Eugenie Bouchard is a Canadian Tennis Player, who has a hot little tennis body, like most tennis players do, as long as they aren’t a Williams sister, because, the Williams sisters are dudes who got converted at a young age to increase the chances of winning and making the family rich. I’ve seen “Ladybugs” I know how these things work…and they all end with Jonathan Brandis committing suicide…
That said, she’s not just a Canadian, she’s from Montreal and I’m from Montreal, only unlike me, she’s actually an international success, and I guess not a monster, but she does post pictures of her playing tennis by my shitty house on instagram, and I am always tempted to get off my couch to watch, since tennis is porn to me, tennis girls are porn to me, and I figure why not go experience porn first hand….but then I remember I don’t leave my house..
Anyway, she’s hit the media hard, because during the Australian Open win, the announcer asked her to twirl, like she was a beauty pageant girl and not a tennis pro, and the feminists fucking hate it…I guess they don’t realize girl tennis is all about short skirts, and orgasmic grunts…and panty flashes…
Either way, she’s pretty cute, I wish her twirl ended with crawling around on all fours…
Sidenote…she has a twin sister.
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