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Archive for the Eugenie Bouchard Category




Eugenie Bouchard Dripping Wet Bikini of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard Wet Bikini Hard Nipples

I don’t really find Eugenie Bouchard is hot, I’ve seen her in person because she is from the same city as me, her sister is a party girl INSTATHOT, which I find pretty entertaining…ride your twin harder than the perverts want you to in order to get brand deals and free trips without the hardwork of actually being a skilled athlete, or skilled anything more than just a selfie taker who likes to have a good time on her instagram….

She is young, she is fit and she is rich. She is accomplished. She has a skill. She worked to get where she is thanks to her rich dad’s money. All those things are admirable in a world of do nothings….especailly since her sport is tennis, because Tennis, if you weren’t aware – is a fetish…not just my fetish…..but all the perverts out there into sports that involve short skits, ass flashes and grunts…

Eugenie is in her bikini, because that’s what girls do…for ever 4 tennis pics, post a semi nude…since she lives in Miami for her Tennis training why not take advantage…

Eugenie Bouchard Wet Bikini Hard Nipples Instagram



Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Gets Slutty of the Day

Here’s some Eugene Bouchard, Montreal’s biggest name since Celine Dion, in some half nakedness for social media that I assume is from her Sports Illustrated shoot because all these girls like being specialized sexualized…

This is when Tennis turns into fetish porn…even though tennis is my fetish…and my porn but not at the professional level. They are all tanks with far too much muscle….massive women…but the concept of tennis, skirts and grunts and panty flashes. Intense enough to get me banned from most local tennis clubs…

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Covered in Mud of the Day

eugenie bouchard tits wet white swimsuit covered in mud

Eugenie Bouchard is a hometown hottie, who isn’t really that hot, she’s 7 feet tall and an athlete, and sure she’s in a sport that used to be my fetish, due to the panty flashing, and sexual grunts, it makes for a good time, but then the Williams sisters elevated the sport, and women needed to weight 180 of solid muscle to compete with their power…that turned it a little less white and dainty…run by hot strong Russians…

I guess there’s some event in Israel, the promised land….or maybe she’s there on birth right converting to Judaism for some Jewish boyfriend she’s got who doesn’t want non-jewish babies…

Because she’s covered in mud, doing the classic dead sea covered in mud erotica….all in white bathing suit…that helps anyone with an imagination visualize her covered in shit….some good old fashioned German Scat porn in the Jewish Holy land…like the premise of World War II….

White bathing suits…covered in brown substance like she got her ass banged out and she’s lost control of her bowels… EXCITING.

eugenie bouchard tits black bikini


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Ass in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard proves that even tennis players need to clickbait that sexualizes them damnselves…because making over a million dollars a year doing the sport you love without sexualizing your damn self isn’t enough in this world of everyone sexualizing themselves…it’s like there needs to be some thong ass exposed ass….and I’ll tell you something very simple, the internet is better than real life, because I have physically seen this girl jogging on the street, all 6 feet of her, she is from the city I live in, and I will tell you that you wouldn’t even notice her, other than that she’s 6 feet, amongst the crowd….so sure, celebrate her because of the tennis skill and think that makes her ass more interesting, but her ass is really just an ass, it’s only worth looking at here cuz it’s straight whoring.

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard’s Twin Sister Beatrice’s Tits of the Day

Beatrice Bouchard See through lace bra and panties

Eugenie Bouchard is a Canadian Tennis Player, who has a little too fit of little tennis body, on some Martina Navata whatever the fuck that dyke player from the 80s is named, kick….but still has a level of hotness, like most tennis players do, as long as they aren’t a Williams sister, because, the Williams sisters are dudes who got converted at a young age to increase the chances of winning and making the family rich.

I’ve seen “Ladybugs” I know how these things work…and they all end with Jonathan Brandis committing suicide…

That said, she’s not just a Canadian, she’s from Montreal and I’m from Montreal, only unlike me, she’s actually an international success, a star, a hit, rich…thanks to a rich dad investing hard into her….

I don’t know her but the funny thing about her is that she’s got siblings, and cousins all mooching off her success, and the best one is her twin sister…

Who with their TWINTUITION gets to reap the most benefits of being related to Eugenie, maybe she even gets a percentage of earnings, only instead of being an athlete, she’s a party girl who goes to all the festivals and I guess who has now become an influencer, on her instagram, doing the instagram thing, bikinis out, “Lifestyle and Travel” blogging or bloggers as they call themselves…while I unfortunately know what ACTUAL blogging is and it’s not just taking a selfie, it’s way more depressing than that.

Good bikinis though.

Posted in:Beatrice Bouchard|Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Not Hot in a Swimsuit of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard Boxy in a Red Bikini

Eugenie Bouchard is a pro tennis player – and I have a female tennis fetish – so to me – her not hot in a bikini or bathing suit – or whatever the fuck that is – is erotic – knowing that she can hit a ball with grace and strategy, in a skirt, while grunting….

But I have eyes, and with those eyes, I can see that Eugenie Bouchard is no Anna Kournikova, you know tennis clickbait sold off to Enrique Iglesias.

I can see that Eugenie Bouchard is weirdly shaped and large, I mean you have to be to go against the Williams sister….and I know that she’s a local hero, since she’s a rich kid from Montreal, where she got her start…but most importantly, she’s got a slutty party twin sister who is the hotter of the two to bring her up, as she probably makes 50% of Eugenie Bouchard’s earnings in some weird twin, in it together deal…but then again, they were rich to start, so who fucking knows…

I just know, this bathing suit’s not doing anyone any favors.

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Bikini of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard Bikini

Eugenie Bouchard posted a bikini selfie of her bathing suit jacked up inside her vagina for the sake for social media – something that her entire family has been navigating and figuring out with their own brand of slutty content – because if you’ve got a relative with a name making moves in the world of sport or really any world – and you can maximize being associated with her to end up with your own personal brand – you do it – the social media following is the only thing that matters when you’re a vapid cunt…

That said, a little tight bikini jacked up in her pussy for the instagram is a nice change of pace, celebrating her very fit body, because she’s a pro athlete in the tennis world, a sport that when you see past the women being 6 foot tall and solid muscle..can be kind of erotic with the sweaty panty flashes and erotic grunts…especially when it takes on the instagram selfie form.

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Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard’s Feet and Crotch in Bikini of the Da y

Hometown Hottie Eugenie Bouchard -who I’ve never met in the streets of Montreal because Eugenie Bouchard probably doesn’t live in Montreal but Montreal likes to think she is from Montreal because she’s the only successful thing to come out of montreal besides Celine Dion who I assume is her mother, or aunt, based on her french Canadian face…

That said, she’s taken her tennis body, a body that’s not necessarily the hottest, because tennis chicks are all tall weirdos, but that is still fit and athletic, and hot enough to stare at, but my fetish really comes with watching women’s tennis, something I’ve always written about because I love the grunts, panty flashes and gracefullness…seeing girl’s feet aren’t really exciting to me – but foot fetish people are the fucking crazy about feet…

Maybe you’re more into Eugenie Bouchard’s Tight Ass in a One Piece of the Day….

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|Uncategorized




Eugenie Bouchard in a Bathing Suit of the Day

I feel a close connection to Eugenie Bouchard because she is from Canada and people I know or that I know of – since Canada is one small town…actually know her, it’s one of those she lives less than 2 KM (that’s Canadian for MILES) away from me and her twin sister who is a party girl, who is still around the city partying, not that I do any of that…but it’s so local…so amazing…they are basically local royalty that everyone pays attention to…hot enough, rich, famous tennis sluts….and what makes it all worse is that for as long as I can remember I have had a Tennis slut fetish…and to think one was in arms reach, not to kidnap but to at least apply to be her personal waxer, or gardener, or just the guy in the tree outside her bedroom window and to have not done it…is a reminder of how I am not a get things done, self starter and opportunity will forever pass me by…

At least I can stare at her bikini pics, but she’s not that great to look at, even though, that bikini shows asshole. I’m more into the Tennis slut, it’s a fetish I’ve had for a while, the grunting, the panty flashes the glamour and the money…the tennis player in bikini…not so hype…

Now I don’t love Eugenie Bouchard’s body in her bikini, it’s not driving me crazy, it is a bit too fitness – but it is still luxurious enough for me to feel like I’ve failed myself and that’s how I like going into the weekend…staring at young rich tennis assholes…you know….the only way to go into the weekend…


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard VS Caroline Wozniacki’s Tennis Ass in Bikinis of the Day


When it comes to Tennis, I feel like I’m probably like Serena Williams’ dad, you know all drawn into it because it’s so fucking white, pretentious, high class, and luxurious – and the likes of my people aren’t really welcomed to their secret white person clubs, where they get together and have white person meetings – where they discuss things like electing Trump because whites being replaced is the fall of America…or some shit…

I also like that the the girls are overly butchy, they are fit, they wear little skirts, flash their panties, and yelp and moan like they are taking huge cock with every swing…and hit…it’s magical…

A few sluts in the Tennis scene were in bikinis…

First up Eugenie Bouchard – from my hometown – making her a hometown hottie – even though I prefer her twin sister – the party slut…..


Second up Caroline Wozniacki – Good times….

Posted in:Caroline Wozniacki|Eugenie Bouchard|SFW