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Archive for the Sydney Sweeney Category




Sydney Sweeney is Savage by Fenty Ambassador of the Day

Sydney Sweeney who you may know from Euphoria, the show about teens being bad, covering all the issues of today, from being tranny to being on opiates, to being a slut with big tits played by Sydney Sweeney.

It’s actually a solid show and not just because we see Sydney Sweeney’s tits…but in large part due to her tits..which I like for their size and not because they are playing a teen girl, you sick fucks HBO giving teen tit fantasies to all the HBO subscribers. That should be illegal. Would it have been such a big deal to put the kids in college instead? You know her tit’s actual legal age.

Anyway, the 22 got famous because of this show, her team has been working towards this, and now she’s a lingerie model for Rihanna’s lingerie company…and it’s great, what’s not to like….no complaints here.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Still Hot of the Day

Sydney Sweeney California Girl

As you all know, Sydney Sweeney is the most important set of big natural tits that Hollywood has curated for us.

She’s been strategically implemented into our minds via a bunch of hit shows, because managers and agencies need stars and it’s a 3-5 year plan to get them to star status.

Her breakout was when she ended up topless, so we could all grasp how big her tits were on her skinny frame, in something we like….thanks to the show SKINS, or whatever the new SKINS is called. (it’s called Euphoria.

So that pervert’s take on modern high school that HBO felt was good to prorduce because they like underage kids fucking, it is a way to get the younger audience they are losing back in…just some wholesome stories of teens fucking dads, and each other, some trans, some addicted to pills, some sluts, some working in sex work because that’s what real life is….thanks internet….all while HBO doesn’t get arrested for producing illegal / contraband / content…because the cast is all legal…they just play 16 year olds…not that I’m complaining…go racy or go home…I’ve always only been interested in movies for the nude scenes so that more we head in that direction the happier I am…because porn sucks, and movies suck, but merged together it’s where we need to be…and Sweeney is as good as any to champion that…you know cuz she’s got huge tits.

Here are some of the other shots.


Posted in:SFW|Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Rubber Glove Porno of the Day

Sydney Sweeney Rubber Glove Photoshoot

It is always funny when you see these mainstream girls pretending to be a hipster, as ALL these girls do now that the hipster thing became mainstream and that whole vibe is basically a fucking GAP ad from the 90s.

The kind of party girl in the scene going to all the Coachella after parties where they have unprotected sex with Riff Raff, the rapper they based James Franco’s character on in Spring Breakers….or Diplo…or whoever the icon of their “scene” is. A stamp of approval that they got to have groupie sex as mainstream girls pretending to be hipsters with the faces of that whole movement. It’s the VAGINA health article they teach you about at all the Gynecological waiting rooms I sit in, not because I see a GYNO but because I like to see the women who see the GYNOs until I am politely asked to leave.

These pics are played out, lazy concept, not that good, but clearly committed to being a mainstream with a hipster vibe…..Something you’d expect to see the try hard Kardashians in……

Like all these hipster kids she probably has rich parents….so she woulda done alright in anything she does…but being a photog in an era of everyone being a photog gave her access to the parties she wanted to be at…and the exclusive and important people she wanted to be near. It’s all very lame.

So seeing Sydney Sweeney cleaning the floor in a skirt…like traditional housewife from the 50s is hot enough, despite not having enough of her tit in it, but you gotta ignore that gender role bullshit that the mall-shopper turned hipster probably felt was high concept commentary, speaking to the issues, since all these kids have no fucking depth…their interpretations about anything are a fucking MEME.

But they do have tits…at least Sydney Sweeney does and they are good.


Posted in:SFW|Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney is in a Bikini of the Day

Sydney Sweeney does a good job offsetting her dopey face with a set of large natural tits. Tits can carry any girl through anything from adversity to launching a career.

They are best friends despite the backpain they cause and if you’re born with the right set of tits, your life can be all the more easy fucking breezy….

In Sydney Sweeney’s case, her tits are the star of the fucking show, what show? Well any show she’s up to.

Obviously seen by her team as a potential star, they placed her in some important relevant shows with some bit parts, which led to being on the edgy Euphoria teen sex show from HBO about high school kids fucking, and she even was in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. You know perfectly placed to win…and it’s cuz of her tits. Tits have that power.

In interesting facts, she’s also a trained MMA fighter, so imagine getitng smothered by her tits in the ring, in some girl wrestling fetish you obviously have. More evidence she’s being designed to be the next big thing….cuz of her tits.

This is her being a celebrity in a bikini eating fruit by the pool….where she is co-starring with her tits.

Posted in:SFW|Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Titty Dress of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is the “it” girl according to me which is the only opinion that matters on this website seeing as I am the only one on this website…my personal journal like I was some sort of teen girl….like the one Sydney Sweeney plays in Euphoria where she pulls out her LARGE natural tits any chance she gets to remind us what it means to be a celebrity in this era of porn.

She’s been positioned to be this “it” girl by her management who got her a bunch of solid jobs building up to Euphoria, like Handmaid’s Tale which is huge and that other show with Amy Adams that had a lot of hype but that I can’t think of because I really only got interested in Sydney Sweeney when I realized just how big her tits were. I’m cheap and easy like that. If a girl who is being packaged to be the next celebrity in a world where everyone is a celebrity has secret tits like Sydney Sweeney’s tits….I’m going to support that propaganda.

So here she is getting invited to events and such because the world has been turned onto her…via her tits….and when your tits are as substantial as hers…they should be the number one go-to tool to make those dreams come true.

While other girls are out on instagram trying to rope dudes into paying to see them masturbate. This one’s on HBO(oobs). Doing it right enough….even if watching her jerk off on snapchat for 10 dollars a month would be more lucrative…it’s always an option when the whole celeb thing collapses..

Sydney Sweeney Slit Side Boob

Sydney Sweeney Slit Side Boob


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney In a Short Dress of the Day

Sydney Sweeney Short Dress

Sydney Sweeney is doing good with her celebrity that has come in the form of being the big tits on a skinny frame on EUPHORIA….there was a time she was in a bunch of major shows that no one really bothered noticing her in….cuz she kept the monster tits hidden…but HBO came through for her and brought her the best possible venue to show off her big tits and now she’s got her millions or 1.1 MILLION followers…following her…and this is the kind of content she’s out there producing…the RIGHT kind of content.

The big tragedy in Sydney Sweeney is that she was in Montreal filming what we can assume was a very shit movie….which is where I LIVE…and I even knew what hotel she was at thanks to social media posts but my inability to leave my house because I don’t actually care….got in the way of me throwing my sperm on her as she walked by me in the lobby to get into her car taking her to set…because throwing sperm on ladies is how you show them you like them..

Sydney Sweeney Short Dress


Posted in:SFW|Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Racist in White Face of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is the TITS from EUPHORIA, who has been packaged by her agents as the next big thing, which makes sense because her tits are huge…and thanks to EUPHORIA…the HBO perverted HIGH SCHOOL show for PEDOS that they assume is a representation of why HIGH SCHOOL really is…thanks to the insight of the writer and producer of the show…who is just another HOLLYWOOD entitled rich kid….his name is Sam Levinson, his dad is Barry Levinson who you may know from: Diner (1982); The Natural (1984); Good Morning, Vietnam (1987); Bugsy (1991); Wag the Dog (1997 and he won the Academy Award for Best Director for Rain Man….

The barrier of entry for young SAM and his PERVERTED show that FEATURES Sydney Sweeney must have been a hard one. If he’s like any Hollywood brats I know, he probably has a group of writers on payroll ghostwriting for him so he can take all the credit like the CUNT these people all are…

Anyway….the tits from EUPHORIA are filming in MONTREAL….I live in montreal…and when I saw this WHITE FACE IN A ROBE for the ROBE LIFE….I saw she posted the view from her HOTEL room, so I know what HOTEL she is in without even trying….SMART use of SOCIAL media…Sydney Sweeney….

She’s also in WHITE face, which for some reason never offense people as much as BLACK face…if anything, they don’t even notice it…but I guess since Sydney Sweeney is white, it’s the equivalent of a black guy going as a black person, since we live in a world where you can only DRESS up in costume as people within your own RACE….sounds reasonable / oppressive as fuck….you meddling assholes trying to control our FREEDOMS…

Posted in:SFW|Sydney Sweeney




Girls Dressed as Sydney Sweeney Dressed as Patricia Arquette in True Romance of the Day

Girls Dressed as Sydney Sweeney Dressed as Patricia Arquette

I don’t know what Meta actually means, but you hear idiots say it all the time, along with things like trans not tranny, Safe Space, Triggered, Sex Positive, Believe all Women, Meme, #metoo, and all the other shit we didn’t need that the internet has brought to the surface…because as it turns out – people are bored and angry and now have a place to voice their worthless opinion instead of just off-ing themselves like they would have done pre-internet…

Anyway, Meta is….Girls Dressed as Sydney Sweeney on euphoria, the HBO answer to Riverdale, that is far racier, far darker, far more worthy of watching…..

What makes it meta, I don’t really know what meta is….is that this is from the halloween episode of the show, where Sydney Sweeney is dressed as Patricia Arquette in True Romance….

So these idiots are dressed like Sydney Dressed like Arquette….and are not dressed like Arquette..and that’s just too weird for my brain to wrap around…I get that they’ve probably never seen True Romance or know who Arquette is…but still fucking weird…

Still not as weird as how hot Arquette was compared to what she looks like now…even though her career is fucking killing it now thanks to a series of great roles…though.

Here are the idiots.

Girls Dressed as Sydney Sweeney Dressed as Patricia Arquette


Posted in:SFW|Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Hot of the Day

Sydney Sweeney Hot

SYDNEY SWEENEY is the breakout set of tits of the year. She had been working the acting scene for a while, but for some reason none of the hit shows she was on took advantage of the fact that she has these huge fucking tits on her young skinny frame, they obviously did it intentionally so that when they were ready to do the big reveal, you know when she got on a hit show she was a key character on, we’d notice and tune in. If they had done it when she was just a third tier two episode guest star…we’d have noticed, but it wouldn’t have had the same impact….or benefit to those who hired her…

The show she’s on is the teen drama on HBO called Euphoria, where they take on real “kid” issues like pill addiction, trannies, sex and cam girling….you know more realistic shit than Riverdale. It is the show Riverdale wishes it was, so anything to discount Riverdale is a good thing..not that it neeeds to be discounted everyone with a brain knows it’s shit…

And everyone wit a brain, knows this young starlet, just starting out with her breakout role, has massive tits….that she’s into slutty selfie-ing…like all the girls her age…helping make the internet a better place…

Sydney Sweeney Hot



Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Skinny Dipping of the Day

Sydney Sweeney Nude Skinny Dipping

Sydney Sweeney can afford a home with a pool now…

I guess she can also afford to not fully expose her huge tits we’ve finally seen thanks to Euphoria….and they are massive.

I call them “the tits she kept hidden in her early career, at least to us, the AUDIENCE…but not to the casting directors and producers who thought “this ones good, she can do big things with those tits, lets make her the next big thing, we need a next big thing, all the other big things are old, played out, and egotistical assholes cuz we’ve created monsters”……

They first launched a year or two ago, got her cast on some hit shows of a year or two ago, and we had no idea the tits were there….but thanks to EUPHORIA we now know….but also thanks to Euphoria she’s a thing and doesn’t need to show us the tits shamelessly, she gets paid for that.

Which I think is discrimination – we should all be treaded like we were producers who could help her career…but instead we are treated second rate. Where is the support group or activist group to fight this INJUSTICE in society…this CLASSISM…this all people should be treated equal and have access to the same things like a young Sweeney set of MONSTER tits.

Sydney Sweeney Nude Skinny Dipping



Posted in:SFW|Sydney Sweeney