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Archive for the Gymnastics Category




Elizabeth Simonenko Stretches of the Day

Elizabeth Simonenko Bikini Wet

Elizabeth Simonenko is her name!

Globalization is arguably the best thing to have happened in the world. You know take our manufacturing across the world where we can legally pay slave wages to keep our costs down and our margins high! What could go wrong with that, I mean other than the pollution caused by shipping things back and forth overseas, instead of just shipping them across the country, then there’s the whole pandemic…maybe Globalization is actually bad, just a product of capitalism and greed…

But Globalization in social media is the most important thing to happen to social media as far as I’m concerned.

Americans are fat and lazy in their spoiled and entitled lives and there are hot, interesting, funny, creative, scandalous girls over seas who want nothing more than to make it in America, so they put in the work…

So all these non-American women are moving in and taking your American jobs, because actual Americans can’t be bothered..they are too busy fat, lazy, dying of diabetes, or rioting about their genders.

Point being, hot girls in Ukraine or all of the USSR are surfacing, their content as good, if not better than our local girls because they are different, their comedy different, they are raised different…and with that we get gems like this, who I am not sure about, but who makes me laugh in her instagramming like it’s mocking instagramming, with all her Contortionist, Russian Ballerina glory…

Elizabeth Simonenko Sexy


Posted in:Gymnastics




Snooki Does Stunts of the Day

I always respect piggy fucking people, like clearly fat people, who move like they aren’t fat because they either don’t realize they are fat, or just decide that they won’t let fat get in the fucking way because I am a fat person and I have enough trouble putting on my shoes, or getting up off the couch, or doing up my belt, or wearing pants that don’t have elastic waistbands.

That’s not to say that I actually respect this Snooki Jersey shore trash, because idiotic trash is never meant to be respected, but reality is that she doesn’t really annoy me at all, maybe because I don’t watch the show, but probably because she’s just loving every second of her fame like the cheesy fucking person she is and there’s nothing worth hating about that….

Here she is with her fat ass performing her own stunts…..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Facebook Shut Me Down Cuz They Are Racist- So Add My New Account

Posted in:Gymnastics|Jersey Shore|Snooki