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Archive for the Eugenie Bouchard Category




Eugenie Bouchard Titty Flash of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard Titty Flash

Eugenie Bouchard is Montreal’s very own Anna Kournikova – who spends more of her time on the beach in Miami in a bikini than winning Tennis events….and as a Montrealer, I got her back, because being a top athlete is way too much work, especially for a French Canadian woman, she’s already accomplished huge things and will forever be set for life as she’s made real money doing the tennis thing, but more importantly has found a fanbase that will buy shit she tells them to buy…so why bother trying to prove yourself more than you already have…when you can take the influencer approach to just posting hot pics of yourself with very little effort….

To be the best tennis player in the world is rough…but to be a half naked chick who posts selfies is a joke comparatively…so focus on that…it’s what people care about…

I guess part of that transition from legit tennis player, who will forever be legit basd on her accomplishments, to influencer is a nice solid titty adjustment for the paparazzi….looks good to me.

She’s gonna do well as an influencer, since she actually has something to be famous for.

I believe in this strategy.

Here she is tackling her fat friend, because thats what fat friends are for…
Eugenie Bouchard Bikini




Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard in a Bikini of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard is Montreal’s own Anna Kournikova, at least that’s what a sports writer told me.

Apparently there was a lot of promise for her to do big things, and in reality she’s done some pretty big things….I mean just being at a Major Tennis Tournament is a big deal…but instead of winning…at least in recent years…she’s most interesting for her bikini pics and social media stunts…

She probably was forced into this shit, had pressure and investment behind her, was never allowed to be her own person, and realizes thanks to social media that just hanging out is way more fun than actually working….

So she’s been in Miami, where I assume she lives and trains..and runs around in a bikini…and we like bikinis so here’s her young athlete doing the hot thing, while not looking like a dude….in a bikini…living…

I think this is a good look for pretty much anyone…even when it’s not…


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Nipple of the DAy

In big news, that isn’t Coachella News, not that I report the news….Eugenie Bouchard, Montreal’s Very Own tennis star, who hasn’t won too much in the Tennis circuit, but still probably makes a couple of million dollars a year, making everyone back home riding her name, like her Twin Sister, the party slut influencer, pretty fucking happy that they’ve been able to ride her celebrity, is out pig wrestling in Miami with her Cowboy had, maybe a new hobby or sport, some Rodeo or Farm Fair shit, and the good news, the exciting news is that her tit popped out of her top…the basis of Mud Wrestling and why it was such a great thing before bars stopped putting those shows on…because of misogyny and feminism…

I guess what this goes to show us is that you don’t need to be the best at a sport, just the most half naked on the internet, to matter.

She’s not all that hot, but it’s a nipple…and pig wrestling is always fun to watch…..

Where’s the video?

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Bikini Squat of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard White Bikini

Eugenie Bouchard trying to be hot…

She is like every single girl before her…who has some potential in other areas of life…but chooses to do the influencer thing…because getting feedback on their looks, or half nakedness, turns them on…and being turned on is really what life is about.

The tennis thing isn’t her dream, it’s her dad’s dream…well now she’s here to follow her hotter twin, and other family members making money off her fame…..so she wants in on that too…it’s better to be hot on instagram living your life…than failing at tennis that got you this life…it’s what the people care about you know…

They care about her looking like she’s taking a shit in a china public bathroom while wearing a bikini….it is a fetish to some…..and that’s why she’s putting this out there…


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Bikini Sunscreen Rub Down in Miami of the Day

I was recently talking to a Sports Reporter, who was more of a dude in a dive bar, but for someone like me, who doesn’t like sports, but sometimes ends up in bars when sports are on TV, he seemed like an expert. Not to mention, we live in an era where no one is an expert, even the experts. Everything is fake news, people reporting hate crimes that aren’t even hate crimes but actual viral stunts, because trolling the media is just that easy and always hilarious…so I’ll take this weird drunk’s word for it, even though he smelled like piss..

Well, he went on to tell me that hometown hottie, who isn’t that hot….is not that great at Tennis, she’s just a lot of hype, especially locally, and more excited by her social media fame than actually delivering a solid serve. Apparently, not one element of her game is exceptional…she’s a decent all round player…good to teach tennis at a resort…but never going to make it anywhere in tennis…despite the sponsorships…because she’s more into being a social media slut…as all girls are…why work hard, when you can get paid to be useless and half naked…it’s an ego thing I guess and it can be lucrative…I also know french Canadians and how much they love being strippers…so I get it…but it’s unfortunate that she’s not hotter…even when fit and half naked…it’s like “whatever”…but it’s happening the move from athlete to influencer before our vary eyes…we are so lucky to be a part of this!! Aren’t we.


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard




Genie Bouchard Bikini of the Day

Genie Bouchard is a weirdo Tennis star from Canada, who isn’t even really a tennis star, I mean she is by all local Standards…she does the tour but she just doesn’t bring the fucking goods to the table…she’s an Anna Kournikova forced to sexualize herself until ENRIQUE swipes her off her feet with his romantic hispanic song and dance…

Which means…bikini pics…so here she is tits out, not that hot, but hot for an Athlete…with some Canadian content…doing Canadian content things…and the whole thing is a good way to end the week and go into the Oscars….

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Bikini of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard Bikini

Hometown hero Eugenie Bouchard – the tennis star who never wins, but who is still premiere player who gets to go to all the grand slam events, is someone who I guess I am forced to know about because she is from Montreal and I am in Montreal and Montreal has very little to talk about as the majority of famous people from Montreal are not quite as famous as Eugenie Bouchard…other than Celine Dion…so they treat her like a fucking hero….even though she never wins, and I guess doesn’t even live in Montreal and hasn’t for years, because her parents shipped her off to that Tennis school in Florida…where she spends most of her time in her bikini during the winter for you perverts to try to jack off to…but realizing it’s not all that great…you know fitness and diet and training is good for health and wellness and longevity..but not so great in terms of sex appeal…it’s like the more fit you get, unless it is instagram fitness where you target your ass and get lipo on your stomach since it’s encouraged and everyone is doing it now….the less attractive you are…so this Eugenie Bouchard not hot.


Here is her much hotter TWIN sister Beatrice who is living her best life, as an instagram THOT, rather than an Athlete who has to do all that work when she can just chilllllll….and get paid…not that she needs the money…she rich…

Beatrice Bouchard Hot Booty Bikini


Posted in:Beatrice Bouchard|Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Still Trying to Be Hot of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard Tits Bikini Getting Wet

You give a bitch an instagram and she forgets that she’s a star tennis player who makes a lot of money, and decides she’s fit and can be half naked on social media just like the other whores, despite being a star tennis player with lots of money, and reduces herself to that half naked girl just having a good time…

This generation of girl, no matter what she does, what her background is, how much she makes…can’t help but strip down for social media…it’s like a cultural phenom, maybe from growing up watching porn or other whores make it in the world being half naked…it’s like all the judgemental girls who would get mad back in high school at the girl who got all the boys’ attention dressing half naked…have decided that they too can be half naked and get attention too….

It’s like switch was flipped with the cellphone and social media, that made being the slutty slut in the room the norm…and if you’re not getting half naked, you ain’t shit.

Pretty good zeitgeist to be a part of as a pervert observer…it’s way better than when Furbies were mainstream….or Beanie Babies…


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Pussy in a Bikini Being Fancy of the Day

It is not my place to call out a girl for being a slut, or a whore, or an exhibitionist, or an attention seeker. They do a good enough job of that on their own.

I just do it for the LOLz…because for some reason, a reason I assume is caused by genetics or the core coding of humans, girls seem to love being hot, even when they are not. They like to be half naked, looked at by dudes, jerked off to maybe…and I am sure it’s some animalistic shit we do, that we don’t even know why we do it, to keep the species alive…

This tennis player, very rich, with many brand partners. A Montreal hero…putting her pussy out there on social media with a raging cameltoe…instead of just playing tennis, because she is more than just tennis, she’s also a person, a human…who likes the world or her audience to know what her pussy looks like while on a trip with tennis fetishist Richard Branson on his island / home / resort Necker Island…

Every girl posts bikini pics when given the chance…because they like it.

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Nipples and Pussy Print of the Day

eugenie bouchard cameltoe nipples see through shorts white top miami6

Eugenie Bouchard knew what she was doing when she decided to wear this outfit with no bra or panties on.

I hear a lot of people celebrate female athletes for their struggles, their talent, their hard work, the fact that they’ve committed to be the best at what they do, the most amazing at what they do, that hard work affords them the opportunity to pay in the big leagues, make the big money, fight the good fight….live their best life….

Eugenie Bouchard is a top tennis playing machine….but she is still a woman and still into sexualizing herself…it is instinctive….be hot, turn dudes on…look the best you can when you’re a public figure to offset all that tennis sleaze….which is hot in and of itself…especially when the girl is trying to a swimsuit model despite being a rich super star athlete…it always comes back to that…

eugenie bouchard cameltoe nipples see through shorts white top miami 2

eugenie bouchard miami swimsuit tits 3



Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW