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Archive for the Iggy Azalea Category




Iggy Azalea Bikini Slut of the Day

In news that no one cares about, Iggy Azalea is out releasing new shitty music, and with that has come an influx of Iggy Azalea promoting herself naked on the internet, because it’s not science people…a ho is a ho is a ho…especially when the storyline she tries to tell people to justify why a white suburban girl is a rapper…relies heavily on being a ho.

It’s like weeks into releasing the single, and days after releasing the single, we’re virtually face to face with the grossest fake white ass black guys love….and it just keeps on continuing because the tactic works.

So complain about dudes cat calling you and staring when you’re out there slutting girls, but keep on slutting…the WORLD relies on it….at least your world…to sell seats at shows and songs on apple…

Garbage. Seriously.

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Hard Nipple Bikini of the Day

Iggy Azalea Hard Nipples Tiny Bikini

Iggy Azalea is showing her favorite sex move, because all girls who think they are hot, like strippers, put about this much effort into getting their fuck on, as they truly feel they are doing dude a service by just letting him up in her.

She’s also showing off the best position for old sloppy women to be in because they can tuck their side fat under their backs and give themselves a waistline, instead of showing you what shit actually looks like when Gravity works against you….

Don’t get on top on on all fours, you’ll look like the soggy latex glove half filled with diarrhea that you are..

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Iggy Azalea Fucks the Floor of the Day

Iggy Azalea Fucks the Floor in See Through Pants

Iggy Azalea is fucking the floor…and is announcing to the world that she’s fucking the floor…and by the world I mean her fans and people like me who rip off her content for perverts who are into seeing some fat ass, fake ass, white girl who fucks black guys and manages to become some kind of rapper, ripping off everyone, lying about everything, culturally appropriating…and now fucking the floor..

Because she’s racy, gutter, and knows sex sells…but the fascinating thing in all this is that we didn’t hear her name in a fucking year but now that she’s released some music…she’s ready to

Iggy Azalea Fake Ass in a Silver Bikini


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Mesh Pussy of the Day

Iggy Azalea Nude Mesh Bodysuit Fat Pussy

The only Mesh you’d want to see on Iggy Azalea is one tightly knit and made of some sort of Hazmat suit material, where that the years of some mutated bacterias that live in her vagina get kept the fuck in. We don’t need another fucking EBOLA outbreak that all stems from MOMMA africa here….do we….

The only thing good about her is that she knows she’s disgusting, packages herself as hot to a certain demographic, that likes what she’s about, they think she’s a Phat Ass White Girl…PAWG it’s a Porn Category you know…I call them Piece of White Ass….or POWA…either way….she’s got a pussy, at least we think she does, because we’ve established she’s woman, or at least generally accepted her as a woman, even if it’s debatable that she’s likely trans out of control, loving every minute of her fame scam…because it is a scam..and I just wonder who was paying for all her plastic surgery before she was famous and making money as a song and dance white rapper who sucks…That’s the real mystery that is this lie that is Iggy….where was she before….does she have rich parents? Do gay black men like her and finance her life because they like to fuck trannys as long as people don’t know they are trannies…

So many important questions…but no answers…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea is Nude of the Day

Iggy Azalea Nipples Nude in a Fish Net Dress Covering her Pussy

Iggy Azalea is out trying to promote something, who the fuck knows what, but we can assume it’s some garbage white girl culturally appropriating black people music, because it’s all become garbage pop music, and because she’s had enough cocks in her for her to feel as though she’s one with the black people, as they stretch her the fuck out.

She’s a low level opportunist, but more interestingly, a liar like Fat Amy, also from Australia, who pulls whatever stunt she can to get noticed and for people to believe her persona…

Luckily, she pretended to be a stripper with that fake fat ass, and is now posting up nudes of her photoshopped to shit with that fake fat ass, and really fake everything else, because this is what people are into I guess…

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea Hard Nipples of the Day

Iggy Azalea Hard Nipples Fake Tits and Ass in a Bikini

I guess Iggy Azalea got some new plastic surgery, some Lipo sucking out the fat from her stomach and dropping it into her ass, or maybe she’s figured out Facetune, so that she doesn’t have to get all the plastic surgery she’s been getting, because for some reason, a reason I call “she probably released a new single”….she’s been posting slutty pics that

I am forced to post even though I hate this look, I hate her sound, I hate this white girl rapper, cultural appropriation I don’t support, even though I support all other cultural appropriation, because it’s not the end of the world for a motherfucker to wear blackface, dreads, use chopsticks, etc…it’s like we can’t collab as one race, the human race….

But instead it makes all the pussy liberals cry…yet they’ll still dance to this blatant use of exploiting something that feels wrong… I’m not sure what it is but it is designed for this pig of a woman to cash the fuck in….

But they don’t have Taco night at their college…or serve Indian food made by non-Indian people…as that is wrong…you fucking nuts people…and most interestingly is more racist than letting people “culturally appropriate” because those who culturally appropriate are just sharing and borrowing from each other…and calling it out is basically saying that we are all different….and segregated.

A girl can’t wear a Chinese Dress to prom, are you fucking kidding me, every dress is made in China and that’s ok, but traditional garb that they sell at every souvenir shop is appropriation…it’s fucking nuts…

Get your damn story straight people…

Iggy Azalea Fake ASs in bikini

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea’s Fake Ass in a Bikini of the Day

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Iggy Azalea’s got inspired by Kim Kardashian in more ways that just getting a ridiculous fake ass…because a could of days ago Kim K, the big ass leader who I guess dictates the trends to white girls wanting to fuck black guys, posted a similar series of her crotch…and this bitch, the mooch fuck Australian with a thug accent, cuz she’s faking it, and badly acting it, on some Margot Robbie shit, they probably went to school together and wrestled the same Crocodiles/ Kangaroos and Koala bears together, where together they planned to take over the world, one as an actor and one as a terrible female actor, while bother decided to get their fuck on…

I guess the new fetish that the new “classic” as this trash calls herself – is promoting is the lipo suction stomach, thick hips, ass implants bursting out the seams pussy shot …and as a fan of pussy…let’s keep it up…all you shameless whores out there – do it.

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Iggy Azalea Does GQ of the Day

Publishing must really be dead…

Why the fuck would any magazine want to feature this bitch…and really not just feature them, but also do a whole shoot with her like she fucking matters…it’s crazy to me.

A fake rapper from Australia, with some nonsense backstory that doesn’t involve “I fucked some DJs in the club and ended up moving to America where we faked the paperwork for my work visa and pretended I had a record deal, even though no one can name one of my songs”…

She’s a fucking lie…and not just because she has a fake ass that she passes off as her own, but because she’s a fucking lie…the kind of person who has a fake ass she passes off as her own is the kind of person who would lie about her backstory…

The crazy thing in all this is that she’s not even HOT in her hustle…

Like at least be hot in your bullshit…instead she just bullshit…

Not to mention, GQ was supposed to be a men’s magazine, and sure men are all a bunch of pussy bitches now, but that doesn’t mean the shoots of girls who sexualize themselves and try to become sex dolls in real life should fixate on their gross moles..it means that they should at least focus on her whore ass and make it whorey..

What the hell is this nonsense…she’s not even on all fours showing us the move she used to get to where she is…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Fat Fake Ass in a Thong of the Day

Iggy Azalea fat fake ass in a white bikini getting wet

What the world needs now, more than anything, is Iggy Azalea fake ass in a thong doing a booty pop….

You know because it’s the single most important thing going on in the world, fuck the Olympics, School Shooting, Gun Laws, people going broke, scamming….it’s about some obscure, non-famous, who has no official hit songs, scammer…and her scamming ass…screaming for attention trying to make it all about her…

She’s trash and plays that up…and this is nothing to jerk off to…but I feel compelled to post it and have no idea why…seriously no one cares about Iggy Azalea, even when she tries so hard to make them care, she’s just a bottom of the barrel bottom feeding piece of shit who probably doesn’t realize when she does shit thanks to nerve damage from all the ass injections to get black people to like her and take her seriously..

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea Fake Ass in a Bikini Seducing People with No Taste of the Day

Iggy Azalea Fake Ass in a black Bikini

I don’t find girls with face injected faces, and fat injected ass, really that interesting to look at, no matter how much they look like gutter strippers…even though I like gutter strippers….because I know this one pretends to be a stripper, when really she’s just stealing the stripper persona for her bullshit storyline…she’s some suburban Australian white person, we don’t believe your lies bitch…I also know that this one has miraculously made money through whoring herself to rappers and whoever else thought she was famous and top tier hooker pussy…like a sex worker, but she packages herself as a pop star and that’s just irritating….

Here’s her clickbait.

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Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW