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Archive for the Sasha Pieterse Category




Sasha Pieterse’s Weird Nipple for African Aids Babies of the Day

Charlize Theron does some AIDS baby charity that is probably involved in some Human Trafficking or who fucking knows what the fuck she does, but as a white South African who may have killed her father….she can’t be trusted…no matter how many of them she adopts and turns tranny…White Afrikaans are historically racist so if she’s dealing with black kids…she can’t be up to any good…which may be why she turned her kid tranny…

I checked out her Charity and it’s only raised 13 million dollars in grants, sounds like a tax evasion scheme….I mean she makes 13 million dollars a movie and all her friends are rich fucks…13 million, if I am reading that right, since I am a retard who needs charity….is dog shit..

Anyway, one of her friends is Sasha Pieterse, she showed up with her tits out, always appropriate for an African AIDS baby event, and based on the condition of her nipple that seems mangled…maybe she could use some charitable donations as well…you know for the mangled nipple club…up there female circumcision…

Oh… Sasha Pieterse is also SOUTH AFRICAN white people…just here trying to help South African Blacks…SURE YOU ARE weird nips…SURE YOU ARE….


Posted in:Sasha Pieterse




Sasha Pieterse’s Nips of the Day

Sasha Pieterse is some South African actress that I’ve never heard of…but she has millions of followers so she either matters in a big way, or she has millions of fake followers that brands would probably still pay her to post them, because everything is a FUcKING LIE man…

Since I don’t know who Sasha Pieterse is and she’s showing tit, I figure it’s my RESPONSIBILITY to you, DEAR READER, to do a deep dig and find you some exclusive info on her….

MAYBE, I need to do a 10 Things you NEED to Know about Sasha Pieterse…

Or maybe I’ll call it 10 Things YOU didn’t know about Sasha Pieterse…but were too lazy to google because you don’t know who the fuck Sasha Pieterse is.

Here we go…

1- Born in South Africa, white and probably racist 26 years ago.

2- Human Trafficed to Las Vegas at 5 years old…..probably by her parents….

3- her parents were professional acrobats….so what better way to make actual money that to sell your daughter.

4- who the fuck is a professional acrobat…..

5- She was the face of SUPERCUTS at 4 years old…..

6- I hope you didn’t know she was the face of SUPERCUTS at 5 years old….

7 – She eventually got cast in the huge show PRETTY LITTLE LIARS at the time Instagream was just starting up, so we call that her lottery win….

8- She sings souther rock…..makes cookbooks and recently made a baby.

9- Her ovaries are broken and cause her weight FLUCTUATIONS….

10 – She’s showing nupple….and big 26 year old mom with broken ovary that cause weight gain TITS.

Now, make this post viral….I JUST CLICKBAITED…

Posted in:Sasha Pieterse




Sasha Pieterse Big Tits Eating Noodles of the Day

Sasha Pieterse is also known as Sasha Pieterse Sheaffer is apparently some actress from Pretty Little Liars, a show I haven’t seen but you’ve probably jacked off to a bunch cuz you jack off to everything a bunch…

It’s one of those shows that went VIRAL around the time that Social Media was happening, so people like Shay Mitchell, Ashley Benson, that Lucy Hale chick and I guess this one….to have millions upon millions of followers…

I have never heard of this one, probably cuz she’s fat, and I don’t notice or pay attention to fat chicks, even with their fat tits, my brain just can’t acknowledge them as humans…but today that has all changed because she’s producing fat girl eating pasta with her tits out porn that is probably more for her “cooking” influencer career she’s doing instead of acting – it pays more – but it’s PORN to the right audience and I think you’re the right audience for this…perverts….I just don’t think your’e the right audience to make me rich.

Posted in:Sasha Pieterse|SFW