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Archive for the Ryan Phillippe Category




Ryan Phillippe’s New Pussy of the Day

There comes a time in every married man’s life, especially a married man who was a victim of entrapment for knocking up one of the most irritating, pudgy celebrities who didn’t deserve to be famous…..when he has to throw in the towel on her annoying christian lie, and find himself some Young hot pussy dying to have him inside her….cuz she’s not famous or anything she’s just under 25 and tight pussied, allowing him to finally feel what penetration is actually supposed to feel about, while his ex Reese Witherspoon’s out faking jokes and taping her labia to her thighs so no one knows the truth that she’s fucking disgusting…

EIther way, I’m all for the mistress, the rebound, as long as she’s hotter, tighter, and a lot less annoying cuz new pussy is always better than old, tired, played out pussy….and here are the pics.

Posted in:Ryan Phillippe




Abbie Cornish in a Bikini of the Day

Her name is Abbie Cornish and she’s some slut actress from Australia who managed to be in some movie called Stop-Loss starring Ryan Phillippe and while in that movie used her vagina to seduce this broken down divorcee who was in desperate need for a replacement for his ugly wife and fell for her. Maybe it was love at first sight, but I like to believe it was social climbing, because I don’t believe in love and noticed on her IMDB page that her latest move role is a love story that she is a main character in and the man she’s in love with is played by Ryan Phillippe. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I don’t really believe in that shit, so I am goin’ with slut with an agenda that I am fallin’ into by posting this photo op because I am as easy to seduce as a desperate, lonely divorcee and all you really have to do is send me pictures of you in a bikini and you don’t actually have to have sex with me, because I wouldn’t really want to put anyone through that kind of abuse, no matter how much I hate you or how much I like fucking.

UPDATE – I was emailed that Abbie Cornish is the reason Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon got the divorce and she wasn’t preying on a man going through a divorce, but a man with a wife and kids, by showing him her vagina that hasn’t made 3 kids. Homewreckin’ is just as easy as seducing a desperate lonely man going through a divorce, so despite having the facts wrong, the point of the post is the same, and that point is that this Lohan lookin’ slut is nothing but a slut.

Posted in:Abbie Cornish|Bikini|Ryan Phillippe|Uncategorized