Iskra Lawrence was a girl who wanted to be a model, who starved herself out to be a model, and who didn’t make it as a model the traditional way, and took their “you’re too big” to heart…and decided to become a fat chick activist….even though she was never fat…she was just told she was because the model agencies needed a way to get rid of her…
She said – “Plus sized is in” and “people are fat”….and “fat people have a voice, but more importantly the level of insecurity that makes them pull out their credit cards to buy anything to make them feel better about being their fat self”….
So she started carb-loading….Marathon athlete level carb loading….without the fitness..all to FAT-FACE like BLACK-FACE it…and pull an empowering viral video, get fat chick followers, sell to brand…and be empowered while eating all the bad food she couldn’t when she tried being a legit model…rather than a fat fetish model…
Boring….but here’s her fat tit…
If you’re into fat fetish tit, there are a bunch of fat girls on Instagram trying to be hot, pretending to be hot, doing the instagram model thing, but doing it at 300 pounds because they think they can – positive reinforcement or something…when really just becoming fat fetish models with fat tits out…like back in the day when you needed to go to the magazine store to get your obscure fetish magazines to see BBW shit that I’ll never understand…
Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW