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Archive for the Jennifer Love Hewitt Category




Jennifer Love Hewitt Topless Mask Time of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt Mask

Jennifer Love Hewitt bringing the erotica to any of you into facials…you know the good old fashioned busting nut the shape of a mask on a bitch because you’re so backlogged with your sperm retention that it comes out as a solid with eye holes…

There’s about an inch of her iconic, legendary, we all saw Can’t Hardly Wait and remember the blue tank top…and whatever else she was in when she was the teen hearthrob, I don’t know if the teen comedies of the 90s consider the women in the movies teen heart throbs but in this genderless world, only allowing men to be heart throbs would be racist.

The point is that women don’t age well, not matter how many masks a bitch uses, she’s too far gone…and big tits or not, her gut is equally big, and there’s no fun in that.


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt




Jennifer Love Hewitt in Jeans of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt in Jeans

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s been a disappointment for at least a decade…you know the prime example of why big tits need to be taken advantage of … at least sexually… despite what society is trying to tell you about how you shouldn’t take advantage of anything sexually… unless you are the girl with said tits…which is what I meant…because then it’s your body and your right to take advantage of things sexually…you know get that money from those pussy whipped losers they call SIMPS because like incels there is a category of dude who these girls target to get paid out by…

What I am trying to say is that Jennifer Love Hewitt was a set of tits on such a skinny frame that no one anticipated the rest of her body would catch up to the tits, but the body always catches up to the tits, and she’s been fat as shit for a long time at this point…so seeing her ass in jeans may not be an overly big ass to you middle of the road walmart shoppers, I mean this full ass is probably half a cheek in your world so you find it hot….but she’s from Hollywood motherfuckers and she’s fallen the fuck apart and even in this plus sized girls can work…she’s not…she’s too busy eating cake I assume.



Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt




Jennifer Love Hewitt Sweaty and Topless of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt Nude

I guess we can call this Jennifer Love Hewitt having a party of three in her shower…The three invited are her her saggy old face and two big titties….

She’s clearly been bit by the instagram bug, all whores who like attention are bit by the instagram bug, there’s a reason ZUCKERBERG has made billions off all of your backs…you vapid narcissistic fucks like basic feedback for meaningless content….which is also why the more naked these girls get…the more feedback they get…and the more nude they get…

I think Maitland Ward is a prime example of what happens with Instagram. The tits no one remembered because it’s been 20 years since we jerked off to the bitch, made a comeback when the show she was on was doing a redo.

Quickly generating a fan base of people who were fans of her back then, nostalgic and looking for people to follow….which quickly generated her orgasms to all the fans pining over her…only to end up in big dick black dude mandingo porn….

The failed actor, now the biggest name in porn, at 45 years old….it’s wild but EVERY single actress or person who was drawn to fame can EASILY fall into that.

The content…progressively sluttier….

Now I’d much prefer Jennifer Love Hewitt getting into porn that Maitland Ward, but it’s a process and sometimes it takes these bitches time to find their calling….but one thing is for sure…she’s already getting sluttier and sluttier with the content because the feedback is just that much more…so like all girls of the internet – sex work is near.


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt




Jennifer Love Hewitt Topless of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt topless

Jennifer Love Hewitt posted these shitty topless pics of herself what must be a week ago, but who can really be sure, we live in a simulation and days are turning into weeks and into months and into who the fuck cares about Jennifer Love Hewitt…..even the biggest Jennifer Love Hewitt fans are over it after a decade of her being fat and boring….and old.

BUT there was a time she was the blue tank top wearing busty on a small frame…party of five titties that were the hottest thing for a solid year thanks to two or three movies…the cute girl with big tits….not showing her tits but showing upper collar bone which is basically part of her tit if you’re desperate enough.


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt




Jennifer Love Hewitt Sauna Tits of the Day

I am from the school of thought that all women are sluts. It is not their choice, it is just how they are genetically coded, and it is not a bad thing as I love sluts….

Now you may not agree with me, because you know that so many women haven’t been sluts with you…and you may also reflect on celebrities you’ve never seen naked and thought “well she’s not a slut, even though i wish she was”…without realizing that it takes a certain kind of girl to even end up a celebrity, so a lot of her SLUT happens behind closed doors when the cameras are off….

Some sluts may never come out as being sluts, they may never turn to their inner soul and officially find their calling, meaning or purpose….because they oppress those feelings…while other sluts are slutty from the age of 16…..

But in most cases, by the time a slut is in her mid-40s the slut starts to surface, it comes with her being comfortable in her own skin, knowing it’s almost over for her, and that when she’s slutty in the 55+ retirement community…it will get way less viral appeal…even if it gets way more viruses…

Ultimately we are all just human and that is a series of having tits to show off, and being the people excited by the tits being showed off.

So here’s Jennifer Love Hewitt naked in the Sauna…tits exposed…more than they’ve ever been exposed even though they are tits we’ve loved for a long time…because thanks to social media she sees how excited her audience gets from her tits…and it has been a build up to this….next up…SPREAD pussy.

Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt|SFW




Jennifer Love Hewitt Cleavage of the Day

Share Video

Jennifer Love Hewitt is still around….but her face has seen better days…in fact so has the rest of her….

I mean I guess when you are the small head…small body…hug tits in the late 90s…it’s really hard to stay relevant…especially when you’re boring in all that you do…especially in your emotional eating that at one point made her 300 pounds and unable to land a man to knock her up…despite being Jennifer Love Hewitt….

I guess Jennifer Love Hewitt proves that it’s never too late to reinvent yourself….or reinvent your face…you just need those face injections…and a diet plan…all it took was the people ridiculing her fat ass …to get you off your ass, in the gym, face injected…and I guess knocked up cuz she’s a mom now.

It’s nice to see her putting focus back on what matters…

Her tits…Because for those of us who remember her from the 90s….they were a lot of hype…it was hard to not be a fan of them..

So here they are now…from the RETIREMENT HOME motherfuckers..


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt|SFW




Jennifer Love Hewitt Titty Rash of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt is a fetish to some…

Titty Rashes are a fetish to others…

Venn Diagram that shit…and Jennifer Love Hewitt Titty Rashes must be a fetish to the where those two fetishes crossover…

I bet you didn’t even realize JLH tits from the 90s teen comedies set on her small frame that turned into a fat chick frame as the rest of the body catches up to the tits often…cuz when bitch fattened up and got old..she was forgotten….

But that titty rash gave her reason to exist again….

Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt|SFW




Jennifer Love Hewitt Fat Ass for the Party of Five Revival of the Day

I was reading over at EVILBEETGOSSIP that Party of Five was making a comeback….which I guess means Jennifer Love Hewitt feels the need to make a comeback too…so she called the paparazzi to take advantage of the hype the show that originally got dudes jerking off to her big tits on a small frame….that made her famous and in all the movies and by all the movies I mean “I know what you did last summer”…and the one where she wore a blue tank top…you know the one…you’re old like me…grey chest hair level old…

That said…the number one lesson we can learn from Jennifer Love Hewitt about big tits on a small frame is that nature is working against us on this oddity…and that nature wants the rest of her to be fat…and often times nature wins….unless girl gets into the whole starving herself and working out just the right amount to not lose her tits everyone likes while maintaining a normal body weight…

So this girl, after fame, basically exploded and has been struggling with her weight since…this fat ass in leggings is her old ass body looking better than it has in the past but never as good as it did when she was a meme before memes….

And the real question in all this is where’s Nev Campbell…oh right the new Party of Five is about Mexican kids surviving after their parents get deported not white parents who died in a car accident….my god…but logical for the state of the nation and clickbait pandering to everyone and focused on exploiting inclusion and diversity…while pretty much being racist, obvious and exploitative in your cashing in….but the world ignores that and just celebrates the steps in the right direction using Mexican talent since America is 50 percent Mexican…see ya later white people….they should hire me to write it since my mom was a Mexican whore before she died of AIDS and I ended up in Canada an orphan….

At least the pandering story isn’t that the parents are TWO TRANS, you know those stories where the mom is the dad and the dad is the mom, who get killed in some TRANS rights protest by Trump Supports….but that doesn’t mean they won’t introduce the Mexican parents on a Christmas trip they all take to Cabo for their Christmas special, unless these Mexicans are actually Muslim Jews, because Christmas is wrong…it’s called HOLIDAY SPECIAL NOT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL JESUS….but that doesn’t mean they won’t introduce the Mexican parents as Trans and Black and pansexuals who will fuck anything during their feminist protests…. because there are black people in Mexico…you racists who think there aren’t black mexicans are the problem….

The good news is that the news brought out some JLH fat ass, I mean if that’s even good news…it’s dimply.


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt|SFW




Jennifer Love Hewitt Geriatric Pregnancy Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt Topless and Pregnant

Jennifer Love Hewitt has a solid excuse for being fat – for once in her life, unless she’s had other kids, which is possible, I stopped paying attention to her when her fat ass caught up to her fat tits…..but today…in this Instagram Erotica…she’s got some Geriatric pregnancy erotica for those of you who don’t find it unnatural for a 40 year old to have a kid – even if the chances of it having Downs Syndrom and other issues are higher…because you’ve loved Jennifer Love Hewitt tits your adult life and any excuse to see her tits, or think about her pussy being filled with cum before being shredded apart is porn to you….

Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt|SFW




Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Legit of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Women have an expiration date, so there is no real shock that Jennifer Love Hewitt has expired, especially after close to 15 years of being fat, struggling with her fat, which has probably been more depressing for her fans, that never saw this coming, than it is for her, who probably never saw it coming as she ate her feelings from being in this high pressure world…


I always know that her skinny frame didn’t make sense for massive tits….but her massive tits made it clear she could gain fat…just in the right places at 18-22….but the second that metabolism kicks in…and Menopause starts approaching…month after month one less egg in her ovary to drop…the rest of your body catches up to your tits…

So here’s some Expired Jennifer Love…with that ass…that’s pretty fucking legit, and not in a good way, more in a so big, it’s real…fucking real…in a world where I prefer fantasy…

Take it in….because it’s not that bad, in a world of fat legs and fat asses some of you, this thickness is hot…and really…it’s not as bad as it could be….but she probably hates herself for it.


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt|SFW