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Archive for the Lea Michele Category




Lea Michele’s Cleavage of the Day


I know what you’re thinking – and that is that Lea Michele is a dude, how could she have cleavage, but you’re forgetting that she plays a woman on TV and that Bruce Jenner has cleavage and he’s a dude, not to mention as an Obese man, I can have cleavage and there are a handful of men, who I always laugh at and will regret laughing at, who even get breast cancer and have to get mastecomies

I guess she’s either jacked up hormone therapy to complete her transition, or maybe she’s got breast implants, along with face fillers because this isn’t what she used to look like, or maybe she just hit puberty because she was stunted to get into Hollywood…

Here’s an old pic of her in a bathing suit…


There’s a lot of pressure being average at best looking in Hollywood, even with a voice of an angel, but at least she’s trying to keep up with the instagram whores dudes prefer jerking off to rather than embrace her flaws and start campaigning for body positivity….

I guess what I am saying is unattractive girls look better with tits..

Here is a lingerie looking pic she posted on social media…

Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 1.02.05 PM

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Strategic Nude for Women’s Health of the Day


Lea Michele is naked – but not showing anything – for Women’s Health – because I guess she didn’t want to pull out her dick and have the world know what I’ve always been saying…and that is that Lea Michele, thanks to her hard face and zero sex appeal to any heteroman had to be a man who dressed like a girl – and it worked thanks to marketing, brainwashing and her voice of an angel…it just made me laugh thinking that she was born with a penis – I am simple minded like that, and I really thought it was funny that the media was be able to sell her to the entertainment industry and as long as she was clean shaved – no one would have to know….and no one knows…

Well, Women’s Health has a different opinion of her, her hormone treatment, her new face, and her second life as a superstar actress now that she’s on a new show…but I think Women’s Health is the kind of magazine that’d put Bruce Jenner on the cover as Caitlin, but more importantly, if you were trying to trick the world into thinking a bitch is a bitch, wouldn’t Women’s Health be where you take it…

I mean I’m not an investigative journalist here….but no one I know has ever seen Lea Micehele’s pussy and until someone has proof…I’m sticking to my story….I got nothing better to do…being unemployed and pathetic and all..

These pics aren’t hot.

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele New Tits and Face of the Day

I used to like making fun of Lea Michele for being a man who dressed like a girl – thanks to her hard manly face and her voice of an angel. I figured if she was born with a penis – they’d only be able to sell her to the entertainment industry and as long as she was clean shaved – no one would have to know….

Then I liked making fun of her for her fake relationship with her gay heroin addict co-star who died of a heroin overdose – because I know how these shows pander to retard children who buy into their show, buy the merch of their shows, buy the boxset or the I-Tunes Series – making the producers money – and it’s all through manipulation…

So for years since his death my joke, which got repetetive since I am not creative and it was repetitive was “Here’s Lea Michele not crying for her dead fiance”…you know since she’d be devastated if he was her actual fiance, and she was a vapid twat who just wants more money and fame….

Well….now…we can focus on her plastic surgery that has clearly turned her into a girl…I won’t say she’s hot…I can’t bring myself to do that…but I will say that modern science, facial injections can really help a tranny commit to their womanly dreams…


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele’s Man Face Boy Body in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Could Lea Michele be pregnant….is that what a girl mourning the death of her fake fiance who died of a drug overdose when she was probably back home fucking her actual boyfriend in season 6 of GLEE….

Or is she a dude, without WOMB, who is just getting a beer belly because that’s what happens to 98 percent of men when they become old, irrelevant and leave the glory days behind them…it ususally happens with marriage, but it also happens with extreme laziness from giving up on life…

Either way, she’s in a bathing suit and at least she’s not the cast member from GLEE who is getting charged with KIDDIE PORN…like a fucking sick, mentally disturbed, sexual deviant you’d expect to be on a show like Glee…you know fully molested by your dad and directors and producers for the Hollywood dream…because Hollywood is a terrible fucking place…filled with EVIL…and Lea Michele in a Bathing suit rocking an awkward body…

Upon closer look – I don’t see a dick….but I do see a non existent ass with a tattoo and I like it…even though I’m not a Lea Michele fan and never will be…


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele in a Bikini Top of the Day

Lea Michele in Bikini Top - Twitpic

Lea Michele is still mourning the loss of her drug addicted fake boyfriend used as a marketing tactic to promote their shitty show…GLEE…while he was out in Canada doing hard drugs and she was probably in LA jerking off her dick…

She’s come out of her dark depression hole into the sun….to remind us that there is a life after death for the people who loss…or some shit…that you’d think any normal young person who lost the love of their life to drugs would still hurt when she thinks about him…but you gotta move one…something she did 5 minutes after he died because it got her out of that contract so she could go back to fucking guys she wanted to…n

None of these people have souls…but they have shameless selfies..

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele for Marie Claire of the Day

leah michele marie claire no15 04

Lea Michele must be promoting something…or trying to stay relevant…but I think it’s more her trying to promote herself…now that she’s had a fiance die of a drug overdose, who I doubt was actually her fiance…but who the show GLEE, that she headlined….as the tranny…who sang like an angel..

Either way, she was in Women’s Health…questionable magazine to be featured in….considering the possibly testicles her manly face makes me think she has…and now this…Marie Claire…trying to be how and looking kinda hot…but that may be my perversion speaking…I see breasts and my rational thought shuts down…even when I don’t find the host body hot…but she’s showing off some body..what’s going on here Lea Michele…some sort of rebrand is happening…and we can assume now that she’s rich and famous and has a ego and feels talented…she’s probably working towards a film career…like the next Cameron Diaz or some shit…horrible…why can’t these people retire…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Tucking Her Dick in Women’s Health while Victoria’s Justice is in Health of the Day


Lea Michele is in Women’s Health, one of those magazines like Shape that don’t put any budget into their photoshoots, but rather put it all into their photoshopping after the photoshoots…because every single one of their editorial shoots has been garbage…whether it is Oprah, or anyone, they just turn these girls…and sometimes guys…dressed like girls…into a cartoon version of themselves…

But it is nice that Lea Michele, the mourning Glee superstar with a man face…tucked in her cock…

I don’t think the world is ready for her to Caitlin Jenner…or say she was Caitlin Jenner first…

If that doesn’t excite you…here’s Victoria Justice for Health … probably a similar shitty magazine with a shitty photo team…making shitty pics of these girls and their shitty, uninspiring bodies…with so much health advice like “hire a trainer and a chef”….to continue the nation on the path to 90 percent obese…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Working Out of the Day


Lea Michele is one of the original transgendered actresses who unlike Bruce Jenner, doesn’t make a whole theatrical coming out about it, even though he should, because it would be better for his career now that Glee is over…

Unless he’s actually a chick, which I guess would be unfortunate for her….

Here she is working out, because I guess she doesn’t want to get fat and carry her weight like a man, because we’ll all be on to her, now that we aren’t distracted by her fake fiance dying of a heroin overdose…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Does Bikinis of the Day

I think we can all agree that Lea Michele is not cute. She’s also probably not a very good person, seeing how she handled her “fiance’s” drug addiction, and spun the lie that they were together in her favor to get the sympathy of the world, when you know that she didn’t actually give a shit, and if she did, it was based on how it affected her image, because if she gave a shit, homie wouldn’t have been smoking crack in a hotel room in Vancouver…which leads me to a very important point…that I think I need to address…and that point is…why the fuck do I know this shit…

That said, since no one wanted to do a bikini shoot with Lea Michele, Glee is over thus she is Over…and doesn’t matter…and probably never should have mattered due to her man face…

So she did it herself…for social media…and they are hardly as slutty as they should be…

That said….To See All The Paparazzi Bikini Pics of Her…Because the Paparazzi Always Cares
Click Here

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele Mourning Her Boyfriend’s Death of the Day

Lea Michele next leveled Halloween and not necessarily in a good way, but in a slutty way, that would make me assume she’s fallen off the rails of being this wholesome singing, average at beast girl from Glee, and transformed into a fame seeking, attention seeking, half naked slut….trying to get noticed…and not just in porny shoots wearing her Halloween costume…but all the time…

Maybe it’s a phase, maybe all these starlets are over sexualized monsters, even when they look like monsters, or maybe she’s just got the sads that no one is talking about her fake boyfriend’s premature drug overdose she didn’t prevent, but sure as fucked milked….so she’s trying to generate controversy….either way…the sads or the moving on or the rebrand or not…it’s alright…if you can see past the broken down face, which I can…


Posted in:Lea Michele