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Archive for the Kate Hudson Category




Kate Hudson Still Drunk of the Day

Kate Hudson Bikini

Sometimes I wonder if Goldie Hawn’s daughter who stole her existence because Goldie Hawn got aged out, because of AGEISM but Hollywood still needed a cute blonde with bubble butt to be a bubbly little minx in shitty movies….is her actual clone from some elite cloning center us normals aren’t allowed to experience or know they exist…but when motherfuckers are cloning sheep in the 90s, race horses for 20 years, and now household pets for $50k which I would 100 percent do if I had $50k….you know that they are also cloning humans, I mean why wouldn’t they….it’s just a matter of figuring out who the reals are and who the clones are…

I also wonder if Kate Hudson really was the reason Owen Wilson tried to kill himself when they were dating, or if I just made that shit up 20 years ago and ran with it…

I don’t wonder if Kate Hudson is a drunken rich white woman who loves her wine while making her billions with her slutty mom fitness apparel….because I know that much is true…

This is her bikini pic for attention, reminding you that moms of multiple kids with multiple dads in their 40s can do bikini pics too…especially when they are rich, famous and luxurious and not living in the housing projects like many poor fat white women are…


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson is in a Bathing Suit of the Day

How do ya’ll like my original KATE HUDSON artwork so that the evil paparazzi who killed Princess Diana don’t come at me…because art may be bullshit…but it’s a great excuse when trying to not get sued for some bullshit as useless as an old, tired, Kate Hudson titty pic….

She’s in Greece with a one-piece bathing suit on, because she’s had too many kids and is too old for a bikini, even with her rich as fuck born in the industry life….

She was probably one of the first celebrity rich kids I was into when I first saw her, thinking how amazing it would be to be born to celebrities and live that stress free existence, but then she started acting and I hate actors…so it was unfortunate….

I found out about her when she was 18, so she’s had a good 22 years of disappointment, while other celebrities kids, far hotter and more interesting than her have come to our attention….and they weren’t involved in our HERO Owen Wilson’s suicide attempt…but Kate Hudson was…BROS BEFORE HOES…

Point being, this is a nice reminder than the rich and the elite, cuz she is not just a heiress to Goldie, a Drunk and a slut with kids with various fathers, she’s also an actor, who got big pay days, a spokesperson who had big pay days, and also a dot com direct to consumer selling fabletics leisure-ware, which is likely her most lucrative project….

So the Elite don’t get affected by COVID (either should you commoners)….but they just fly private wherever they need to go to take advantage of the empty Greek beaches….

Now what this is missing is the trashy rich girl fucking a souvlaki like it was one of her baby daddies…Tzatziki on them fake titties yo..

Either way, GARBAGE for you….in a one piece…yay.


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Fitness Erotica of the Day

You may or not know this about me, but I think Kate Hudson is the worst and I am someone with a celebrity’s kid fetish….meaning I like these useless people with famous parents who keep up the lie or the legacy of their family members…acting like they deserve it or like it’s some special skill they’ve inherited because as you know, DNA HAS MEMORY…but the reality of it is that they are just entitled rich people who are brazen, big balled cuz they have nothing to lose, that people suck up to and tell them they are great, all because of their parents….it’s just a scam…but normally one I like…but for whatever reason…I don’t like drunk, old necked, plastic faced Kate hudson looks like some kind of monster from this angle….I am just surprised she has a seat on her bike as she looks like someone who needs to be constantly filled.

If you’re into middle aged women bodies….here you go…and even with the fake tits…it’s a middle aged woman in a bikini and that scares me…

I am a firm believer that bikinis should have an age limit…..even when you’re trying to increase the value of your already over valued Fabletics scam…and I call it a scam because she’s not a fitness personality, she’s a drunken rich kid…who just owns part of a fitness company cuz she’s famous…

Point being…TEAM OWEN WILSON…..


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Ass of the Day

Kate Hudson Ass

I don’t know why I think Kate Hudson is a drunken piece of shit who is normalizing incest with her weird podcast about siblings, that I am surprised I know she does, but that I guess I’ve been exposed to despite avoiding all social media….at all times…that shit is the devil…

I do think it has to do with none of her movie roles being all that interesting, she was just a body to replace roles that would have been written for me mom, but her mom was too old to do….like when you see a young stripper with her 50 year old mom at shift change because the mom works days for the unemployed losers and her daughter has been passed the torch to carrying on the family legacy in the evening / night shift where the real money is…

Anyway, she’s not a good actor, she’s never impressed me, she was dating Owen Wilson when he tried to kill himself, and if you’ve known rich, entitled, weirdo women, you’ll know their lack of soul is enough to make a montherfucker kill themselves after being manipulated into their vaginas…or by their vaginas…

She’s a dot com billionaire with her Fabletics brand of fitness gear, even though her level of fitness is fucking dudes who knock her up, drinking hard, and starving herself out….but let her play the fitness influencer for 40 year old women to get paid…if they buy into it because they liked her in one of her RomComs and think her leggings are THE leggigns….they all deserve each other….

That said, I haven’t liked Kate Hudson this much since her 1998 Architecture Digest feature I jerked off to in 1998….when she first started out with her public persona/acting career…I was early to the Kate Hudson train…that was a literal train…running train….but it died out fast and is still dead….like she’s pretending to be in this pic…who’s the suicide victim now bitch…NOT OWEN WILSON…that’s who….


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Tight Leggings of the Day

Kate Hudson Leggings

I will never forgive Kate Hudson for convincing Owen Wilson to kill himself, like that girl in the Documentary who encouraged some loser to kill himself, only instead of giving her manslaughter, give her the electric chair….make Kim Kardashian cry for her forgiveness or pardon or early release….then see all the fake ass, fake lips, trying to be the next Kardashians…..to jump on board forgetting that a man as great as Owen Wilson’s life is more important than Kate Hudsons, and not just because he’s a man…..OHHHHHH I got jokes…

I have a feeling that Kate Hudson, pre-getting cast in parts written for her mom but that her mom was too old for back when she was an actor, fucked a lot of dudes….but surprisingly her pussy doesn’t hang as low as you’d expect…plus she’s a mom too….I mean…maybe its photoshop….or maybe that’s actually her mom ass promoting her billion dollar fitness brand….who cares….she’s just lucky Owen Wilson didn’t go through with it…

Kate Hudson Leggings


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Topless of the Day

Kate Hudson Topless

Kate Hudson is topless in the worst possible way…because this topless is barely topless, but rather clickbait topless, where you can say “Kate Hudson Topless” to get people in since she’s such a huge fucking star no one gives a fuck about….

This is for her bullshit fitness brand, where she was early to celebs starting online brands, hers is called Fabletics and it is a massive…..but still makes no sense because why the fuck would anyone turn to Kate Hudson to buy fitness gear, is she even fit, I just thought she was a drunk entitled LA rich kid who probably fucked half of LA by her 19th birthday and who got into movies because of her family, was uneventful in movies, but who manipulated Owen Wilson into attempting suicide…mean girl….but does she even work out, or is this a wine and cocaine diet? Who knows….

I just know that her fake tits aren’t on display which is against the code of ethics of getting fake tits, or maybe it goes against the instructions of when you get fake tits, that state very clearly “SHOW EVERYONE YOUR FAKE TITS LIKE IT IS A NEW CAR OR OTHER EXPENSIVE PURCHASE” as everyone I know with fake tits, has been more than happy to show off the purchase, I mean they went under and did a fucking surgery for the tits, imagine that…like I want NO surgeries ever in life, I don’t even want to go to the hospital for a blood test and these assholes are like “Let’s get tits”….so to not show them is AGAINST the fake titty law…

But I guess it allows her to showcase her dumb fucking fitness pants she’s made too much money with, and that’s what this is all about, cash grabbing cuz she hasn’t got enough, or because why not take more…garbage.


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Booty Shorts of the Day

Kate Hudson Shorts

I will never forgive Kate Hudson for driving Owen Wilson to an attempted suicide.

Plus she’s old as shit now….put her to pasture at one of the family’s ranches, not that they have ranches, but I’ll assume they have ranches, not that they have pastures at their ranches, they are LA celebrity trash, maybe just put her out by the pool at one of the luxury hotels where she talks about the glory days of fucking all of her mom’s famous friends growing up…


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Bikini of the Day

Kate Hudson Bikini

Kate Hudson is a drunk, celeb rich kid who became Goldie Hawn’s stand in/replacement, because she was birthed from Goldie Hawn’s weathered twat….it was the 60s when she came to be, when free love ran rampant for everyone of the era, so you can assume the vulgar, heathens of Hollywood who were involved in some of the gnarliest shit behind the facade of “wholesome family entertainment that adheres to the rules of the governing bodies of the FCC”, I’m talking orgies, bisexuality, drugs….crazy good times…

Anyway, the cunt wasn’t too weathered to birth a child, the cervix not to tattered by HPV….and the product of that is this…..Kate Hudson…..who is now a mother of her own….thanks to questionable morals…and when not mothering through a series of nannies, or acting in shit movies, or pushing shitty fitness gear she’s showing off part of her fake tit in a selfie that strategically covers her Shar-Pei looking belly


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Fitness Erotica of the Day

Share Video

Kate Hudson is some nasty mom bodied bitch doing a workout in white leggings to try to sell those leggings as she’s a huge shareholder in the fitness company she’s wearing…

Who knew Kate Hudson was the object of fitness, or someone who could sell fitness products to the ladies who like her as an actress…

I always saw her as some connected bitch, thanks to her mom and dad and stepdad, who never had to really do much to achieve what she’s achieved. She basically just got the parts Goldie was too old for…from friends of Goldie, cuz she’s Goldie..

I also saw her as some broke, Hollywood kid who filled her emptiness of having everything she wanted, including Daddy issues with a baby at a young age, on some teen mom shit.

But more importantly, as the DEVIL woman who pushed Owen Wilson…our friend…into Sucide attempts…because she is just that shitty…and apparently so is her “fitness” body…cuz bitch is a drunk.


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Gross as Shit of the Day

Some Kate Hudson looking like a crackwhore who once offered me cheap head in a back alley, something always so hard to refuse…

In a is she old or is she young, can’t tell with those fillers, is she skinny or fat, can’t tell with that bloat, or is it muscular, you can see her veins…in a I’m not sure I am looking at, but the belly button seems to have seen some pregnancies…

The rich kid, from LA, raised in the scene, mastering her craft of a whore who gave Owen Wilson suicide thoughs…in little red shorts…inappropriate.

Whatever it is, it’s inappropriate, wrong, etc.

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW