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Archive for the Loren Gray Category




Loren Gray Slutty of the Day

You could argue the TikTok is so good that it must be fucking bad, not that I think TikTok is good, I’ve been against it from the start, because I know that it’s owned by people who aren’t known to be the most ethical when it comes to tracking information and I guess manipulating that information…since they are the most advanced in AI, and AI is evil…

I know that people are excited when they go viral, which is what TikTok has over IG, an easier way to find an audience…

I know that people love the content that they are shown, it is designed that way, and I know that the content is better than the bullshit on IG, but it’s ALL fucking bad and destroying the youth, which I guess is what they want….why have goals, dreams, ambitions, when you can dance awkwardly and get rich from it, or at least find dudes to pay you for nudes.

Anyway, the TIKTOK system brought us this girl, she’s got millions of followers, one of the top performers on their platform, and I have a feeling she may not actually be a human, but rather just AI, it’d be easy to fake with the technology out there and even if she was born human, we’ll assume she’s not real anyway, since nothing is.

Here’s another look…


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Loren Gray Underboob of the Day

This is Loren Gray. She is wearing a bikini top that is too small for her so that her tits explode out of the bikini top from all angles even though her tits aren’t even that big. It’s a look, this is fashion….or at least a trend that they are all doing because they are all the same fucking thing and that’s a fucking fact…even the “individuals” who try to breakout from the pack are barely even rogue and barely stray from the norms….it’s just the society of lame ass people we live in….

Loren Gray may not be household name to you, but she probably thinks she’s really fucking important, because she’s one of the most followed people on TikTok….thanks to starting on there when it was the other app where teens would lip synch and dance badly to dumb songs….a platfrom China realized would benefit from their AI and data mining, while getting the American minds in young to manipulate them with propaganda in their efforts to attack your country from within…

So this one, may not even be a real human, it’s very possible she’s just music magic, some sort of avatar, the technology does exist…plus she always looks like she’s in the most aggressive of filters and the idea of China creating talent or celebrity to manipulate the youth is so logical and realistic that I’d be surprised if they weren’t…

They know what Americans like, they know what you like, they can show you things for hours, and you don’t even know you’re being brainwashed, so why not throw some young tits into the mix….

The funniest thing in the Loren Gray story is not that she could be AI built in China as a weapon against America…it’s that she got signed to a record deal and makes pop songs, despite being a lip syncher from the internet, because TALENT is not required, VIEWERS are…and she’s got the viewers….

No wonder society is doomed.


Posted in:Loren Gray




Loren Gray Bikini of the Day

The funniest thing about this Loren Gray girl is that I know who she is….

I don’t know anything, I can’t even remember “important” actors, even though none of them are important, they just think they are, cuz they are the kind of people who jack off to themselves in front of the mirror…you know made to believe being in some bullshit movie they are overpaid for is revolutionary or progressive or worse….ART…

Get the fuck out of here…

But yeah, I know who Loren Gray is, only because her content is so filtered, so edited, so clown-like, that it’s fucking hilarious…because NO ONE makes fun of it, or calls her out, since they are all doing the same thing…

Is jerking off to her like jerking off to ANIME? Pretty fucking much….is she even real? Or are you going to discover she’s a 45 year old Asian man trolling….because you’re all a bunch of suckers…

Fo those of you not turned off by the clown face filter she’s got on, she’s a TIKTOK sensation, famous for lip syncing songs, only to have a record deal because of the fans…the sheer number of fans…the record companies know she doesn’t even need to know how to sing, they’ll all still get paid…and therein lies the fucking problem….

They are making popstars out of girls of TikTok known for lip synching…and people go along with this scam….the world…doomed.


Posted in:Loren Gray




Loren Gray Wants to Be Fucked Like a Slut of the Day

Loren Gray was the most followed person on TikTok before it went viral and all the celebs hopped on for China helping make TikTok the annoying but oftentimes slutty good time it is….not that I would ever have that app on my phone…but I see the highlights and girls are WILD…

Anyway, this one had millions of followers, the industry figured they’d sign her because of her audience to get some of that money off their followers, and she now exists as a “Recording Artist”…which is obviously a superfluous or overhyped way of referreing to clickbait….but if you say it’s “Art” and that she’s an “Artist” then it MUST be art….right?

That’s how the commercial, mainstream BRAIN washers posture it…and I don’t fucking care….I am just here for the racy content that keeps getting racier because I have very low expectations for content creation in this era of clickbait…

I guess it worked out alright for this one, since she was the most followed on the app, because she’s still getting paid, where as all the others who could have been are just being forgotten since there’s more important people to watch dance half naked….like Jessica ALBA…

Anyway, Loren Gray, the over filtered, possible AI BOT that isn’t even a real person, but rather created by CHINA to win over America…LIKES TO BE FUCKED LIKE A SLUT….when texting and I guess diddling herself…only to show up and not put out…because people don’t fuck anymore, they call sex RAPE now…you know population control programming…

Either way, I don’t think she’s human…

Either way, why are girls listing to music about being fucked like a slut…then getting mad when you refer to them as sluts…



Posted in:Loren Gray




Loren Gray Must be Augmented Reality of the Da

I saw something the other day about how augmented reality is the next big thing for the next decade along with FEMA camps, robotics to steal your job and other things like tracking software to track your every move and monetize your information…

I also saw something the other day about virtual models, which are basically really good quality 3D animations who do all the epic things regular models do, all without being real….you know created in a fucking computer and brands are flocking to these fake models with brand deals and other shit…to finally phase out the working woman….I guess..I mean I prefer real pussy but does it really make a difference when you’re fucking your screen regardless of real or not…

Then there’s this girl Loren Gray, who was the most followed lip syncher on an app that CHINA ended up buying and rebranding as TikTok, who despite being an unknown to most, has 21 million followers on IG, more on TikTok and is basically as big as the shitty Kardashians on the platform…which is why they gave her a record deal…

But looking at her pics and her face so filtered it is comedic and I’m here thinking that CHINA coded her, they are advanced technologically, they know AI / AR and how to manipulate dumb Americans, so it’d just be the ultimate win that their biggest star is a fucking line of code and not human…since she looks exactly like that with that filter on…so I hope she’s that….otherwise why the fuck is bitch so filtered, what kind of beard is she trying to hide….is she even a chick? WHO KNOWS….and more importantly…WHO CARES what kind of troll is being hidden…because believing the lie is less effort.

Remember – Loren is a boys name, even in this genderless world, she could have dick….the fact people praise this filtered faces “GORGEOUS” like it’s really them is another level of weird inclusivity….it’s like “if we all filter ourselves and act like we don’t, we can be ugly trolls and confuse people for years to come”….I don’t get it.

Posted in:Loren Gray




Loren Gray Fishnet Top of the Day

Loren Gray Fishnet

The funniest thing about this Loren Gray personality, is that she’s got a record deal, is a signed musical artist who likely makes a lot of money thanks to that mainstream entertainment deal, all because she had a massive following and they realize they can sell garbage to that audience since the audience is engaged with the person they are following…it had nothing to do with her ability to make music….because that’s the world we live in.

You see, she’s a TikTok star from when TikTok was another platform called MUSIC.LY or some shit that CHINA bought, the app was based on teens lip synching their favorite songs…

So she got a record deal because she lip synched songs to 40 million people, since everything is fucking clickbait for profit…from the NEWS we digest to the instagram content…all just a bunch of fools fighting for views…unlike me…who is perfectly happy getting no views.

Loren Gray Fishnet


Posted in:Loren Gray




Loren Grey Bikini Dance of the Day

Loren Grey is some TikTok sensation who looks like a pornstar, but I guess who doesn’t look like a pornstar, more importantly, who isn’t a porn star….it was an evolution from selfies to “risque” selfies, to “slutty” selfies they’d call THIRST TRAPS, then it all became Thirst Traps, because why bother doing anything but taken a scandalous pic of yourself, it’s what the people want and it makes you feel good about yourself….then they realize well if I show tit, and I’m already showing tit for feminism, I can make more…oh If I do raw dog anal videos, people pay for that…it’s a progressive thing….and everyone is doing it…keeping us all bogged down with nothing but nudity…

TIKTOK is part of that evolution to sex worker, the Chinese intel figured out what people were into, they have sophisticated AI technology, so as part of their spying and tracking…they came up with this platform….obviously a new place to be seen is appealing…and once there chasing the likes you know get half naked….do it in a bikini….bikinis make everything better…

It’s hot, it’s terrifying that we’ve gone that road, we’re all pervert degenerates as I expected…and here we are now….non stop slutty dance videos…but it’s hot…and that’s what matters…it’s just funny for a pervert who has failed at life due to being a pervert…a pervert who hates produced porn loving that everyone is producing homemade porn….


Posted in:Loren Gray