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Archive for the Maitland Ward Category




Maitland Ward Shows Her Tits of the Day


I hate encouraging Maitland Ward on her quest for attention to emulate the attention she once had many decades ago where she was at the top of her career -as the hot girl in a shitty yet popular show…

I feel like it’s just adding fuel to the fiery bush that she should be showing off since that’s her actual skill set – and that no good will come from giving her any more attention than she’s trying to get – if anything she’s on a slippery slope to losing her fucking mind – and possibly dying of a drug overdose like other fucked up child stars.. who never really mattered beyond the one job they booked…I don’t want to help her by making her think people care – when really they are laughing…

But at the same time, she’s great in her desperation, she fucking loves every second of this low quality titty flash nonsense – hoping that at 40 – her big tits will be celebrated again –

And I fucking love the low level fame whores obsessed with fame – especially when they are who are too old to be social media stars, because they are pre-internet – but they pull out their tits anyway – to get some opens and feel like they are on the right track…

It’s a passion of mine…Maitland Ward…not so much…but I do consider her a friend who I make fun of and who ignores me – who has tits I’d never jerk off to because they are 100 years old…

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward’s May the Fourth Tribute of the Day


I was going to write in the MORNING HANGOVER DUMP or the STEPLINKS how annoying social media is, or will be, because of the whole MAY THE 4th Be With You statuses, but luckily, I avoid social media most days, so I don’t have to be influenced or affected by all the terrible idiots I am following or connected with – yet hate because they are idiots, the same as all other idiots, polluting my peaceful days…with their basic, uninteresting, uncreative bullshit…

But leave up to Maitland, my friend who I rely on for low level fame-whoring stunts, like dressing up for her NERD audience, doing the whole May the Fourth thing with her tits…big tits…big old lady tits..

The thing is that you can’t hate her for knowing her audience, the people who care about her are people who jerked off to her on Boy Meets World, where she played the hot girlfriend…in the 90s…so that kind of fan…is a very very very special kind of Autistic…socially awkward and sad…so if this brings them joy…she’s done good….because everyone deserves joy…not the Jennifer Lawrence movie, that shit looks terrible…but you know what I mean…and that is that Maitland’s good to her fans and more importantly…her tits are huge…

Posted in:Maitland Ward|SFW




Maitland Ward Nipples for Snapchat Famewhoring of the DAy

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Maitland Ward is the best kind of famewhore, one who gets mad when you call her a high class escort because someone has sent me transcripts from snapchat conversations where she offered him anal for 100 dollars…something she denies…because she’s married and married girls never prostitute themselves…You know an honest married woman who in the 90s was the love interest on a massive fucking show…Boy Meets World…only to NEVER achieve ANYTHING every again…but her fans still want to fuck her…

Which is forcing her to try her best to use social media to leverage those weird in their 40s by now fans…with bikini pics and topless pics to show you what you missed out 20 years ago when she was hot, tight and not in her 40s…

I consider Maitland Ward a homie, she is a friend of the site, so I make fun of her with love and affection, because I think she’s great and I mean how can you hate on someone with such big old tits, pulling out those big old tits, because she was on TV once….for FREE…

It’s almost brilliant, not that they’re worth money, not that they are revolutionary, but they are worth enjoying since she’s giving them out for you to look at..

It confuses me, but when you spend time in Hollywood, you know this is just what happens with the type of person who was a lot of hype at one point in time in her life..

I am a fan of everything she does…

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Subtle Maitland Ward of the Day


Maitland Ward makes me laugh. It’s girls like her that remind us what Hollywood is all about, because the people who actually make it or who did make it for a minute are not really the norm…and the industry is mainly girls who have had a taste of it, maybe a secondary roll in a movie or on TV or a web series at Funny Or Die….or maybe just the cum of a director or producer rolling down the back of their throats…or maybe just serving one of them as a waitress, or as a masseuse hired by a celebrity in the right circle…not the job you moved to LA for but the job you got when acting didn’t work out and your mom and dad cut you off….

It’s like the majority of girls in LA are Maitland Wards…just not quite as old, because at 40 she’s still doing the same tactics these young instagram girls are doing, in the most bootleg of way, and I find the whole movement absolutely fascinating…and for that I love her..

I mean, most 40 year olds aren’t posting weird nudes to their social media, but in LA…they are…because they are hoping it leads to work that leads to validating their fucking parking ticket that is their life..

I love it…even if it’s disgusting!

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward is a Trainwreck of the Day

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I am pretty confident that Maitland Ward is an unstable, possible drug addict, fame whore trying to get some attention before it’s too late…pushing 40, maybe even older than 40, banking on Boy Meets World, her ONLY job, fans to remember her and pay attention…and I guess it is kind of working…

I just find the whole thing pretty fucking sad, not because I hate old sloppy girls half naked, I mean I think it’s great…especially when the whole thing backfires. I mean sure sites like mine post on her, but sites like mine are totally fucking irrelevant, and that may make these girls feel good, but that just shows how dated their thinking is, assuming that they think…

A couple of days ago was “Kiss a Ginger Day”….a perfect day for ginger fame whores to self promote…and she missed it and posted it a day later…when it was trending on facebook.

These kind of obscure days are the ones these fame whores NEED to be producing content for, so sites have an excuse. Missing the day, when it’s all you’ve got, it’s your Golden Globe, to show off your tits and hope maybe, just maybe this time will be the time people care…

Instead, she just looks like a fucking wreck, which is erotic to me, but that’s because I only really deal with unstable, hooker type women, one pill away from overdose…

I mean could she have shot any shittier fucking pics…it’s her naked with a naked friend on her – yet they look like they are shot in a first generation iphone…at least invest in a goddamn camera and some photography classes fame whore.

If Kiss a Ginger a Day Late with a Ginger who should be living for this one day as it’s her only hope…isn’t you’re kind of famewhore..

How about Bai Ling Dressed like David Bowie as a “Tribute”…or what I like to call pissing on his grave.

I like the smoking- you know since he died of cancer…nailed it…


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Posted in:Bai Ling|Maitland Ward|SFW




Maitland Ward is Pretty Interesting of the Day

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Maitland Ward is a disaster….almost a perfect fucking disaster – as good a disaster gets…that reminds me of the saddest stripper who you saw 10 years after first seeing her at the strip club, only to still be there when you revisit after saying “shit I haven’t been to that strip club in 10 years”….you know who is still there, working the day shift, because all her hopes and dreams her bright faced perky tits once had, have slowly been choked the fuck out, but the good news is there’s medication she takes that keeps her rollin’ high and happy…

Maitland Ward was on a very hit show…Boy Meets World as the big titty girlfriend…and now she’s taking naked snapchats that aren’t even well lit, and look bootleg and pulled out of a fucking dumpster…shot on the first generation iphone…lit by a fucking candle…what the fuck is going on here….

Posted in:Maitland Ward|SFW




Maitland Ward Nipple on Snapchat of the Day



Maitland Ward may not be someone you know or someone you really understand…but she’s someone who 40 year olds masturbated to in the 90s…on Friday nights…when she was the hot girlfriend on Boy Meets World…and for some reason, a reason I call nostalgia and huge tits…that has carried her 20 years into the future..to be someone that the paparazzi humor, but that doesn’t actually get work…but she does have fun, dressing up for various holidays, putting herself out there for the sake of putting herself out there to be made fun of, while flashing tits and really exposing herself in a “What is wrong with the girl, I don’t get it but I like it” way….

Well, she flashed her tits on snapchat…and people got excited about it…so why not give her the virtual high five, that’I’d prefer if it involved me feeding off her like her adult baby…since they are so fucking big…

A little “Momma….is that you, why did you leave me when I was a baby, you said you were going to get cigarettes and you never cam back…I feel so alone..” as she reads me bedtime stories or we watch reruns of Boy Meets World…her glory days…that led to this very silly comeback tour…becasue taking yourself so seriously is just dumb…

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward’s Insane See Through Shirt of the Day


Looks like Maitland Ward got some hot titties at comic con….so she pulled them out…casually…hoping no one would notice….because she’s not the kind of girl who would draw unnecessary attention to herself…but rather the kind of girl just out having fun….


Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward’s Fame Whoring Vagina Lips of the Day

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Her name is Maitland Ward, you’ve never heard of her, but she doesn’t really like that at all…so she’s turned to social media and shitty paparazzi style pics to get your attention, bottom feeding harder than pretty much anyone, and the exciting thing about her bottom feeding, is that it’s obvious bottom feeding, not strategic or well planned bottom feeding…and as the months go on and she nears 40…she gets more and more naked…trashy…and disgusting…

I find it magical…mainly because on top of the whole desperation thing she’s not even hot…

Now for those of you who don’t know who Maitland Ward is, and assume that is all of you, she was a secondary role on Boy Meets World where she played the brother’s girlfriend…and has since done absolutely nothing…but post her vagina on the internet hoping for some comicon fans….


Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward’s Subtle Dress of the Day

I wrote about Maitland Ward yesterday , if you consider what I do actually writing…

I mean I see letters but they don’t actually mean anything…sure they are words but ultimately just nonsenese…but what I was getting at is that this Maitland is busty, she’s never really made it in Hollywood, her claim to fame was Boy Meets World a long time ago, and now she’s on some promo tour, getting invited to obscure event where the paparazzi is, and getting naked – in revealing dresses…shameless attention seeking…

I don’t know if she’s trying to promote anything, maybe filming a documentary, or just bored and looking for something of substance…

I just know that she’s doing this everyday, she’s on some kind of half naked mission and I would be crazy to try to stop her – because it is funny, sad, and touches me on so many levels – I wish every girl was this eager to get noticed and on the blogs…but then I guess Maitland would be nothing special…and clearly she’s pretty fucking special…


Posted in:Maitland Ward