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Archive for the The Ratio Category




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The media is pretty misleading with all their science….because facts, despite being facts can be misconstrued and scientific studies can be manipulated by whoever is paying for them…and journalists can give you the information in ways that make it scary or confusing….like today I read an article pushing that young people can get COVID where they start the article with the dude in his 40s being in ICU with the VIRUS since April 13th, but end the article with “he’s since recovered and is at home”….so how fucking long was he in the ICU and how many people read the whole fucking article…it’s CRAZY out there..

But the science says The Ratio is a sign of what men find attractive in a woman and since I believe it, no further digging is needed…a waistline and some birthing hips give you that curvy womanly shape..otherwise bitch is a fucking dude…and here’s some RATIO to prove it. Whether it’s real ratio or photoshopped to be ratio…I don’t know…I just know it’s RATIO and it’s hotter than no ratio.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Girls may photoshop their ratio because they know a solid waist to hip ratio is important in their quest to be hot…otherwise there wouldn’t be lipo and rib removal and photoshop available for these people that obviously didn’t get enough attention growing up, or maybe they go too much attention growing up, I don’t fucking know, I am not a psychologist, I am an idiot….but this narcissism shit is out of control…as someone who hates himself, and not in a emo teen way, but in a I know what I have to offer and it’s not that great way, I don’t actually actively hate myself or care…but I sure as fuck am not looking in mirrors or selfie cams like a fucking asshole….and when I see DUDES who do…I think…what a faggot.


Multiple independent studies have confirmed what we already know and that is that men think a waistline and wider hips is hotter than whatever the opposite of that is…and that’s good enough stats for me…because I agree with those studies based on my erection or lack of erection I get when looking at my wife’s little ass buried under a huge fucking gut that’s so huge it’s made it’s way to her back….

I don’t believe in what the media presents as science, when it’s not actual science, but rather studies paid for by biased people who are searching for a specific outcome…but I do trust it when it has to do with something no one would be trying to RIG except maybe a Kardashian or an as lame as a Kardashian…sitting there faking your fucking look while pretending to be authentic when you aren’t anything but trying to suck dick to get ahead like everyone else on social media doing the “LOOK AT ME, I AM OVER HERE” hustle…idiots the lot of ya….


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The Ratio is scientific fact, there have been many studies and they all come back saying waist to hip ratio is when you find big hips on a smaller waist….so there’s enough science to say all you square bitches with waists bigger than hips are fucked…


I mean, DON’T BELIEVE all science because whoever is paying for any study is usually manipulating the results of the study….so that it reflects what is best for their business….The results are based on who is paying..

I see KETO diet people mad that the sugar industry made fat a bad thing in the 70s due to studies linking fat to heart disease so that people would use more sugar…now all these diabetic fucks eating coconut oil are realizing…maybe sugar is the enemy…and fuels cancer…when fats at least good fats…like those on the hips and not on the waist are everything…

STUDIES are all manipulated…so you can’t BELIEVE science…or the media or the government because they manipulate everything for narrative…but you can’t manipulate FACT even if people like to think they have “their own truths”….there is such thing as absolute truth but you can still turn that around and make it tell a different story..

SO basically believe nothing but the waist to hip ratio study…even if you’d get a hard on for square bitches with waists bigger than hips….the waist smaller than the hips will give you a better boner…

Now fuck off.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day


According to at least 29 independent studies….men find girls with a hip to ratio hotter than boxy ass bitches…

So these girls are showing you their best waist to hip ratio…and yes, it is the internet and there is likely some doctoring, even your grandma probably facetunes herself, we’re at that level of living virtually through an Avatar and it’s not very exciting to be lied to, but not so bad if you just believe the lie because leaving the house is less exciting to you, since the girls don’t look as good as they do all photoshopped in the magazines…which makes me laugh, only because I remember when girls were human and not muppets and they’d be so offended with the media trying to pass off photoshopped Playboy pics as real…only to now be photoshopping them damn selves….while still complaining about unrealistic body expectations….while photoshopping themselves…while saying hose photoshopped other girls are and telling you not to buy into it…as they shrink their stomach, widen their hips while saving up to get ribs removed and Lipo….

It’s best to not try to understand the hypocrisy in basically everyone, but instead jerk off to their “artistic” renditions of themselves, it’s hotter than jerking off to court drawings or suspect sketches or worse….anime….


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I praise the waist to hip ratio because science told me to and I like to do everything science tells me….because it’s science…but also because waist to hip ratios are officially the answer to the age old question most people have and that’s “on a scale from 1 to 10, how hot is this bitch”…..you know people like being ranked…they may complain about it, but only when they know they aren’t 10s…because 10s are all for it and don’t blame the patriarchy or misogyny for the ranking system…they just embrace being hot..

But yeah, science says the waist to hip ratio is what triggers men into wanting to breed with a bitch, and thus that makes the bitch out to be hotter than one without a waist to hip ratio, all boxy and man like, which is not very inclusive to TRANS pretending to be women, or fat chicks pretending to be hot, but that’s the whole fucking point….

There’s SCIENCE to back what makes a bitch hot, and these are girls doing their best to be hot, by showing their ratio.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I watched two COVID rapid tests on food products test positive for COVID….BEER and a Grape….which makes me think we should really BELIEVE ALL SCIENCE….even though science is actually as subjective as anything else because if you’re an anti-covid person they discount as a redneck idiot or a conspiracy theorist….based on the same numbers they are playing up to justify the covid thing to make it work for their agenda…or at least China’s agenda, because I saw China is doing more business than ever thanks the USA being in Lockdown….so don’t believe all science…believe what you want to believe in…and I choose to believe that THE RATIO is critical science that has been researched enough, at least with my boner, to know that the bigger the hips and the smaller the waist, is the girl I’d rather be sticking my dick in….no matter what she weighs in on…that hourglass BODY…is scientifically what men want to fuck…so here are a bunch of girls showing off their ratio knowing it’s an asset far more important than TITTY size or PUSSY tightness….the Ratio is what makes them look like women and not confused dudes with mental health issues who cut off their dicks for attention like kids in the 90s used to do with body modifications and outfits from Hot Topic…a little more dramatic…but you need to always level up…year after year…it is what keeps us a PROGRESSIVE people…LOL….


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day


I could go into more detail, but what’s the fucking point, science says girls with a waist are hotter than fat chicks, so if you’re a fat chick, figure out how to get a waist, because you can still be a fat chick under the science of The Ratio, you just need to be a fat chick built with a fucking waist….hourglass shit….

It triggers something in men at our core / in our balls / that makes us want to reproduce up inside that ratio…maybe it’s a sign of health, or the ability to birth good babies, because despite our obsession with sex and not knocking a bitch up, or obsession with sex is at our core to keep humanity alive, which I know is crazy, I mean who would want to bother doing that….but we’re wired that way and these Ratio girls are all part of the problem, or the solution, or the celebration of finding the perfect body that the feminists or inclusivity people don’t want to admit exist…but SCIENCE man…tells a different story and I don’t know about you but I’ve been told to trust science the past year and you should too…at least when it comes to knowing fatties with no ratio aren’t hot…whether they make clothing for them now or not…

Here’s some ratio…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day


I say the same thing every week….

It is scientifically proven that a girl with a hip to waist ratio is hotter than a girl without one….I mean technically all women have waist-to-hip ratios but you know what I mean…..HOURGLASS motherfucker and that can apply to girls of all weights, colors, and sizes….it just means bitch has a waist smaller than their hips…and that is important…

Even the World Health Organization is in on the Waist to Hip Ratio, they are into it for optimal health, which for a woman is around 0.7, meaning they have the ultimate estrogen, fertility and thus are more attractive and healthier to men…..

Then there are the other studies, where 0.7 is seen as ultimate level of attractiveness of women to men in Euro cultures, 0.6 is optimal for men in China and Africa…which means that girls with no ratio, which would be a 1 to 1 ratio of waist to hip…meaning 30 inch waist and 30 inch hips…or higher than one…which is for the fatties with a 40 inch waist and 30 inch hips are disgusting…

SCIENCE man…can’t argue it…which is why I like showing off girls with that waist to hip, even if this is an era of lipo, photoshop/facetube, rib removals all to game the ratio…I just see that as proof that the ratio matters…

Here is the ratio mattering.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

BELIEVE ALL SCIENCE….except maybe when it comes to vaccines….because I don’t trust something that celebs, who are hired actors, professional liars, designed to sell you bullshit you don’t need, whether it’s convincing you of the storyline of the movie they are in, or otherwise…they are full of shit…so if they are telling you to do it, then you probably shouldn’t do it…as they are puppets…

Not that I am an anti-vaxxer, I don’t give a fuck if people get the vaccine or not, but I have heard or seen people pushing it aggressive…like “can you get your vaccine”….”I bet you can’t wait to get the vaccine”….”Don’t forget to get vaccinated”…while downplaying the whole pissing out microchips that is a side effect along with getting COVID, still needing to social distance and mask, because you can still get COVID, and/or dying from the vaccine….maybe they joke about it…some THROW in a 5G joke to make people think it’s an outrageous conspiracy….to which they all LOL….until realizing that the vaccine sterilizes them to help thwart population and bring to a more manageable 500 million people from the current 7.5 million….basically PUSHING the vaccine on those who don’t want it…like they are the crazy ones for being willing to risk getting covid since it has a 98% success / survival rate….

SO, I am not an against you getting vaccinated, I am against you telling me to get vaccinated…and acting like a fucking hero warrior to get it done…yelling when people blow it off….But yeah…BELIEVE ALL SCIENCE…when it comes to girls with a waist to hip ratio, because they are scientifically hotter than square bodied bitches, and hotter is better…so tell your square body bitches to figure it the fuck out, get a rib removed like a kardashian or some fat injected into their hips to look like an hourglass goddess we want to see….


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

This is about as woke as I get…you know by posting The Ratio….because while big fat and nasty girl, or midget troll girls and Kamala Harris’ weird genderless daughter are being packaged as models….when clearly any retard could be a model..just take their pants off and take pics of them…but that doesn’t mean they are models I want to see…

So the reason this is as woke as I get is because I am a believer in science and science had said bitches with waists and bitches with hips and the bitches men are most attracted..

They can be fat, they can be skinny, so long as they have a waist and hip…that’s what fucking matters…and I stand by that..inclusivity done right and according to science so all you bitches with NO wait to hip ratio can give up your quest of being hot, you’ll never be as hot as a bitch with waist and hip ratio….no matter how hard you try…but we’ll still jerk off to your butthole…just know we’d rather jerk off to butthole with some womanly shape to it…we’re not all queer.


Posted in:The Ratio