I’ve been posting the nurse nudes uploaded to the internet since the COVID crisis happened. You know me, always on the cusp of breaking stories, with my journalistic integrity, keeping this site SO fucking relevant no one I’ve ever met in my life has ever heard of it.
This isn’t about me, this is about the sex workers who became nurses to continue their sex work for both the doctors they want to end up with and their fans on the internet with nurse fetishes…you know just loving the idea of being taken care of by a woman, since nurses are by default women….and the women who either do the nurse thing because it’s an easy job to get into and to get paid well doing…a solid back-up plan…or maybe they aim to please and thus are pleasing all of us with their SMUT….
We can all agree it’s a weird thing to do on the job, why aren’t they being fired for this? I mean they are supposed to be overworked and stressed and struggling and actual heroes saving lives…
It’s pretty funny that these people are being celebrated for being so overworked and struggling during the COVID crisis when really they are being whores….
That’s not to say that I hate that this is going on, I love when bitches get naked, I just find it fucking nuts.
I just hold a higher standard for healthcare workers, higher than sex workers, where they should be taking care of their patients…not Spreading their SLUG juice all over their patients…or spreading COVID up inside them.
The world is nuts.
Posted in:Nurse