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Archive for the KFC Category




Rihanna Does KFC of the Day

Well this joke kinda writes itself now doesn’t it. Rihanna and Chris Brown went to the place they met for a romantic date and some motherfuckin’ chicken. I mean I don’t want to sound racist or anything, but KFC is to black people what McDonald’s is to Asian people. Motherfuckers love that shit and there is really no arguing it.

I mean there have been times when I am broke and my wife insists on going to KFC on cheap Tuesday, because in Canada you get 2 pieces and fries for 2 dollars or some shit, and walking in to get her her 8 boxes, because even I won’t eat that shit, is like walking into Harlem, Compton or some project in Haiti.

This one time I walked out of there, after spending my wife’s 4 dollars on a couple meals, and 8 black dudes surrounded me and started hassling me for money, you know pushing me, trying to rough me up, one dude even showed me the handle to what I assume was a gun. I told them that I was just there for the chicken and didn’t have any money, so they frisked me and ended up running off with my chicken. I don’t want to sound racist, or imply that black people are criminals or that they will kill for KFC, I mean, I’m just telling a story about something that actually happened to me, so don’t hate me for it, hate the system for letting these fuckers get so poor they can’t even afford KFC on cheap night, unlike superstar Rihanna and her boyfriend Chris Brown, who like white people joining the country club or buying the Lexus, are showing off their success to the black community of the world by showing up to a KFC on a regular night, because in the black community, regular priced KFC is for rich folks….and I hate seeing people flaunt their wealth like that.

Posted in:Chris Brown|KFC|Rihanna