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Archive for the Lea Michele Category




Lea Michele’s Kinda Hard Nipple Goes to the Gym of the Day

I rip into Lea Michele cuz she’s not hot…or I mean not hot to the average straight man…but hot to the fat girls and the gay men who are obsessed with Glee because that’s who watches Glee…giving her a false sene of hotness in the way she carries herself…cuz it can’t be a real sense of hotness cuz no matter how I look at her…she’s a fucking monster…hard nipple and all….She’s got the face of an inbred perfect for some horror movies…but unfortunately at the top of her game, thinking to herself “they’re just jealous” when she reads these honest reviews of her looks, when the reality is, we’re not fucking jealous in any way, and she’s actually fucking disgusting…like she might as well have a cock or get a sex change to have a cock, cuz at least that way she’d be able to believe that anyone fucking her are with her for her and not for her money, fame, lifestyle or whatever other reason a straight dude would fuck a bitch like this….

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele is a Fucking Monster of the Day

Her face is the reason she’s on a show for gay people. Gay people always hang out with ugly bitches cuz they don’t want to fuck them and like their ugly bitch personality cuz ugly bitches try harder to be fun and funny cuz they are ugly.

I hate that she thinks she’s hot. I hate that she’s posing semi-erotic. It’s disgusting to me and I have no standards.

She’s a fucking monster or at least a fucking muppet…whatever the fuck she is she has no business being on TV…let her work where she is meant to work…singing in the shower before going to work as a Walmart clerk her face was destined to be. We shouldn’t fuck with destiny…talented theatrical singing voice or not…I’m sure there are tons of better looking sluts who sing just as well….Hell give Aguilera the job, it’s not likes she’s doing much but eating and humiliating herself these days…

Seriously. I need to start a campaign to get her off TV. I know I won’t win or even be noticed but even Ugly Betty was easier on the eyes and her name is Ugly fucking Betty…

I appreciate her trying to cover up the asymmetcial science experiment that is her face, but next time she should try a burlap bag.

That’s all I have to say about that…I’m too distraught to continue…

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele Ugly of the Day

I have heard straight people say this bitch is hot. That confuses me. I don’t even know why they know who she is, because she’s the star of Glee, which may be the biggest show on TV, but is so fucking gay, just knowing the shit exists makes you want dick inside your man pussy.

I get why gay people like her, you know cuz they are gay, and she looks like a tranny, not to mention she can sing show tunes and that’s just stereotypical homo shit that makes homos cum their women’s panties….

I think Glee is the fall of our society. It is teaching kids that being gay is okay, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a queer, I just like when people used to defy all odds to get dick inside them, you know from risking getting beat up, to lowdown hook-up spots in public bathrooms, to AIDS, cuz when being gay was a challenge, I knew the gay dude was for real…it was authentic.

But now teenagers are being taught it is cool and okay to fuck each other, making the awkward kid jump on cock for acceptance, instead of really wanting it and I just find something lame about that….it’s like nothing is sacred anymore, everything is just mass produced shit.

Either way, here’s the girl on Glee scary as fuck for the closet cases, looking like a monster ready to eat our straight kids and spit them out dancing lightly on their feet and limp writsted….and it’s just too bad she’s not actually worth sticking it to, since that’s what I look for in vagina.

UPDATE – The old queens have emailed me to say they are not against the FAUXFAGS, cuz young fresh and willing meat is a dream come true and takes less work than having to convince a motherfucker to get down….

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele Riding a Bike of the Day

Watching girls ride bikes is only a turn on when they lock up said bike next to me when they run errands so that I can sniff the fucking seat. It’s part of the decision making process that goes into me choosing benches to sit on….partially cuz watching girls get off bikes in skirts means pussy flashing….but also because I like the warmth the seat gives off on my tongue….

Biking fetishes make sense to me. I think I may even have one…but this Glee shit is totally overrated, as is the main “hot” pussy on the show, mainly cuz it’s not all that hot, even on the bike…

Posted in:Lea Michele




Lea Michele Topless on Stage of the Day

Here is some bitch from Glee topless on stage, but instead of just strippin’ like the whore she is, she decided to pollute the only reason anyone cares about this performance by peppering it/tainting it with annoying, pretentious, bullshit acting and script. I hate actors, especially when they are stage actors, mainly because they think they are artists and anyone who thinks they are an artist annoys me, unless of course it is a con artist, or me pretending to be an artist to trick girls into letting me paint them nude (with my cum). If a bitch is gonna get naked on stage – she’s gotta realize she’s a fucking stripper whether she dresses like a school girl, or dances balet, or spits scripted crap….bitch needs to stop kidding herself….

That’s enough of that….watch the video…

Posted in:Lea Michele|Spring Awakening|Stage|Topless