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Archive for the Martha Hunt Category




Martha Hunt’s Ass Picture of the Day


Martha….is one of the least attractive names the English language has to offer…I am sure there are worse…but just saying it makes me feel like I am simulating throwing up on myself while drunk with a mouth full of dog shit…..

Imagine fucking a bitch and being like “Marthaaaaaaaaa”….but I guess you wouldn’t have to say it because the sound of her gagging on your dick would sound the same….

Either way, she’s one of the last standing American models, it’s all been outsourced to the Eastern Europe..those whores come cheap…so give some American ass some love…be a patriarch…god bless America…ass that hasn’t fallen victim to the obesity crisis…

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Martha Hunt’s Cameltoe of the Day


I don’t know if girls realize that the number one place I look at when looking at a bikini pictures is the pussy definition…

I realized at a young age, when it comes to girls I kmow, the tits are tits, and that you can make out a set of tits when a girl is in T-shirts, or even a sweater, it’s very hard for me to look at you and not know exactly how your tits hang, what the nipple size and color is and the other important things that come with tits…I’m an expert..

Pussy that shit leaves me in the dark…I can’t tell in pants, even most leggings, it’s just really hard to figure out if you’re dealing with a meaty pussy, an clit heave pussy, or a coinslot slit clamshell..

So once a girl gets in a bikini, get really wet in that bikini, everything…becomes clear…it all makes sense…and I know what I am dealing with…

And when it comes to strangers, like this model Martha Hunt…who has posed naked and who is one of VICTORIA’S SECRET 10 NEW GIRLS , I guess to replace Candice…

I prefer seeing her pussy definition to her tits, it’s just more curious, adventurous, mysterious, because tits…are tits…and pussy is everything…the gateway to a girl’s soul…or someshit..

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Martha Hunt for Guy Aroch of the Day


I posted these pictures of MARTHA HUNT FOR A MAGAZINE …and a few more dropped…so I figured, I could be doing anything in the fucking world right now…from masturbating to random girls I sext…to eating donuts and I fucking love donuts…to going on a great hike or working out with a personal trainer to get fit…or talking to a therapist about quitting drinking…so that I can live forever…or trying to escape my wife and moving to somewhere tropical with money I steal from her…or most importantly, I could be drunk…

BUT instead….I am posting more pics of a Martha Hunt photoshoot, like she matters, like she deserves my attention…when i don’t even think she deserves to get paid as much as she does as a model.

Sure, she’s hot…Sure, she’s tall and thin, but all these idiots are the fucking same and none of this matters in any of our lives, our happiness, it’s not like she’ll let us suck on her tits…so there’s no point in even looking at this…but here I am posting it anyway…garbage…


Maybe these are the same pics I’ve already posted…

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Martha Hunt’s Upper Thigh for L’Officel of the Day


Martha Hunt is one of the last American models, who is still tall and thin and amazing to look at…almost a blast of from the past when you factor in how the modern American woman is built…which is all booty…..thick legs and big booty..even the whit girls even the skinny girls…and every once in a while, we need a reminder of the past…in the form of long, skinny legs, with that inner thigh muscle…pulsating in a way that just makes me want to lick my way up to her soul, despite fearing her soul, because in being a model, and under 25, she’s probably fucked some sketchy rich dude dick all without a condom…but I’d still go for it..because dirty pig girls are all I know….and they NEVER look like this…so I think that means love just happened.

Here she is for a magazine that I guess Victoria’s Secret outsourced her to work…to help build her celebrity…makes sense.

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Martha Hunt is a Towel Head of the Day



Her name is Martha Hunt, who you may know as one of the last American models, as all the modeling jobs have been outsourced to other countries, where the girls are hungrier, both literally and figuratively, meaning they are more affordable and less fat..

There is no way that her Towel Head picture as part of the photoshoot for whatever this is for…is not a subliminal, but obvious commentary on the state of the Arab counties…

Everyone knows the slur for ARab is towelhead, we also know that the media is owned by Jewish people, and Jewish people are all by law Israeli, and Israeli’s and Palestinians are killing each other…so put 2 and 2 together motherfucker…pretty obvious…right? CONSPIRACIES..


Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Martha Hunt is Amazing for LUI by David Bellemere of the Day


Martha Hunt is pretty amazing. This is her topless, hot, half naked, round ass, probably fake titty shoot by David Bellemere for LUI, which is some men’s magazine in France that takes better pictures then Men’s magazines in the rest of the world…because France is art and erotica and David Bellemere is one of the more interesting photographers capturing these naked models who in the past wouldn’t have been this naked…but in the porn, sex tape, exhibitionist and voyeur era…it’s the only way to stand out…and they’ve decided that Martha Hunt does it with wet fabrics…and shit is good….real good…Michael Jackson…but without the child rape…even though in ways, I wish she was raping me as a child….or really anyway..because she’s hot…I mean…I’d even be into it if she was rapping at me…it’d probably be a good laugh….

Not that it matters, what matters is that American models who are already committed to Victoria’s Secret, shouldn’t need to do naked Playboy type shit..but that’s the world we live in…and Victoria’s Secret probably whores her out to increase her sock price…and she does kinda look the stripper with plastic surgery filled part…

All this to say…lovely…and “art”…even though they remind me of hundreds of shoots I’ve seen before, I guess there is only so much you can do with a girl, in a visor, wearing a tank top…looking 70s…I guess you don’t need to reinvent the wheel…to jerk off to tit.

Posted in:David Bellemere|LUI|Martha Hunt




Martha Hunt for Ocean Drive of the Day


Martha Hunt is one of the only models left who is all American…

She is also on the Social media self promotion kick…because hse knows followers mean more money and she knows she’s hot enough to get out there as a model…because unlike most of the instagram girls she’s signed…..

She’s also part of the Taylor Swift social media agency that I assume Taylor Swift runs…unless it is legit friendship…in exchange for instagram tags by the biggest star around…because why else would she be hanging with all these idiots..playing the whole BFF…that she knows are just using her…oh right…sexual favors…because Taylor loves the real life Barbie doll…it has something to do with not having a childhood or something..

That said, these bikini pics are for Ocean Drive…they are all American, for July 4th..and remind me of every other bikini pic ever taken…it is so repetitive and BORING…but I’d still like to suffocate on her tainted model butthole, because she’s amazing…

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Martha Hunt Dressed Like a Man Porn for Hugo Boss of the Day


Everyone gets so excited about Bruce Jenner finally being sociably acceptable to fuck, you know it makes jerking off to his pretty face back when he was on the cereal box, far more justified…you weren’t a gay kid, you were just predicting a future woman…

So why not get excited for Martha Hunt, one of the better, hotter, models fully clothed, dressed like a man, because who the fuck wants to see her naked and in a bikini…thanks Hugo Boss for this androgyny…

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Martha Hunt Swimsuit Catalog of the Day


Martha Hunt is one of the last standing American Models…as all the other aspiring American models have turned to instagram to generate following because creating your own audience is the American way of getting the biggest payday you can…you know trying to be some next Kim Kardashian because your ego tells you that you’re interesting enough to pull it off or some shit…rather thay just going the natural course of models and modeling for brands that hire you because you are a certain size and weight spectrum…it’s like everyone is lazy, especially hot girls who have been given everything their entire lives…everyone is entitled…especially hot girls who have been given everything their whole life…everyone wants to be famous…especially hot girls who have been told they are amazing all their lives…those vapid cunts…leaving an opening for actual models…that I guess European and South American and South AFricans are filling now that America has gone social media mad..

So for you patriots look close…here’s one of your own…probably the best your country has to offer….and you know what…it’s pretty fucking good…

Martha Hunt is the future…

Posted in:Martha Hunt




Martha Hunt Naked for Fashion of the Day


It’s my birthday so here’s some pictures of Martha Hunt…that I am pretty sure I’ve already posted, but that are resurfacing, because they feature her tits, something that in the past would have been a lot more exciting or scandalous, you know “this cock teasing bitch in her lingerie for a shitty cheesy brand never shows us her fucking nipples”…finally showing us her nipples…but in this era, an era of interent..her nipples came first..before evil underwear empires snagged her…but that doesn’t take away how lovely they are….

Posted in:Martha Hunt