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Archive for the Iskra lawrence Category




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Tits of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Tits Photoshoot

Iskra Lawrence with the big girl tits…because if you’re going to be a fat chick, since it is marketable, you might as well have tits while you’re doing it. In all the fat chicks I’ve had to have sex with over the years, because they were the only chicks available to fuck, only a handful had big tits, which defeated the entire purpose of fucking a fat chick, something I do not recommend to anyone but that I will say….drives the point home in terms of how pathetic you actually are in your life choices…where big tits on a fat chick can distract you from that harsh and sad reality.

I don’t believe in this Iskra Lawrence lie. She’s in Fat face, fat to get famous since it is a thing, finding that bubble to ride…or in her case eat, but like everything, it will eventually fade and we will get back to normal…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Titty Flash of the Day

Iskra Lawrence TItty Flash

Let’s go into the new year, even though we’re a few weeks into the new year, with some Iskra Lawrence pantsless and getting attention despite being fat, because she is fat, and the brands need fat chicks to throw money at, so they seem inclusive with their marketing, when this Iskra Lawrence bitch is clearly having too much fun being fat, to actually be fat, cuz if you know fat people, they fucking hate being fat, and would never get into a bikini unless it was a fucking joke…even with all this body positivity….

It would only happen when a average sized chick decides to intentionally get fat for profit….and that is precisely what Iskra is…fat face / fat suit, like Black Face…I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….she’s bullshit and she’s cashing in and for those of you who like it, I assume you’re black, and sick fucks…so this one’s for you – you sick fucks!!

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Here she is at the Golden Globes after party for some reason


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Wet Bikini of the Day

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I figure nothing says hit the workout machines cuz it’s 2019 like looking at this fat model who I think is in a fat suit, you know the equivalent of black face only for models who want to be models but aren’t good enough to be models so they force feed themselves and spin the storyline to body positivity and the world celebrates them as they get to eat whatever the fuck they want to maintain….probably a liberating experience when you fully commit to it….

The fact is that she will one day be skinny again, when the money dries up and people remember that fat kill…but until then…fat chick, slow crawl out of the pool, with that slow mo ass jiggle..to inspire your resolutions…. and get that gym membership…even though you can’t outtrain a diet…abs are made in the kitchen…and I guess so are careers for the right fat chick who knows how to angle it right….while we all know that real fat chicks are too lazy, tired and self hating to succeed…we’re onto you Iskra…

Iskra Lawrence Wet Bikini Booty


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Big Ol Girl Iskra Lawrence Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Wet Black Bikini

Nothing says working on the weekend, using my skills to pay the bills, being addicted to this blog, like a fat chick in a bikini who I know is just a fat chick angling being fat and not actually a fat chick, because fat chicks are lazy….too lazy to whore down on social media or build a personal brand…they don’t travel to luxurious places cuz they hate themselves and the two seats they take up on the planes.

The only fat chick hyped on being a fat chick is a skinny chick who got fat to have a career cuz she’s not hot enough to be a regular model…

Fat Face like Black Face…in a bikini cashing in.

Here she is in her tight jeans
Iskra Lawrence Big Fat Ass Tight Jeans Crop Top


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Shakes her Fat Ass of the Day

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Iskra Lawrence is disgusting. Why are you encouraging this behavior you social justice – inclusivity loving assholes who just like fat chicks cuz they are easy and have big tits and don’t realize the more you encourage them and make them think they are hot – the more they act like hot chicks – while not being hot chicks – developing egos when being disgusting – throwing off the whole equilibrium of the universe – all while this bitch is just playing up being fat for attention….in FAT FACE like all you girls getting away with being in Black Face from your Spray Tans….only FAT.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Big Bikini of the Day

If you’re into Iskra Lawrence, you’re either a black dude or a skinny white guy with a feeder fetish, who relies heavy on watching a bitch eat and eat and eat her way into diabetes…because you know she’ll be too fat to run from you and too fat to ever leave you….because you’re an insecure fuck and you’re not dialed into the reality that these fat chicks, who aren’t too lazy to get off the couch, who aren’t crippled by diabetes amputations on on Oxygen due to their heart disease..but rather the motivated kind of fat chick…which I guess exists…the loud and energized fat chick who gives as much to being noticed as to the all you can eat buffet….or to cake…

I have a theory on Iskra Lawrence that she is she’s a fake, a hack, a lie, bullshit…she is a CULTURALLY APPROPRIATING FAT CHICKS by taking their fat chick glory.

I think she’s a model who wanted to be a model who couldn’t get work as a model…so she saw fat chicks celebrated and decided that she can be lazy and eat, it’s easier than trying to stay skinny, so she owned it….She crafted a clickbait viral video of her on the subway in her underwear, talking about being a fat bitch and loving her body…a perfectly executed viral video…that has allowed her to exist, only she has to keep her fatness alive…

She post enthusiastically about eating carbs and I know that no fat chick, even one paid 1,000,000 dollars would be that pumped on eating, they hide that shit from the public…proving that this bitch found an angle and it’s hilarious.

This is an imposter skinny bitch moving in on their fat lazy and sick turf…and here is some of her fat tits that come with being a fat chick.

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Big Bikini 3


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence See Through of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat Fuck See Through Dress Bra Panties

I am changing the site name to fat fuck dot com…

Everyone hates a drunken stepfather it makes them think of when they were molested as a child but they seem to fucking love fat fucks empowered enough
To call themselves fat fucks…and eve. Promote and build a career of being fat fucks…getting fatter and fatter because the more she gets paid…but I know and she knows once the retirement money is banked…she will get back to her original slim self…

The fun scam if you like cakes and walking g that fine line of dying of a chronic obesity issue…

Iskra Lawrence Bra Panties


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Got Them Tits Out for Fashion of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio by Jan Welters Tits and Ass

At this point in her career – Alessandra Ambrosio is an OG.

She’s been doing this for over 20 fucking years.

She’s old as fuck, a mom of a bunch of kids, and is still at it.

She started modeling at 12 years old, that’s when she decided she was tall and hot and ready to get half naked, by 14 she was already working, by 19 she was working for Victoria’s Secret and now at 37, she’s still working for Victoria’s Secret…a lifer, like the old lady you see at Sears pre-bankruptcy, who had been there for 50 fucking years, two years until she’s all pensioned out, only Ambrosio doesn’t need a pension, she’s made stupid money longer than most models because they retire at 30, those slackers and she just keeps on fucking going…

I don’t really care if she stops or not, I kind of like that she sets the bar for lazy fat women who are over 30 years old, you know the kind that turn to a blob of shit after their first kid, who you may or may not be married to.

It’s nice to say “Oh really, you can’t drop your 50 pounds of pure fat from donuts, and be a hot tight body like Ambrosio”….she clearly needs to work at it hard because nature isn’t designed like this, and sure she’s got budget, but really…fat ladies out there…there’s no excuse for your fatness…just look at this old hag…still hotter that most.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Feeder Fetish Dreams of the Day

iskra lawrence big fat fuck eating a burger in bra and nude thong

If you’re into Iskra Lawrence, you’re either a black dude or a skinny white guy with a feeder fetish, who relies heavy on watching a bitch eat and eat and eat her way into diabetes…

I have a theory on Iskra Lawrence, not on the Feeder Fetish that makes Iskra Lawrence Feeder Fetish Dreams of the Day, but on Iskra Lawrence herself…and that theory is she’s a fake, a hack, a lie, bullshit…

I think she’s a model who wanted to be a model who couldn’t get work as a model…so she saw fat chicks celebrated and decided that she can be lazy and eat, it’s easier than trying to stay skinny, so she owned it.

She crafted a clickbait viral video of her on the subway in her underwear, talking about being a fat bitch and loving her body…a perfectly executed viral video…that has allowed her to exist, only she has to keep her fatness alive..

This panty eating a burger in the car, celebrating being a fat pig and loving it cuz eating is her business now…is clearly her mocking actual fat people who hate being fat..because she did this to herself to exist and is loving the outcome…

Gross on all fronts…but I see through it….no real fat person would post pics of themselves eating, they hate themselves for being fat and eating, they do it secretly and hidden….

This is an imposter skinny bitch moving in on their fat lazy and sick turf…

Here is her hungry pussy eating her leggings
Iskra Lawrence Pussy Print Tight Leggings sports bra


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Big Girl in a Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat TIts Pussy Print Bright Orange Bikini

I guess today is a post on finding as many plus sized models living their fattest life because it gets them paid really well since fat women, who are the norm, need fat chicks to sell product to them, rather than have skinny chicks tell them to get off their fat asses, because fat shouldn’t be the damn norm…so they should get that burger and chips and cake and chocolate out of their damn mouths and start fucking walking…their organs, health, longevity will thank them….but their pharmacist will be mad they won’t have chronic diseases to pay up every month to stay alive….

It’s the world we live in…

So here’s Iskra, the UK fat chick, who I am convinced was a “skinny” chick trying to make it as a model but rejected because she was not all that eventful, and because she’s wasn’t skinny enough, so she said fuck it, started eating, did the plus sized thing, and is just in fat face – like black face…

Eventually, she’ll get fit again, and have all her followers, and maybe inspire them to get fit, rather than to just complacently accept being fat, and celebrate it..maybe become a Suzanne Somers, Susan Powers…or some other bitch named Susan to get fat people off their asses and less fat..

While that concept brews, she’s still got more to make with her fat life, so here she is confident in a fat bikini as these fat people now do….knowing at least one black guy will jerk off to this.

Iskra Lawrence Big Fat TIts Pussy Print Nude Bikini


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW