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Archive for the tana mongeau Category




Useless “Influencer” Tana Mongeau Cries for Attention of the Day

If as a society, you celebrate garbage talentless pieces of shit because they are loud extrovert personalities for their social media, and you end up rewarding them with millions of dollars that people with actual jobs work their entire lives to never achieve, you’re going to end up with a pretty low level, low hanging fruit, desperate for attention, everything for clicks and follows kind of pop culture.

If you allow these people to live in mansions in LA and have fat bank accounts and treat them like they are celebs, giving them egos and validation that makes them act like they are self-produced celebrities, you’re going to end up with a pretty shitty pop culture, filled with clickbait garbage, rather than substance.

That’s not to say the self produced celebrity is any worse than the actual celebrity, since the actual celeb is also a talentless hack who has been told they are great and that they are important and rewarded for it, placed where they are placed because of who they fuck or because they are complicit and easy to manipulate, or the DICK SUCKING….

It’s just to say that we’ve got a pretty shitty pop culture, but at least the girls being celebrated are whores in sheer dresses, even if they aren’t that hot, they are doing it for attention, because keeping their brand alive is what it’s about.

If she was serious about her whoredom in her whore dress, there would be LABIA like Kanye’s wife….but these people aren’t serious, just overpaid jokes….but the jokes actually on us….

The real question remains WHERE ARE THE NIPPLES….this is an OF chick…and she has NO NIPPLES….


Posted in:tana mongeau




Tana Mongeau Dirty Butthole of the Day

Tana Mongeau is the overpaid pile of shit on Youtube who is strategically in the storylines of a a bunch of other Youtubers, so that they can all profit off Youtube’s creator program that pays them each 10s of millions of dollars for talking nonsense to their cameras…

She’s got a really rugged look and a real rugged laugh…as she tries to stir up stupid drama about the Jake Paul brothers and other idiots….who if you met, you’d think are zero fucking compelling, but the internet has still gifted them…because the internet is stupid..

I’ve seen one of her videos where she’s whining about some fucking sugar daddy experience that seemed like a lie…then the whole being into porn, masturbating, edgy being cool, has allowed her to fuck porn chicks including Bella Thorne…because they are so wild….like girls at a frat party making out…where they don’t have to leave the house and just do it on the internet…for tens of millions of dollars…

This is her ASSHOLE behind her THONG bikini as she takes on Miami, which is going to be the HUB for all these youtubers because Florida is better than California…plus no taxes..so they can keep more of the stupid money you’d argue they don’t deserve…but that they do deserve since Google is making money off them too….where as the real idiots are on Facebook and instagram where Zuckerberge hoards the money you make him to buy private islands in Hawaii or some shit…

Either way, asshole behind thong…



Posted in:tana mongeau




Tana and Riley Wash a Car of the Day

Here’s a very important video of one of the top Youtubers, who annoys the fuck out of me anytime I see her horse face, deep voiced, annoying laugh videos….where she tells bullshit stories about being a Vegas sugar baby, wo is now a rich as shit LA scenester thanks to all the young people who buy into the contrived, lame, attention seeking YOUTUBE storylines like it’s a reality Tv show…and I guess it is in ways…since these idiots are just documenting themselves and cashing in….

But anyway, Tana Mongeau, who’s claim to fame was being used by Bella Thorne for Bella to get into that Youtube world where the kids are, and dominate because she’s an actual celebrity…..does an ONLYFANS premium content cash grab…and obviously…she partners up with social media whore porn chicks…like Riley Reid, who may be the biggest name in Porn, not that that really requires much effort, I mean…it’s porn…you can get famous doing porn….even nasty pig looking bitches pull it off…the hot girls still avoid doing porn…even if more and more are starting as porn gets more and more normalized…and I really have no hate for any of these sluts…they are raising the bar, setting the tone, starting the trend for all these other girls who would have NEVER done anything like this 20 years ago, to go hardcore…fame is addictive and naked is the easy way for fame to happen.

So…in being clickbait, they make this content idiots potentially pay for together and this is that video…if you like it…you can go give them your money…if you don’t,…you can give me your money…but you won’t…you never do…you asshole.

I don’t know, premium content starring a porn chick, should have some porn in it, but Tana being mainstream is playing it safe while pretending to be hard, cuz she’s getting idiots paying her to do this and all these idiots care about is money….cuz they are nasty.

Washing a car when you’re two rugged bitches is not an interesting concept, even if these money hungry idiots make stupid amounts of money from idiots doing it….there’s no accounting for taste or quality you know…these girls don’t even know what they are doing…I’ve seen HOT bikini car washes and I’ve seen ugly girls doing bikini car washes and all bikini car washes are better than this BTS for the inside perspective like you’re their with them….we don’t need to be there with them….do better you lazy ass pigs.

Posted in:tana mongeau




Tana Mongeau Tits of the Day

Tana Mongeau Sexy

Vegas trash and youtube celebrity who has made far too much money for someone who should have been getting banged out in the Champagne Room in her native Las Vegas, you know putting those fake tits to good use, managed to escape that fate…by telling stories about sugar daddies and other bullshit that was compelling enough to win over a large audience and mooch celebrities trying to get in on her Youtube turf like Bella Thorne…who was rumored to fuck her…something that I am sure is a lot like putting a plastic tupperwear in the microwave for a few hours, because both of those bitches are so fucking plastic….but society is trained to buy into them…so that’s how that works out…

That Youtube money wasn’t enough for her, the brand deals that I couldn’t believe would partner up with such gutter whore trash, because brands will attach themselves to anything popular…and now she’s on Only Fans where she sells her titty pics to loser thirsty incel fans who don’t realize the pics will end up on the internet 5 minutes after she posts her lame ass shit…

I just hate how all these idiots lack cool, but at least they show tits, which offsets their lack of cool…

Tana Mongeau Sexy


Posted in:tana mongeau




Tana Mongeau Slutty Nip Slip of the Day

Tana Mongeau Nip Slip

Tana Mongeau is some Youtuber trash who has made STUPID fucking money. I’d never say that Youtubers don’t deserve the stupid money that they make, because the reality is they are putting the content together and they have the fans and should be paid fairly for the ad dollars they generate for google….

However, I don’t think youtubers are awesome, or cool, or interesting or quality content. People will watch any trash and if anything it’s an awesome fucking scam…however, 1000s of people try to pull off the scam, so people like Tana Mongeu just have the right formula.

That said, she did a publicity stunt launching an OnlyFans for her fans to pay her, probably a quick cash grab, if you can make 100k by posing a nip slip video, why the fuck not…and the reality is, she probably makes a lot more than 100k on the platform, since it’s monthly…

Her big pic people subscribed for…is the nip slip, but the funny thing in her hustle is that she’s been a “sugar baby”, she talks sex, she’s had sex with Bella Thorne and other influential moral-less trash that is the voice of this empty generation…so her nipple is hardly shocking, and onlyfans is on brand…and the real problem is the people buying into the OnlyFans…but that’s the world we’re in right now, monetize your average content and average looks, because you’re viral….for being trash.

Tana Mongeau Nip Slip

Tana Mongeau Nip Slip

Tana Mongeau Nip Slip


Posted in:tana mongeau




Tana Mongeau Finally Looks Ok of the Day

Tana Mongeau Bikini Mask

All it took for Youtube Degenerate Tana Mongeau to look ok for once – was for her to put a mask on that covers her busted face…a little BROWN PAPER BAG THIS WHORE…kind of awesome…

In boring fucking Youtubers don’t have anything interesting to really offer us, despite how hard they try, whether its’ with slutty half naked content or sex stories, they are basically lame as fuck Disney Kids, without Disney, trying to be famous as shit and doing it in whatever scanadlous way they can to be edgy….despite being fucking youtubers….something in and of itself…is lame as shit…

Now Tana Mongeau who revealed to the media that she was suicidal, a victim of abuse, addicted to XANAX like every other girl her age…they’re all a bunch of whining suicidal, pill popping, victims…it’s a fucking trend….is out here continuing her hustle because youtube pays this low level sex worker 100 million dollars a year to tell stories of rich guys she’s gone on dates with…or whatever else her dumb stories that I don’t believe, that are far too staged, but that kids eat up cuz they are all pervert fucks who need pervert mentors to guide them through perversions….

She’s a famewhore, involved in all kinds of stunts, and why wouldn’t she bem it pays heavy…but to think this is what GOOGLE is rewarding and basically hiring to produce content for the brand, because it’s trendy or trending, offends me…cuz it’s smut.

All these billion dollar companies are just fucking porn sites, that have diverted in a bait and switch for being porn sites….by giving it a front that it’s for things that aren’t sex in nature…cuz that’s where the big money is.

Anyway, a useless trashy pile of shit in a bikini looking hotter than usually cuz her broken down face injected face is in hiding due to probably not being able to get her fillers.

She used to rub cunts with Bella Thorne, I don’t know who was the top, bottom, stem or stud…but lesbianism is a myth, so it doesn’t matter who did the pussy eating, what does matter is how bad it probably smelled.


Posted in:tana mongeau




Tana Mongeau Erotica of the Day

Tana Mongeau Bra Panties

I don’t pretend to know anything about Tana Mongeau besides that she’s a youtuber known for her “story times” about her life, or sugar daddies and other shit. I’ve never watched any of her videos.

She has done a bunch of viral stunts as Youtubers do, from marrying another Youtuber, to being in a lesbian relationship with Bella Thorne

Here she is in her lingerie being slutty, because that’s the natural progression for girls on the internet.

She’s definitely not hot, rocking that porn muppet look the kids are into but she’s half naked so nothing wrong with that especaily since she influences so many younger people so that when they are ready to get famous on the internet they know what to do.

Tana Mongeau Naked Toilet

Here she is smoking weed like Aaron Hernendez


Posted in:tana mongeau




Tana Mongeau Nipples of the Day

tana mongeau nudity

Tana Mongeau is some YOUTUBER who is making way too much fucking money.

She pulled some stunt where she married Jake Paul, who I know is a homosexual, but really who isn’t these days, especially kids of his generation playing on youtube, even though he makes even more money than TANA, we’re talking 100 million a year, thanks to all the idiots of the internet and his ability to run a marketing company to reach all those idiots. No hate here, he’s a hustler…

She’s also Belle Throne’s lesbian lover, so she’s had Bella Thorne’s acidic yeast infection dripping down her throat…HPV throat and now she’s flashing tit cuz that’s in and luckily I’m into looking.

tana mongeau nudity


Posted in:tana mongeau




Bella Thorne and Tana Mongeau Dyke it Down of the Day

Bella Thorne and tana mongeau dyke it down in bra

Bella Thorne and her click bait with her BFF who is apparently also her lover, that her troll wizard looking, lesbian looking, crackhead pan sexual gender confused opportunist boyfriend in his 40s gets to jerk off on..

They are attention seeking for their record label that is a thing because the internet is dumb as fuck and buy into anything they find popular…

They aren’t attention seeking hard enough for my liking, because if you’re gonna put it out there…put it out there with genitals…

We’ve already seen this Disney Kid turned instagram whore pretty fucking naked like the bootleg follow Miley’s lead to take charge of their sexuality for marketing purposes cuz tits get hits!.

Bella Thorne and tana mongeau dyke it down in bra


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW|tana mongeau