I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the stepNEWS Category




CHinese Wife Strips Husband’s Girlfriend in the Street and Other Videos of the Day

Pile of Worms Found in Texas…Possibly in Jessica Simpson’s Asshole

Truck Fail…

Cop KIll a White Guy Who Didn’t Put His Hands Up Because His Headphones were In….Where are the Riots?

Cops Drag Car Jacker Out of Wreckage

Swedish TV Host Went Live TO Air Without Knowing

Gas Station Fail

Mystery Creature in Taiwan

How To Fix your Car

Drunk Dude VS Street Sweeper

Parked Car Blows the Fuck Up

Redneck Lessons in How to be a Good Wife

Another Chinese Wife VS Girlfriend Strip

Bull Ride to Shit Music

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Horse Back Rider and Other Videos of the Day

Terrifying Video of a 16 Year Old Getting Stabbed by a Homeless dude in Target

Fight on the Subway

Drunk Guy VS Drone

Card Trick of the Day….

Drunk Pants Fire

Cop Shoots Robber

Father Shoots Armed Robber…

1989 High School Year Book Video…

Baby Coon and Deer are BFFs

Pigeon – Leaves Egg – in Frying Pan – Seems Fake….

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Dunkin Donuts Fight and Other Videos of the Day

Guy Dancing

Plainclothes Cop Punches a Dude

This Kid Doesn’t Like Getting Smacked..

Girl Beats Up Cheater

Moving Illegally Parked Cars…

Cops Beat a Dude….

Man VS Train

Homeless man Preach…

Robbery Gone Wrong…

Kid Gets Run Over…Lives…

Mosque Climb

Naked Man Reciting the Lords Prayer…as he jogs..

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Birthday Dance of the Day and Other Videos of the Day

Enrique VS Drone – Ruining Kournikova’s Clit’s Happiness for a Few Weeks

THe God is Here Dude is Amazing..

Slut Walk in BRazil

Judge Orders Victim to Give Attacker a Taste of His Own Medicine…What…

Home Invasion of the DAy

Close Call – Girl Almost Gets Slammed By Truck

Italian Plane Crash on the Beach….

Father Beats Meth Head for Getting His Daughter High…

Man With a Brick VS Store Clerk…

Taco Bell Employee Hates Deaf People

Accepting Weed for Burgers

Arm of the Day


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Man Pushes Woman in Canal and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Tasered in Reno

Fat Kid Freaks the Fuck Out…

Classroom Brawl

Theif of the Day

Fat Boy Fail…

Don’t Fuck with the Bouncer

Brazilian Foot Fetish video

Thief of the Day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Guy Pushes Girl Off Train and Other Videos of the Day

Subtle Couple

Detroit Cop Dances

Las Vegas Robbery

Just a Day in Hartford

Conspiracy Theory of the Day – Bus / Bus / Dump Truck

7 Year old Caught in the Cross Fire

Angry Groom….

SWAT VS Car Chase…

Motorcycle Couple…Accident

Bangkok Tourism Video of the Day

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Naked Guy on the Freeway and Other Videos of the Day

Detroit Road Fire

Hitler Cat

Failed Robbery of the Day

Naked Woman VS Powerlines

Homeless Arson Fail

Drunk Memorial Day…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Just a Babe on a Scooter and Other Videos of the Day

Dog on the Freeway…

Boss VS Sleeping Employee

Florida Reggae Fest Seems Fun

Just a Dude Throwing Acid on a Girl’s Face Because He Thought She Was Cockblocking Him from a Relationship with her friend….in Italy.

Old Lady VS Escalator

Naked Girl VS Memorial Day VS Campground…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Spiderman Eats It and Other Videos of the Day

Russian Billionaire Kid Pays People to Drink is Piss

Where’s Waldo During the Napal Earthquake

Vine Swing into a Cave

Lightning Strikes…

People in Guadeloupe are Insane…

Waitress Slaps Customer

Bully Gets Beat

Meth head on JIm Morrison

Asian Parenting

Man VS Airline Staff

Little Girl Hooks Boat…

Bully Gets bottle to the Face

Naked Russian…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Portland Girl Pisses Herself and Other Videos of the Day

Girl Flashes Her TITS For Free Food

Guy Breaks Up Fight From His Window

Double Scooter Slam…

New Jersey Cop Pulled Over for Drunk Driving and Doesn’t Get Charged

Thief Vs JiJitsu Fighter

Thief Shot Trying to Rob Pizzaria…

Russian Woman Strips

Cop Karate Chop…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos