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Archive for the Lea Michele Category




Lea Michele Getting Felt Up of the Day

Lea Michele let’s her friends grab her tits – but only for an instagram pic becuase it’s her way of saying “I am not just a candy coated plastic character on some PC show that sucks…I am also a hollywood starlet who sucked dick, understands whoring, and loves casual sex for gain more than regular girls”…

Or maybe this is her way of mourning the death of her fake boyfriend she didn’t save because she was a bad fake girlfriend, since I know if I had a fake girlfriend for ratings, she would be the first person who knows I am on a bender, unless of course my fake girlfriend is too into her fucking self, her career, and figuring out how to get her next million, but more importantly what dress to wear and whatever the next event she must attend, instead of doing what she really needs to do – a nose job – to notice I was about to die…

Either way, I approve girls who delve into slutty to get ahead…even when they look like this ball off bar mitzvah….troll.

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele in a Bikini on Vacation of the Day

Lea Michele was involved in the hacked picture scandal that’s going on. The same hacked picture scandal that I think was an inside job or staged to generate buzz for some people.

I mean maybe one of the girls was actually fucked over, like Kate Upton who should never be naked, because she is a weird boxy monster who is probably pretty mad now that her boyfriend’s phone was hacked and she’s got to deal with all his other girlfriend and their sexts, including videos of him having sex….

But girls like Lea Michele seem to be all about the sexualizing of themselves, maybe because she is breaking free from Glee, maybe because all these girls want to be wanted, maybe because she’s anything but hot and knows that her body is all she has going for her, because she’s turned to the internet to post bikini ass shots….

I figure, if she’s posting shit like this, she doesn’t care that people are jerking off to pics of her naked…if anything, that’s all she fucking wants…otherwise she wouldn’t take the pics in the first place…and like I tell all girls, the second those pics leave your phone, assume they’ll be seen by more than the person you intend sees them…it’s simple sexting fact…

Either way, decent bikini bottoms, almost makes me forget her man face.

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele “Alleged” Leaked Selfie on Reddit of the Day

Leave it up to Lea Michele to jump on the leaked celebrity nude bandwagon, we’ll call it the labor day massacre, only unlike all the other girls who had their pics put out there today, Lea Michele’s is the fucking worst. I wonder if this was for her fake boyfriend who she was dating for the sake of ratings….because this kind of sex could turn me to suicide too…or maybe she’s just so sad from pretending to be sad from his death to take a good nude selfie…

Who cares.


Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele Tries To be Slutty of the Day

Lea Michele is making sex faces in her selfies. I don’t really understand what the fuck is going on here, but assume it has to do with having a bad case of man face, because she may be a man, something that doesn’t seem to be insecure about, because that insecurity has been diverted with all the praise she gets from her fan base and handlers that confuse her and make her think she’s hot. I am all for ugly girls thinking they are hot, because it is entertaining, but not when they are famous. Famous girls should meet a specific criteria. I am more into them knowing that they are monsters – they suck dick better I guess delusional living makes for a better time thank embracing all your serious flaws…it’s like fantasy land…her bank account can afford to cash and I guess it is funny to watch…..

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele’s Armpit for the Perverts of the Day

Her name is Lea Michele. She had a fake relationship with a costar for marketing purposes, who ended up dying on her, leaving her to deal with having to pretend to mourn, but she’s a professional, and with being a professional, she snuck her actual boyfriends around. It would have been so much better for her to deal with all this if they just did a whole break up, but dying…that throws a real wrench in things. It’s not what she signed up for to get that year end bonus, but it was a good platform to make people feel sorry for her and propel, like Rihanna did when Chris Brown beat her.

It was like balancing when it was time to publicly move on – and positioning it so people didn’t hate her but felt sympathy for her trying to find love after loss…and the whole thing was a joke….kind of like her sex appeal…

But I found this one pic of her that I think at least one person can jerk off to, you know armpit fetishists, who aren’t so picky about the girls who’s armpits they want to fuck.


Posted in:Lea Michele




Naya Rivera Gets Married Whole Lea Michele SHows Her Nipple of the Day

So I posted these Lea Michele pictures yesterday, but because I don’t give a fuck about Lea Michele or her weirdo face that should have never been on TV, even if it can sing, but should have just been on the audio track while an actual babe sang…so I didn’t go through every single one to see if there was a fucking nipple in it…

While there’s a nipple in it…but it’s hardly a good nipple…because it’s set next to her weirdo face…that I hate…

It’s like how can I want to suck on something when my eyes can’t help buy focus on that flawed facial structure…my brain wondering how that happened…genetically…when it should be thinking nipple…

In other news, Naya Rivera married her rebound co-star from Glee who I assume needed a Green Card…after dating him for 3 months to show her fiancé “Big Sean” that once you go black you can go back…and more importantly…that their love wasn’t real as he was off fucking sluts in every city….

I think I just reported my first news story…I’m getting the hang of this…


Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele Thong Bikini of the Day

I don’t know why I feel compelled to do posts on Lea Michele in or out of a bikini. I don’t know why I like making fun of her fake relationship to her co-star who died. I mean anyone with half a fucking brain knows that she’s an ugly man-faced twat who thinks she’s hot, making a deadly combination – but not the kind of deadly that killed her “fiancé”, he needed heroin to put himself out of misery from the shame that comes with being linked to Lea Michele for ratings. It’s like motherfucker had to pretend he was into this, when he could have anything he wanted – it was contractual – like her pretending to mourn his death for a minute, until realizing she could ride it – right into a new relationship, new fiancé, and if she does it in bikini…people forget that other dude even died…

I don’t know, hollywood may be bullshit – but this ass in a brazilian cut is real..at least real enough because she’s got her back turned to us. Good girl..if you’re even a girl.

I mean…posting a gratuitous ass shot like this to instagram’s got nothing wholesome about it – this is “i like my ass, look at my ass, I am famous, we are all whores seeking attention”…something usually better executed with anal sex videos they accidentally leak…

Who cares.

TO SEE THE OFFENSIVE “She’s So In Love” Because People Talk About It CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

You heard this fake news here first – Lea Michele is pregnant with her new boyfriend’s baby…

I figure since she’s a fake talent, and fake babe, who had a fake relationship with a co-star who had a real drug addiction and a real overdose when she was not by his side, because that’s what fake relationships involve….leading to fake mourning before contractually being allowed to go back to living…deserve….

Maybe I’m just insensitive, especially when it comes to a woman in a bikini with a distended stomach…that could equally be caused by starving herself due to sadness and guilt from going on with her life…

Maybe I don’t really care if she’s pregnant, if she’s sad, people die…it’s life…and I just like being an asshole about it…because I am an asshole…

An asshole who likes anything in a bikini, even Lea Michele…something I would have thought was impossible…


Posted in:Lea Michele




The Babe Behind the Lea Michele Bikini Booty Shot of the Day

Lea Michele posted this picture of herself from behind, because it’s always the best way for a transgendered to pose, you just have to ask Hank Baskett, there’s no risk of failed tuck, even if that’s what dudes who like trannies want to see…or maybe this dude has mastered the tuck, but doesn’t want anyone to see her SADS while mourning the death of her Fiance who she didn’t help save…but rather leveraged for further success while people were feeling sorry for her. I call that the Rihanna. These people have no souls, but they pretend they do and everyone cares…

Well the interesting thing about this picture isn’t Lea Michele, but rather the babe she gave a photo cred to.

Her name is Jacqueline Miller , You know the kind of girl you’d poke a hole in the condom for, just so you could see her again, not that she’s ever fuck you, she’s too top echelon, but thanks to her instagram, you can pretend…

Her body is ridiculous…it’ just unfortunate she hangs out with horrible people like Lea Michele…

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele in Some Post Fiance Death Bikini Pics of the Day

I am a firm believer in not moving on with your life after your so called love, who conveniently, was more of a marketing strategy for you and your TV Show, killed himself in a drug overdose that you didn’t prevent, because you were too busy tucking your fucking balls in, it makes you sing at a higher octave, pretending you are a girl, you useless Glee, man-faced, twat…

A twat that squeezed into a bikini, even though she should have the SADS but all i see is SMILES…even though boys aren’t supposed to be happy to wear bikinis, or maybe they are, it’s 2014, and the slogan is fuck everything…There are no rules, there are no systems, wear panties and live life as a girl even if you aren’t one if you want, every day was halloween, filled with sex, and I approve because I’d like the whole world to get AIDS and die…it is our only hope…

That said, I want to get AIDS from her friend in red…even if I’m too busy mad at this picture for having stupid fucking captions on it, but not as stupid as Lea Michele’s 1990s butterfly tattoo I assume she got back when she was researching things trashy hookers do, before she grew her hair out…


Posted in:Lea Michele