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Archive for the Iskra lawrence Category




Iskra Lawrence Stereotype of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Hard Nipples Wet Bikini

Is Iskra Lawrence just trying to make a meme out here?

The fat girl, who I don’t think was naturally fat, but I do believe wanted to be a model, or a personality, with a fan base so bad that she basically put herself into a real life fat suit, by being lazy and binge eating, basically riding the trend of plus sized, now that she was plus sized and the whole thing just got better when she revealed the dick she’s fucking…

Any surprises here?


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Lingerie of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Lingerie Big Girl

Iskra Lawrence who I have said was a failed model before the fat thing was a trend, who saw an opportunity to exploit the fat thing, and have fun with it because it was something she targeted, put on her VISION BOARD and went for….you know fat with confidence cuz she knew she was doing it for personal gain….all she had to do was release a viral video about her confidence in her body at a time when being in your underwear on the subway was enough of a stunt to get talked about…and in turn…she became a plus sized person in the game of plus sized.

I know fat girls, none have confidence, none get into bikinis, unless they are the weird ones with too much confidence, especially thanks to TINDER allowing them to fuck different dudes daily…but you can tell a real fat chick, but one who got fat to get paid and notoriety..

Point being, his pig, promoting pig life and premature death is not a genuine fat chick, with real fat chick problems and her being confident and empowered is an act. Real fat chicks don’t want to be fat chicks only sick opportunists who saw fat as an opportunity do…

Iskra Lawrence Lingerie Big Girl

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Wet


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Fat Ass

I first thought this was a picture of Iskra Lawrence naked with her rolls out…but luckily she is clothed…just not clothed enough for any self respecting pervert who takes an old school approach to fat chicks…in that you must use them at 3 am when they are lingering the bar desperate to get fucked because they know drunk dudes are all that want them….because in being old school…white women were too scared to fuck black dudes and totally had no idea of the opportunity available to them.

I do find celebrating a fat chick to be bad for society as a whole, or as a HOLE you can only find if you throw flour at the bitch…

I think that with Obesity and how it puts a strain on our medical system and society as a whole…while giving big pharma customers cuz of chronic illness, and bringing big food brands customers addicted to their processed shit…it’s all designed without HUMANITY involved….for profit shit.

Not to mention, fat girls are huge consumers cuz they need to work, unlike hot chicks who have dudes pay the rent for them….so make them think there is hope and have them buy your XXL panties to try to feel sexy even though they know they aren’t…

Iskra Lawrence, is just milking a trend, she wasn’t even fat to begin with, but was keen to become a model and realized CARB loading was the way…so here she is…CARB LOADING her way to the top by sexualizing her massive fat gross ass….and the sick thing in all of this, besides everything I already mentioned, is that you like it…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Side Tit of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Side Tit

Iskra Lawrence was a girl who wanted to be a model, who starved herself out to be a model, and who didn’t make it as a model the traditional way, and took their “you’re too big” to heart…and decided to become a fat chick activist….even though she was never fat…she was just told she was because the model agencies needed a way to get rid of her…


She said – “Plus sized is in” and “people are fat”….and “fat people have a voice, but more importantly the level of insecurity that makes them pull out their credit cards to buy anything to make them feel better about being their fat self”….

So she started carb-loading….Marathon athlete level carb loading….without the fitness..all to FAT-FACE like BLACK-FACE it…and pull an empowering viral video, get fat chick followers, sell to brand…and be empowered while eating all the bad food she couldn’t when she tried being a legit model…rather than a fat fetish model…

Boring….but here’s her fat tit…

If you’re into fat fetish tit, there are a bunch of fat girls on Instagram trying to be hot, pretending to be hot, doing the instagram model thing, but doing it at 300 pounds because they think they can – positive reinforcement or something…when really just becoming fat fetish models with fat tits out…like back in the day when you needed to go to the magazine store to get your obscure fetish magazines to see BBW shit that I’ll never understand…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Almost Pussy Flash of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Pussy Flash

Look at this smiling Big Mac, our there scamming the world into thinking she’s important and special and worthy of brand deals all for being fat.

Fat…something that is very easy to accomplish. If anything it requires zero effort and by definition happens from just sitting around…is nothing to be proud of or to celebrate or reward…

This bitch, a self proclaimed fat chick I know is angling being fat cuz no one cared about her when she was skinny…so she spotted a trend. Started eating. And now is just a huge set of doughy thighs for for no one to be that excited on.

She is a lie. A big fat lie. Literally.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Booty of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big GIrl Booty

Iskra Lawrence is just out of fucking control…

She is basically framing and showcasing her cellulite from her fat ass in efforts to try to get as much attention as she can…

Doing the tactics the skinny girls are doing, as a fat girl, which apparently translates as being empowered….or inspiring to fat chicks…while giving chubby chasing perverts an ass to jack off to…while making the rest of us sick…reminding us how out of hand social media and fake news has gone…proving that people just believe everything they see and read and are blinded by half naked chicks, fat or not, confusing them with being confident and strong…when really they are just Lena Dunham level of pervert narcissist who wants to be stared at despite being fat….its’ delusions really.

NOT TO MENTION it gives a terrible impression or reference point for young fat girls, who could at their – easy to influence – age learn about diet and exercise….and get fit…instead she perpetuates “stay fat and die before your parents”…

I also know this bitch is just angling…it worked, she’s stuck to it and now gets all the attention she always wanted….I don’t think she grew up fat or really knows the fat girl plight. It’s all a lie, a viral video…garbage…kitchen garbage…that makes me want to eat some carbs.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Big Girl Iskra Lawrence Bikini of the Day

Big Girl Iskra Lawrence Bikini

If you like big girls in bikinis, I hope you’re like me, where you just like all girls in bikinis, and statistically, especially now more than ever, some of them will end up being big…blame the food industry, the sugar industry, the corn industry, the internet and tech companies giving us something to do whilst sitting on our fat asses, blame having to work everyday, not getting enough sleep…. being stressed and overextended….miserable and one block away from a McDonalds to eat your sadness even if it isn’t satiating and doens’t solve problems…or in Iskra Lawrences case…you can fail as a model, and decide to rebrand yourself as a fat model, post a self produced video about being fat, even if she was only fat for a few months, creating this fat proud cuz her scam worked lie…

I call it FAT face like black face, but I guess it is fat appropriating….cuz real fat people are too lazy to make this much earth shattering noise…they’re more into breaking chairs and hating themselves and shit…

Iskra Lawrence BIG GIRL BIKINI


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Flasher of the Day

Iskra Lawrence was born on September 11 so you know she’s up to something….something bad…in a call 911 this bitch is on some ridiculous hustle cuz she wanted fame so bad that involved fattening up and monetizing being fat.

I say that she’s in FAT FACE – faking the fat to get attention…

She even self produced a stupid viral video, the viral video that made her, where she was on the subway in the UK in her underwear shamelessly embracing being fat….which led to getting her work…when it was all a joke to her cuz she’s not naturally fat…she got fat for a role, like she was Christian Bale…or some shit..

So seeing her flash, I see disgusting fat chick, but I also see fucking lies…out to scam marketers…and fat chicks a like to think she’s one of them…when she’s just being an opportunist like them….


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Fat Ass Tight Pink Bikini

Iskra Lawrence out here with her fat ass and grey hair looking like she just got banged out behind the CVS by the guy that killed XXXTENTACION….if you know what I mean…

She’s a big fucking girl, doing the fat thing, who I don’t think was fat before realizing she could make money with the fat thing, and as an exhibitionist…she had no choice to go that route to get noticed…so that she can walk around gut out with confidence since it was self inflicted and not in an eat her feelings cuz she’s sad and lonely self inflicted….but self inflicted like a fucking tactic or design to get out there, get famous and get banged out by all the florida hoods into this kind of thing….

Fat chicks are gross. Fat shame them. Don’t celebrate them. Fat is the very loud killer…cuz fat people are loud, the fart loud, they inconvenience normal sized people on planes…they eat loud…they die fast and they die hard….being fat needs to stop being glamourizeed and sexualizeed…it’s the real threat on your great nation.

Iskra Lawrence Fat Ass Tight Pink Bikini


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Flasher of the Day

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Iskra Lawrence is some fat chick, who I think is in fat face, you know pretending to be fat to get ahead as a model, because when she was skinny she was getting no where…so she committed to gaining wait, something that is not that complicated to pull off, you just have to sit and eat carbs all fucking day….the she released a viral video of her in her underwear in the train doing some speech about being a fat chick, body positivity all that bullshit rhetoric fat people tell you, even though we know fat people aren’t healthy…fat is a sign of UNHEALTHY…but if you position yourself in this politically correct world…next thing you know you’re an icon…or a leader…and in being that you get all the brand money looking to target fat people…or to meet the weight requirements instilled on campaigns by the Social Justice warriors…

Clearly, Iskra Lawrence knows being in her underwear is the only way she gets seen, noticed, talked about, so this fat flasher shit is about as authentic as she gets cuz she’s fat and likes people looking at her and her big tits..


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW