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Archive for the Kardashians Category




Kanye West Fame Whores His is New Video “FAMOUS” of the Day

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Kanye West streamed his new video, the one that made fun of Taylor Swift, on TIDAL because he’s Jay-Z’ and Beyonce’s bitch – and it features what are the most “famous” people of the time, in bed, topless, together…in the Kim Kardashian school of fame whoring, attention seeking, media manipulating, distracting, trolling, lying for personal gain…bullshit that they try to intellectualize or make interesting…

So the 12 famous people topless together – are George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, and Taylor Swift.

I think Kanye was most into the Caitly Jenner nude…

Apparently, these are dolls, but even if they were human, they are just vapid, shallow, useless puppets……

So take it in…Kanye is the worst – but Sister Nancy is great….love that BOM BOM song…


Side not – Kim K’s tits are such jokes…


Posted in:kanye west|Kardashians




Kardashians To Distract from the REAL News of Day


I am sure you’ve been hearing a few things on the news about the UK separation from the EU, because everyone is freaking the fuck out, even though nothing will really change and the UK has been an empire that ruled the world for fucking ever and UNIONS in and of themselves kill business and economy…it’s not like the EU is going to go to war with the UK, or not let UK people into EUROPE, or even trade or do banking in the UK…it’s not that big of a deal..plus why carry the burden of mismanged countries on your back, you got your own shit to deal with….

When people don’t realize what’s actually important…the VAPID hooker /stripper / sluts who make stupid money called the Kardashian Jenners who put up pictures of their mangled, jacked up faces / body / photoshopped everything…because they are disgusting pigs and America fucking loved disgusting pig…

We should focus on who they fuck, what they fuck, if they have testicles, how much their weigh, why they are important, as they cash the fuck in..

It’s WAY more important that the EURO economy crashing..

We all know the only thing that really matters is which Kardashian genitals are exposed today….

Here’s KIM and her CLONE Kylie….one white, one Armenian, both Spray Tanned..freaks…and not in a good way…

Here’s Kendall – the WHITE one – who is AVERAGE looking at best, doing a campaign for Estee Lauder….that looks more like a high school project, but that’s impossible – she dropped out of High School for this spokesmodel whore life…

Seriously – this is who Estee Lauder felt was the face of the make-up brand…I remember when models were iconic not bootleg but good marketers on social media..

Here’s Bruce Jenner import car Marketing….

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Posted in:Kardashians|SFW




America’s Royal Family of the Day


What kind of circus did these people get released from. If this isn’t the most amazing yet disturbing picture of the Kardashians, including Stroke Face Odom who couldn’t even escape their evil spell, I am sure they’ll be releasing one that is…

Shot by the talented @iamjamiemccartney ….in what is the first a picture saying 1000 words….

These women, including Bruce, are monsters, actual fucking monsters…and the family look like they were cast for some Harmony Korine or Todd Solondz or Troma type movie, you know those filmmakers who did “weird” for the sake of weird and went over the top with weird…

It’s like they are a contrived made for TV bootleg even cable access caliber rich family of freakshows…because they are….yet they are also the most powerful, rich, high paid spokesmodel…because people to care…

So just when I am thinking that if you’re into necrophilia – the best way for your lover to have died is probably freezing to death…..this magic comes along and I’m forced to think if you’re into necrophilia grab a Kardashian, they are dead…shells…of humans…and here is their family portrait…so fucking weird….even terrifying…

Posted in:Kardashians|SFW




Monster Kardashian Round-Up of the Day


I know we don’t care about the Kardashians and their fame whoring, but the media loves talking about them, brands love working with them, they public have turn them into this very rich and powerful…all while being tacky and trashy…expensive garbage…so as they are shoved down my throat, coming at me from every angle, a sex tape porn star that went totally wrong for us, but right for them….all of them….as they try to sell shitty product to us like the gypsy merchants they should have been…instead of this…

Well, it turns out that Kim and Bruce aren’t the only dudes who have an insane amount of plastic surgery and bad make up who dress like ladies in the Kardashian cult compound…there’s also the recently turned 18 hooker Kylie and the one we assume is from OJ named Khloe….

So here’s Khloe Kardashian Simpson…who even reformatted…is terrifying….

And the little one, who everyone was excisted about seeing turn 18, because I guess jailbait aficiandos take birth certificate dates to heart and they hold more importance than how busted and broken down said jailbait already looks…probably from a drug addiction, thanks to her parents having absolutely no soul, where that she’s just a player in their cast of trash…something she probably hates…even if the money is good…she knows, they all know, they’re fucking garbage..very very expensive garbage…and that the general public are just idiots..

That’s all I have to say about that, which as we know is way too much.

Posted in:Kardashians|SFW




Disturbing Kardashian Picture of the Day

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There is something very creepy about this picture of Kris Jenner, an evil genius, that some would even consider a terrorist, who used her kids, all of her kids, and probably anything and everything that she has shat out of her pussy, from tampons, to used condoms, to the murder weapon OJ used in the killing, all while master minding the media…to give us this…

I know, all pics of Kris Jenner are creepy…but while she fakes sleep on Kanye, I just don’t get what the I’m looking at, but luckily one of the kid’s with the tranny is in a sports bra…to distract me from the “Why does the general public care…

Here’s Kendall Showing off her GUNT in a Sports Bra…

Posted in:Kardashians|SFW




Hot Ass but Failed Death of the Day

Yesterday there was a perfect opportunity to put an end to all things horrible in the world…The Kardashians, who on their luxury trip to wherever they are…went zip lining on a zip line that we wish couldn’t support the weight of all their shit….crashing into a fiery death…ridding the world of evil…

Not that this actually happened yesterday, but it was posted yesterday, so I’ll go with their bullshit storyline, just like I’ll stare at the young ones ass, an ass one of the other ones says looks good in this video, because it does…thank you zip line harness…even though I hate you for not breaking…


Posted in:Kardashians




The Kardashian Christmas Card is a Photo Series of the Day

I saw this horrible Kardashian Christmas card, as tacky as you’d expect, yesterday but apparently it’s a series of pics, obviously, these over the top assholes just don’t stop…even though they should be stopped with an elephant gun…

Apparently, they hired David Lachapelle to shoot their Christmas card, and by The Kardashians I mean E!, as the Kardashians have E! by the balls and make them pay for all the over the top shit they do, because spending their own stupid money they made being the worst humans on earth would just be crazy, when they can trap other idiots to do it for them…they’ve got it all figured out, but it’s too bad that these Dancing Monkeys aren’t just Dancing Monkeys that their trainer can put to sleep because they’re all danced out…

The only thing nice about this over the top shoot it is that Bruce Jenner let his Tranny hair out…not you tranny lovers can really throw down to him…if you know what I mean…


Posted in:Kardashians|SFW




Kardashian Trash Photoshopped in Lingerie of the Day

Here is some Kardashian lingerie shit I feel like I have seen before but that one of the Kardashian trash can whores posted to her site today….so it might be new…you see shit is so photoshopped it is barely even a picture of themselves, but of digital renditions of themselves, so nothing to get excited over…it is like when I send pics of my dick to hot chicks to get their nudes….when really I am sending pics of some random dick I found on the internt and presenting it as my own…only to really uspset them when we actually meet in person….only I’ll never meet these Kardashian hookers…unless I have 50,000 dollars to hire them to pretty much do anything, because they are all for sale….which in so many ways is a good thing….but unfortunately in their case is garbage because lets face it, the Kardashians are fucking garbage….and I am posting it anyway.

Posted in:Kardashians




Kardashian Jailbait Second String of the Day

Here’s the second line or second string or the back-up plan for the Kardashian mom – who breeds and exploits her youth like she was a pageant mom but who is actually just some gold digging cunt who figured out how to hustle money….and despite being over the Kardashian’s and hating the Kardashians….ready for the Kardashian’s to disappear….you can’t help but look…cuz the bitches in the tight dresses all adult like aren’t quite 18….jailbait and illegal for your pervert mind….so you can’t help but pay attention….further proof that the Kardashian’s fucked the devil up the ass or something cuz they don’t deserve this shit….and either do you but here are the pics anyway…

Posted in:Kardashians




The Kardashian’s in Some Scripted Miami Bullshit of the Day

Here are the Kardashian sisters bullshitting the world in Miami while filming their bullshit show. I am not sure what went on in their mother’s womb when that bitch Khloe was developing but I assume it involves living next to powerlines, or even steroid treatement for asthma or something that seeped into her placenta. What I am sure of is that this bitch is a fuckin’ monster and the fact that dudes fuck her confuses me, but not as much as it probably confuses them, you know with trying to hide their tranny porn obsession from their family and friends and shit, cuz only getting off to tits if there is a dick attached is nothin’ but confusing, hell that shit isn’t even made in fuckin’ nature, it’s some futuristic sci-fi shit and I’m sure you know all about that.

Posted in:Fake Reality TV|Kardashians|Miami