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Archive for the Iskra lawrence Category




Iskra Lawrence Bodysuit of the Day

If she’s not eating a donut or racing to the all you can eat buffet that’s recently opened up after COVID lockdowns, you know really committing to the plus sized life, since I am convinced she’s a fat faker, which is not so much a faking being fat, that shit’s real, but rater strategically getting fat to be labeled plus sized so that you don’t have to struggle to get regular model work, you know by starving yourself….which means being a plus sized model, especially in an era that fetishizes or at least endorses unhealthy fatness, in efforts to keep the fat people of the world consuming, which is the majority of people in the world thanks to amazing and responsible governments and evil food corporations and streaming and laziness….if the ladies promoting the bullshit look like them then it’s easier to bust out the wallet…even though everyone knows people want what they can’t have and if skinny chicks were promoting the products the fatties would probably buy double hoping to get skinny…since no one likes being fat..except for Iskra, her career and existence depends on it…which is why everything she does should involve EATING large quantities of food with the fat lady tits, or what I call, THE ONLY THING FATTIES HAVE TO OFFER….hanging out….

I don’t hate Iskra for opportunistic plus sized fat cosplay by getting actually fat instead of wearing a fat suit….I just think fat kills, and it is irresponsible to normalize that shit in the media…UNLESS killing is their objective….SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT…..


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Plus Size Ass of the Day

It’s about the angles motherfucker, which anyone who has been on a dating app looking for pussy over the last 20 years already knows, it’s like when you finally meet up for the fuck and realize that your dick was a little over zealous, or that the pussy you’re about to fuck, because you’re in too deep was a little misleading in her nudes….if they were even her, they were from a decade earlier, which I guess makes cumming inside the bitch a little easier to stomach knowing that she’s likely menopausal by now….

Anyway, Iskra Lawrence was one of the more viral plus sized models and I’ve hated on the plus sized agenda for a while because I think it panders to lazy people and tells them it is ok to be lazy….and I don’t like that because NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED..

I also think it’s a psy-op to turn us into the fat people on WALL-E addicted to the screen…you know WALL-E and its predictive programming…

So when I see Iskra I get mad at her being one of the ambassadors for the movement, even though there are 100s of other fatties doing the same thing…she’s just one who went viral for it…and has inspired all these other fatties to float to the surface because I guess fat is lighter than water…

I also don’t believe she’s genuinely a fatty, I think she got fat just to push the narrative and cash the fuck in….even though she is fat…her fat is a fuckable, still has a woman’s body fat…so it could very possibly not be the unhealthy fat killing Americans, but it is fat enough to make those sick fatties think fat is wonderful and it’s not…it’s gross..at least after you fuck it..

I guess gross is relative to how horny you are…

How horny are you?

I must be pretty horny because I’m actually kind of liking this slutty behavior…big ass, hard nips…could be a fuck of a lot worse…trust me…I know…I am looking at a lot fucking worse while typing this…

I am still NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED…even though you’ve caught me at a weak moment of being manipulated by strategic angles like I was on a dating app sexting a pig.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Plus Size Titties of the Day

The future of FITNESS is FAT CHICKS because the world wants you so damn fat that they are calling FAT chicks hot, which to them they probably are hot, knowing at how miserable and sick they are, that makes them good earners for their economy…they buy all the shit foods, they consume all the at home entertainment….I AM ON ALL THE STREAMERS AND I LOVE IT…they probably still have cable…they have HEALTH issues and go to the doctors more than normal people who are healthy…whether it is hypochondria from being fat…you know scared of fitness…or just because they are actually sick with chronic issues…they have cats, are miserable, no one loves them, but they get fucked along the way….MOST importantly their clothing takes up MORE fabric, thus more costs, more labour to make the fabric…and they DIE before they retire and tax the system with SOCIAL SECURITY…

So how do you keep a society fat…MAKE FATTIES THE ICONS, the idols, accepted as models….celebrated for their LOVE of PIZZA…so other fatties and those on the cusp of being fatties follow suit…you can also throw in covid lockdowns, close gyms, offer take out options and other things to keep society dumb, sick fat, and here’s one of their idols…someone who is fat, but who I think is a FAT fatty…because being fat allowed her to exist…when she couldn’t as a NORMAL BODIED model…so she ATE THE FUCK UP…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Bodysuit of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is the fat model who wasn’t always fat but who figured out that being fat would make her more marketable in this disgusting fat world…

I mean, all the COVID deaths of young people who are unvaccinated are all fat fucks, because fat isn’t healthy…but the media wants to normalize it and think it’s ok.

So they need models like this, to speak to the fatties, and it worked out alright for her since she’s made stupid money doing it.

If you go out to Walmart and check the average Walmart shopper it is fucking shocking, especially now that the pandemic is over, the level of FATNESS I see every time I leave the house, is next level…I thought people were fat before, but HOLY shit these lockdown loving bakers and fast food ordering…It is a lockdown….let’s slumber party everyday with our government money is KILLING these fucks…

I blame fat fucks like this, worried about personal gain, disrespecting the masses, ignoring the damage they do….ALL to kill off the sick and medicated population prematurely…



Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Topless of the Day

I am a firm believer that Iskra Lawrence, who looks like absolute shit, and not just because she’s 300 fucking pounds and her sheer volume scares me….maybe she’s not getting enough sleep, maybe she’s got that poison vaccine inside her, maybe she’s OLD…I don’t fucking care to really find out…

She is holding her fat lady tit, which is always the only feature that matters when it comes to fat ladies…and really making fun of her for being fat isn’t really fat shaming because she exploits her fatness more than some celebs exploit having a black dad they’ve never met….DRAKE…HALLE BERRY….we get it…or how other people exploit other marketing hooks..

I even think that Iskra faked being fat, because this is the video that made her a mutli million dollar model….

I think she got fat to get famous, since modelling skinny didn’t work…so all it took was a thick bitch barely fat to strip down to her underwear on the subway to launch a business….apparently it’s that easy, you just need to make your bullshit money grubbing convincing…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Ass of the Day

My dream documentary concept that I never got funding for because no one gives a fuck about my movie making dreams was to take a skinny model who was getting nowhere as a model, getting her fat as shit, to throw her back into modeling, and prove that fat fucks get celebrated….but unfortunately Iskra Lawrence beat me to it.

She was a model who didn’t eat carbs to maintain her figure, no one hired her, so she said fuck it, do a body positivity viral video in the subway or as the UK call it the “CHUBE”….where she’d walk around in her underwear with some spoken word poetry about how much body pride she has, so you can’t shame her, because body shamers are bad and body positivity is good, since everyone’s a fat fuck killing themselves due to laziness, and they’ll respond to a bitch who looks like them….basic logic…

As a body shamer, who thinks fat is disgusting and kills, I realized what Iskra was up to, and appreciated it…of course she doesn’t give a fuck about being ashamed about being a fat fuck who can’t lose weight….she ATE her way there like an actor…so she’ll walk around proud to be a fat bitch because she knows she is there by choice and I am sure she’ll be skinny eventually…because you can’t stay fat forever if you don’t want to die prematurely…

Anyway, she’s naked in the weirdest way and it’s not very hot, but it’s also not ver fat looking.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Bra of the Day

I don’t really keep up with Joey Lawrence’s Daughter with Jennifer Lawrence, who they named Iskra and left in the UK to fend for herself because they didn’t want a scandal to happen….or maybe it was Martin Lawrence….either way…I don’t keep track of this idiot..

But I do know that she was a legit model who got know work..when I saw legit model, I mean a skinny tall bitch who starved herself to model before seeing a loophole where the market was opening up for fatties, so she started fucking eating…carb-loading for the multi million dollar run, that was more of a waddle.

She launched a viral video with all the elements needed for a viral video, half naked chick in her underwear on public transit…to show how empowered she was…or how much of an exhibitionist she was…it got her noticed, got her work, and she had no choice but to keep eating to keep up the lie….because she was an empowered fatty…you can’t get skinny if you’re whole money making scheme is based on being an empowered fatty.

I think she’s had a kid, is bringing back her “plus sized” body, that we’ll assume won’t be plus sized forever, since she can’t keep up the fat lie forever, at a certain point it becomes unhealthy…so take in the big mom titties when you can…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Braless Mom Tit of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Braless

I forgot Iskra Lawrence was a thing, unlike the all you can eat buffet owner of the all you can eat buffet she would frequent…who would run to the door to lock up before she waddled her fat ass in…you know because she would really bite into profits by EATING IT ALL UP….as all you can eat buffets likely stay in business by knowing the average amount of food a person eats and pricing it accordingly…but there’s always those asshole who move in and treat it like an all you can eat challenge…get their moneys worth…or in Iskra’s case…eat your fucking face off to maintain your business…

SHE was an aspiring model before she got fat, realized that fat was in, basically like all the Trannies or on the fence trannies who realize that going trans will bring great opportunity if done right…only it was when fat was all the rage..

So girl looked at the industry, realized fat girls were needed in marketing campaigns, and eating yourself fat isn’t overly challenging…just eat the fuck up…if anything trying to be a skinny model is FAR harder…

She dropped a viral video of her in her underwear on the TUBE…because she’s from the UK and they don’t have subways there….and all of a sudden she fucking exists….and makes millions as a fat chick in fat face…before eventually getting in shape because fat kills..

The industry want fat girls to be relatable and inclusive to other fat girls because they know fat girls are miserable and buy shit to try to make them feel better about things…so people like ISKRA are needed in the keep them SICK, LAZY and CONSUMING…even though fat is proven to kill, probably far more deadly than cigarettes, only cigarettes aren’t allowed to advertise…or sponsor sports events…or anything….but fat girls are allowed to be sensationalized…as a beacon of hope…it’s all very irresponsible and here’s her fatness not fitting into shorts…because she’s fat…or in need of taking a shit…because she’s fat….in men’s underwear…cuz she’s fat…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence Naked Holding her Gunt of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Naked and Pregnant




This is what disease looks like, not to mention ISKRA, if that’s even her real name, made herself to speak to the fat trend in modeling, so she could position herself as a body positive fat girl, but who will get fit as soon as that trend ends.

Fat isn’t great, unless you’re skinny pretending to be fat to get paid.

Ya’ll are sick….Bring Skinny Back

Iskra Lawrence Naked and Pregnant

Iskra Lawrence Pregnant Ass


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Pregnant and Naked of the Day

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Iskra Lawrence is some fat model who got a lot of hype when she decided to mooch off the whole body empowerment fat shaming movement by becoming a fat chick who could pretend to be empowered….you know an angle cuz the internet needs angles to perpetuate its lies…

I always say she’s in FAT FACE, despite clearly being fat, because I know she was one of those trying to make it as a model skinny girls who saw opportunity, ran with it, produced a shameless video of her on the subway in her undewear and the rest is history…and by history I mean a multi million dollar brand cuz people need leaders in the fat merchandise that targets fat people since over 50 percent of America is fat and they need to buy shit for the fatness…and need people they can relate to to sell them that shit…it’s all a commercial / materialistic scam…and this one totally saw the opportunity, postured and positioned and won…

Well, she’s apparently pregnant, cuz dudes fuck fat girls who pretend they are empowered fat girls, when really it is just a performance or a role she’s cast herself for, but no one can tell she’s pregnant cuz she’s a fat chick…or pretending to be a fat chick while real fat chicks are sick and too lazy to have this level of fun with being fat cuz they aren’t fat ironically..

ANYWAY…it’s all very irresponsible, there shouldn’t be fat leaders or fat empowerment, there should be fucking institutions set up, fat camps if you will, to work with fat people on not being fat, cuz as a fat person I know being fat kills and empowering that is like empowering opiates or empowering suicidal people..some things shouldn’t be empowered and should be seen as a “hey you need help, let’s walk through this and figure out how to change your life for the better”….not some “GIVE ME MORE CAKE IT MAKES ME MONEY – FEEDER FETISH SHIT”…..if you know what I mean.

Iskra Lawrence Pregnant Bikini


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW