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Archive for the Nicole Richie Category




Nicole Richie Old Fucking Face of the Day

Nicole Richie is only 38 years old, but she’s coming in looking like she’s 59, no fucking joke, and that is with all the face injections she’s had in her fake “hard’ life, cry me a fucking river, you were adopted by a billionaire you Orphan Annie dropped in a dumpster piece of fucking shit…

This is just proof that eating disorders fucking destroy from the inside out, not that there was much to Nicole Richie’s insides before the eating disorder, back when she was fat, except maybe a few used condoms (as if she used condoms) and a baggy of whatever random drugs she would self medicate with, you know before she realized the power of controlling her food intake was fulfilling…

I accidentally was forced to hang out with her many fucking years ago at a bar here, maybe a decade or more ago when she was at her peak of fame and she was a fucking cunt. Even then, at her peak, it was like “relax bitch you’re only Nicole Richie…not even Lionel’s actual daughter”…walking around like she’s some kind of drug addicted Royal family, probably one of the worst person I’ve ever met….

After looking at this picture a second time, I realize why she’s gone off the radar working behind the scenes on her bullshit…because these public appearances aren’t doing her any favors..maybe they should be reserved for HALLOWEEN and ONLY HALLOWEEN…you stank bitch.

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Nicole Richie|SFW




Nicole Richie Mom Booty in Shorts of the Day

Nicole Richie Booty in Jean Shorts

Remember Nicole Richie? She was the Hailey Baldwin of her generation. The barely interesting personality who mooched off of her friend Paris Hilton’s sex tape fame, and brought some humor that comes to a woman who was adopted, rich and always trying to get approval of her parents because they aren’t actually her parents….

She didn’t go onto fuck on camera like Kim Kardashian did, one of their other rich kid from the same circle friend, instead she created a series of successful clothing brands…and made money on top of the money she already had from being adopted by Lionel Richie…

But she did fuck Good Chalotte Sister and have kids with him and is still with him….and she did get her stomach stapled and is still skinny enough to walk around with her mom ass hanging out of her shorts, despite being 40..

This is for old times, even though Nicole Richie was never one anyone jerked off to, she just was around the people people jerk off to and that reason alone is why she exists…

My only Nicole Richie story I have is many years ago, I was mistaken for a friend of DJ AM at some local party, back when she was dating him, and I was forced to be carted around with her, I don’t think we said more than 1 word to each other as I got drunk, but I did try to get her to text Lohan, because as we all know…Lohan is everything….

Nicole Richie  in jean shorts and t shirt

Posted in:Nicole Richie|SFW




Nicole Richie in Workout Gear of the Day

Nicole Richie is in fitness gear – because this mom of a bunch of kids with one of the most offensive characters of the late 90s…the Good Charlotte Twin, not the one married to Cameron Diaz, but rather the one that is with this on, unless they swap out their vaginas and pass them around the room….like the hookers they are…because that’s how twins live…but they are so cheesy, their lame mall-brand tattoos that match their mall brand music – set them apart in a “we try to one up each other in being lame as fuck”…

That said, here’s Nicole Richie, not fat anymore thanks to her gastric bypass in some leggings, reminding of the greatest night of my life that was spent hanging out with here – where she didn’t say one word to me – not because she’s shy…but because she’s a bratty spoiled adopted cunt no one actually likes…and is bitter about it…

Blast from the late 90s past…because we are old…and show is Nicole Richie…but her mom ass is ok.


Posted in:Nicole Richie|SFW




Let’s Hope Nicole Richie is Still in Mexico for the Hurricane of the Day



Here’s some Nicole Richie showing off her mid 30 mom body and fake tits in a one piece bathing suit…because the irritating socialite and wife to one of the cheesiest dudes in the history of people to ever live in LA…the Good Charlotte sister who didn’t knock up Cameron Diaz…

She’s in Mexico, and we can only hope their whole family is stuck there, left to deal with the hardest hitting hurricane to ever happen, because I’d like to see them get taken back by nature….for being part of the vapid cancer movement that created the Kardashians before sure decided to “legitimize” her career….

I’ve actually hung out with this cunt, once, not by her doing…it was when she was dating DJ Am, the DJ she dated and he invited me to his event here, and the promoters carted me around with this twat the entire night, where she drank and smoked and was rude, uptight but better looking than the bratty pig I expected her to be….the highlight of that night was trying to get her to give me Lohan’s number…which she didn’t do…but anything that got me one degree closer to Lohan was exciting in a pre-social media era where these idiots were actually impossible to get with…

Anyway..Go Hurricane do what needs to be done…if you’re gonna kill anyone…make it count…spare the innocent travelers and locals…go for the AXIS of evil..

Here’s some LOHAN with a broken down face CLICK HERE

Posted in:Nicole Richie