Kanye West streamed his new video, the one that made fun of Taylor Swift, on TIDAL because he’s Jay-Z’ and Beyonce’s bitch – and it features what are the most “famous” people of the time, in bed, topless, together…in the Kim Kardashian school of fame whoring, attention seeking, media manipulating, distracting, trolling, lying for personal gain…bullshit that they try to intellectualize or make interesting…
So the 12 famous people topless together – are George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, and Taylor Swift.
I think Kanye was most into the Caitly Jenner nude…
Apparently, these are dolls, but even if they were human, they are just vapid, shallow, useless puppets……
So take it in…Kanye is the worst – but Sister Nancy is great….love that BOM BOM song…
Side not – Kim K’s tits are such jokes…

Posted in:kanye west|Kardashians