian? Aren’t all saints deemed saints in Rome? I’m confused. But what I am not confused about is that George Clooney married another chick, praises the other chick, and just threw this one to the curb to fend for herself ..and the good news is she’s doing it tits out…

She was at the Opera…and she kept it classy showing the world the nipples Clooney may not have sucked:

Posted in:Elisabetta Canalis