I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Kate Upton’s Still Fat of the Day Category




Kate Upton’s Fat Tits of the Day

Kate Upton big fat tits in a black lace bra

Kate Upton may be a monster…but when she has her tits in what must be an overly supportive bra…I’m talking engineered by the people at SPACEX…to support these sloppy shits…

She matters, she’s relevant, she’s got all the talent her rich, entitled, brat needs…

Even though the rest of her is broad backed, dumpy and terrifying….

I will never think she deserved the fame she got, because she’s nothing special….but I do understand why these monster tits are celebrated in a world of perverts who love big tits…

Keep em coming fatty…it’s the only thing she’s consistent on.

Posted in:Kate Upton|Kate Upton's Still Fat of the Day|SFW