I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Megan Fox Category




Megan Fox for a Korean Skincare Ad of the Day

Megan Fox looks pretty fucking amazing in this skincare ad for some Korean brand, despite being a mom of two and useless as fuck, she still has it going on, and still reminds us that when your career is ruined by some failed actor you decide to fall in love with and get brainwashed by, Asian countries will pay you stupid fucking money to promote their bullshit, because asians fucking love white people, and the creams white people use to stay white, because having dark skin means you’re a peasant…

So she may not make money in America, and this may be desperate cash grab…and she may not be bridging the gap between North Korea and the rest of the world, but she is showing her gap…that the dude from 90210 destroyed, and that counts for pretty much everything…even if this doesn’t even look like Megan Fox…


Posted in:Megan Fox