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Archive for the South Africa Category




Candice Swanepoel’s South African Pussy in a Bikini of the Day

This South African was getting paid 10,000 dollars a day when she was 16. She’s 21 now and probably makes a lot more than that now…and as much as I had encouraging hot girls and letting them thinking they are worth more than they actually are by paying them to stand around, that kind of money gives them a huge ego,

Cuz I know if she was just on the beach in South Africa with her friends, or in a bar, she would have been easy to bang, all it would take is a couple of spiked drinks, but now her security detail gets in the way of that….cuz she’s all fucking posh and shit…but at least she’s actually hot, cuz I get a lot angrier about this shit when the bitches with egos, thinking they are hot a great cuz the media tells them they are, when they are actually ugly and wouldn’t be worth fucking if I had standards….or if they weren’t the celebrities they have become…in a “I’d fuck her cuz she was in Precious” kinda thing….

Posted in:Bikini Model|Candice Swanepoel|South Africa