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Archive for the Iskra lawrence Category




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl on a Beach of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat Ass in a Bikini

I literally wrote a post on fat chicks being celebrated, gaining confidence in being fat, getting paid for being fat, to get other fat girls hyped on wearing bikinis, a few minutes ago with this ASHLEY GRAHAM POST ….

Well, as it turns out there are multiple fat girls getting paid and getting famous for being fat chicks that are used to normalize obesity – despite it being fucking bad for you – to get people to feel better about themselves so that they can buy product with money they don’t have, things they don’t need, to not even better themselves and get healthy…but to celebrate their pre-mature impending death and disease…

The time that goes into them claiming big is beautiful is time they should spend eating fucking salads and going to the damn gym…it’s SCIENCE not me just being a hater…but SCIENCE that says this is not healthy, and thus not hot…

POINT BEING, ISKRA LAWRENCE, isn’t even a real fat chick, she got fat to get famous because traditional modeling didn’t work…so she’s ripping off the fat people and their fat lives and claiming it as her own which to me is the fat face like black face…bullying of fat people by posing as one who already have it bad enough cuz they are monsters..

All this to say, I am a fat man and I know it’s not healthy…so stop trying to sexualize a fucking disease….that leads to more disease…it’s bad for EVERYONE in society.

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat Ass in a Bikini


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Iskra Lawrence Fat Ass Tiny Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Fat ass Tiny Black Bikini

Iskra Lawrence is part of the problem and not the solution..

As a fat man who can’t fit on the bus seats, plane seats, really any restaurant seat with arms, I feel like I have the right to say….fat is fucking terrible.

As a fat man who has been married to a fat woman who is disabled from being fat, and who I have to actually wipe her ass down sometimes when her pancreas can’t produce enough digestive enzymes to digest the fat she eats and it ends up all over her gross thighs….

As a fat man who has no standards but knows enough to know that fat is disgusting, a liability, a health hazard, unattractive and gross.

I can say that making the seats bigger for the fat people to be more comfortables, and by seats I mean bikinis, is just saying keep eating motherfuckers, die young, be medicated, we don’t care…

This whole inclusivity, body positivity thing is nonsense that is created by people like the Kardashians who are the most vapid plastic surgery ridden women, to sell product to dumb fat chicks who want to believe they can have a good life….and if you’re Iskra Lawrence and in your “fat suit” to get famous…I guess you can…but to the poor suckers who are having fat normalized and are told it’s ok to be them…that’s just bad for everyone and the infrastructure and society as a whole…the health industry just can’t support it…and either can most structures.

Iskra Lawrence Fat ass Tiny Black Bikini


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Fat Nip Slip of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Nip Slip in the Bath

Is Iskra Lawrence taking a bath or soaking in brine for the cookout?

She’s a scam, a model who couldn’t make it as a model, so she got herself fat to be accepted as a model in the plus sized world….making her a cultural appropriator…or bitch in a Fat Suit, doing Fat Face like it’s Black Face and the fat people believe her cuz she’s actually fat, and don’t realize it’s a role, like Russell Crowe playing that dude who ran Fox…

Either way….normalizing fat is bad for the world – it is what the man wants – to sell more chronic medications – to have a sick nation that doesn’t resist or progress – and all these people saying “look it’s ok to be fat”….are just fucking eating themselves to death….thinking it’s hot…when it’s not..

They will all fucking die prematurely….and this sexualization of the fat woman as more than just a sick fetish for a guy who had a fat mom…is fucked.

Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Iskra Lawrence is a Big Girl of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat Fuck in a White Bikini

Iskra Lawrence is a plus sized model, who started out as a normal sized model, but put on a fat suit through eating compulsively, in what we call FAT FACE, like BLACK FACE, culturally appropriating fat life, to monetize and achieve their personal dreams…

But the fact is that they should not make bikinis or clothing for anything in this size – normalizing obesity is fucking mental.

We know that it is a national epidemic, that will suffocate the healthcare system, that is killing people prematurely, and that causes chronic diseases that the pharma companies fucking love…because it gets them repeat business….

These fat chicks think they look good and don’t look good but more importantly are unhealthy and near death is bad…it’s really fucking bad…

I get fat chicks as a fetish for weirdos, weirdos like everything…..there’s something for everyone. I just don’t think they should be used by brands to be celebrated as normalcy….because it’s not normal, it doesn’t look good, it’s fucking death…a ticking timebomb…science proves it…

But big tits though.

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat Fuck in White Leggings

Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Fat Fetish of the Day

Iskra LAwrence and Another Fatty in Panties

Love your body – fine – but keep it to your damn self – we don’t need to love your body and your body doesn’t love you – and clearly you don’t actually love your body – if you did you would treat it like a temple but instead that shit is killing you from the inside…

Body posiitivity sure, don’t care about how vile you are, fuck freely, get naked for those willing to fuck you, but keep it to you damn self….the rest of us don’t need to see that shit…it’s almost like you’re sexually assaulting us.



I get it, she gets paid to be a fat chick model, but that doesn’t mean that’s a legit job we have to accept. That also doesn’t mean she has to post up her half nakedness in some kind of fetish bullshit…because really that’s what she is.

But be empowered, be proud you can’t get in shape, accept defeat and make it work for you…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence is a Flasher of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Flashing her Tits and Pussy in Trench

I find Iskra Lawrence offensive.

It’s like keep it in your damn pants girl…but I guess based on her eating habits and her body that has resulted from her eating habits…and a career that she’s created off her eating habits alone…she’s not quite one to have my will power…but instead just aggressively pushes her “fat is beauitful”…”give fat a chance” agenda on all of us….

I remember a time when naked fat chicks had their own fetish magazines for the fucking weirdos who were into that…I assume weirdos who had fat moms they wanted to fuck or who were raped as children by fat women in their lives…like the fat babysitter or the fat nanny and who were never able to get past that fetish….and sometimes they’d crack and buy a magazine or a fat woman to fuck after a night of drinking when self control was at a low..

BUT I know as a man married to a fat women, which I guess is like a racist saying “I have black friends’…or a homophobe saying “some of my best friends are cocksucking faggots”…I feel I can say fat is disgusting, it’s mushy, it’s unhealthy, it leads to diabetes and it should remain a fetish for weirdos or your last option for sex…and it should not be normalized or celebrated…and woman like Iskra Lawrence should not be seen as icons for a huge bowel movement…because anyone who knows fat chicks knows real fat chicks hate themselves too much to promote themselves and that this is some black face the fat chick version to get paid…

I’ve said it before, and it’s all I got, but I am sure it’s true…every carb heavy meal she sucks down is 100 percent an attempt to get even fatter and make more noise…and not just when doing cannon balls at the public pool….

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Iskra Lawrence Big Girl of the Day

They say that Big Girl’s don’t cry, especially when they’ve figured out a scam that involves them being big girls, so that they can eat their way through pretty much anything, and that alone gets them celebrated as some kind of talent that the world wants to support, that brands want to pay, when really she’s just exploiting the fat girl plight, strictly based on her finding an angle that worked for her to get to where she’s at….in terms of celebrity.

If she stayed a skinny girl trying to be a model, she’d be no where, she’s not hot, but chow down on 5000 calories a day of pure carbs and fatten the fuck up, like anyone who tried to get fat would….release a relevant video about being fat…and next thing you know…DOLLAR SIGNS CHA CHING CHA CHING cash register sounds….

I don’t buy her lies…

Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Booty of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat Ass in A Bikini

Ashley Graham called, she wants her strategy to get noticed back….but I guess all these fat girls getting half naked for you fat fetishists out there have the same hustle…it’s show the world your fatness…market it as not being ashamed of said fatness and in turn book jobs because all the women ashamed of their bodies, often times skinny women, ashamed they aren’t skinny enough can be disgusted by her, while the fat ones can be like “you go girl” which further perpetuates the simple fact that fat girls, like skinny girls, can be shameless attention seeking whores who get naked on social media…they are just more annoying and much grosser about it..

I do think it’s fine for all women to be comfortable naked, even fat women. Love yourself or some shit. I just don’t want to see it…but then again…I don’t mind seeing it…even if on a top level it’s gross as fuck.

Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Hard Fat Nipples in Cannes of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Hard Nipples in a Tight White Shirt in Cannes

Big tits come to those who eat a lot…..

I have this theory, that I thought was pretty much fact about this Iskra Lawrence pig…and that is that she’s pulling the same scam as Ashley Graham only far less disgusting, but still a chick who is exploiting fat, celebrating fat, because she’s basically paid to be fat…

What I heard, or the story she tells is that she was a skinny aspiring model getting no where, who was called too big, but who saw the trends and figured it all out, saw people getting famous for being fat, and said, fuck it, getting fat is easy, let’s get fat, and pretend to be body positive and that the world needs to listen to you….go viral…and brands will throw money at you….and they did.

But looking at her face, I have a hard time believing that she was every an aspiring model, or that the rejections were based on size, I think that’s just further lies to her storyline….

She’s cashing the fuck in and laughing about it because it and none of the Social Justice Warriors are calling her out for being exploitative of fat people…. the black face of fat people, the AL JOLSON of fat people….because fat people are far too lazy to complain….thanks to diabetes..holding them back…

And remember, Big tits come to those who eat a lot…..

Here she is spreading them thighs for Instagram
Iskra Lawrence Bra and Panties Spreading her Legs on a Bed

Here is a terrifying video of her shaking her ass

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Big Girl Iskra Lawrence’s Fat Ass of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl big ass and tits in a tight white swimsuit

Iskra Lawrence took my advice and wore a brighter colored bikini so that she doesn’t get confused as a whale before going out into the ocean….

Or in this case testing the structural integrity of an in Ocean swing…thanks to being in some amazing tropical place because her hard life is a fucking vaction…filled with all you can eat food as she likes it.

She’s pulling the same scam as Ashley Graham only far less disgusting, but still a chick who was a skinny aspiring model getting no where, who figured it all out, saw people getting famous for being fat, and said, fuck it, getting fat is easy, let’s get fat, and pretend to be body positive and that the world needs to listen to you….go viral…and brands will throw money at you….and they did.

She’s cashing the fuck in and laughing about it because it was a brilliantly executed scam…

But it is exploitative of fat people, the black face of black people, the AL JOLSON of fat people….because fat people are far too lazy to get out there, put themselves out there, even the loud obnoxious ones…because they are ashamed of being fat…but they don’t mind supporting fat girls doing the work for them..because that’s the fat way.

While a skinny girl who got fat can see it as the novelty act that it is..and run with it to the bank…

Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW