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Archive for the Heidi Mount Category




Heidi Mount – Floral Pussy of the Day


I am going to assume that Heidi Mount is some kind of model, I am not going to bother googling her, because I am in a rush to find as many posts as I can of girls I don’t know, that I will call whores, because they are all whores….in efforts to populate this site no one reads and no one advertises on – because they think it’s weird, unclear, porno, offensive, creepy…whatever…

I will argue the real creeps are the photographers or magazine editors telling some unsuspecting bitch to get naked – but don’t worry no one will see it – just put this flower in your cunt – and call it art….they’ll even crop all of her out in case she wants to be President one day – not that that will make a difference…I have a feeling the next President will be a cam girl or some shit…

That said, let’s start today, like every other day, only with this Heidi Mount character…..done.

Posted in:Heidi Mount|SFW




Heidi Mount and her Fashion Nipple of the Day

She was born Heidi Whitworth, but changed her name cuz I guess “Mount” is more marketable because it speaks to our subconscious and reminds us of the time we watched dogs in the part mount each other and got hard…I mean…cuz Whitworth sounds like some hillbilly shit from a children’s storybook….

She is 23, has a kid (disgusting), is an established model I’ve never heard of, and was found at the tender age of 12….even though you’d think model scouts would get charged for sex offense when explaining to the 12 year old how much they like “their look”…I get awkward when 12 year olds ask me to pet my dog, thinking it’s a sting and I’m gonna get arrested as I pull out my penis….who I coincidentally refer to as Dog…

All this to say, Fashion is awesome cuz Fashion shows tit even if it is little tit and gets away with it…something we all should learn so that we don’t end up bankrupt living off a fat wife’s disability check cuz it’s the only option…

Posted in:Heidi Mount