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Archive for the The Ratio Category




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Believe all science…even if science as a concept has been bastardized while credible scientists have been silenced on social media….and basically everywhere to not divert from the SCIENCE…even when they are the SCIENCE who invented the science…pretty creepy…

I was just watching the Joe Biden announcement on COVID VACCINATIONS where he was bragging about how many vaccinated people he’s responsible for…it’s something like 160 million vaccines and the position is that it is the greatest achievement in medical history..or maybe it was American History….at least that was the intro….

The point of the announcement was to complain about those of you who aren’t vaccinated, despite it being an emergency use only medication that hasn’t gone through all the medical trials they probably need….and even more importantly, that you can’t sue the pharma companies in the event you have a bad reaction since they have immunity…just not against COVID since apparently no one does….

As the vaccinated really hate the unvaccinated…they’ve become RELIGIOUS on the COVID shit and despite being “protected” the unvaccinated are the heathens who want to kill the fat and elderly….IT IS FREE…GET IT…you can get FREE junk food, beer, and even be enrolled in a LOTTERY….sounds like they’re not trying to trick you into their VACCINATED world…because of SCIENCE…or emotions that are selective about the science….

But the SCIENCE I do believe in…because it makes sense, doesn’t seem to lie to me, or try to confuse me, is THE RATIO….

Girls are seen as hotter when they have the right hip to waist ratio…so naturally girls with ratio or the photoshop app on their phones post their pics of their RATIO….cuz they want to be seen as hotter…

These are some of those babes…

Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

We may be in an era where some people will argue that Science has been bastardized by the media over this whole pandemic during the last year and half….

We may be in an era where experts aren’t actually experts…but actual experts are being silenced on social media…which whether you’re on either side of the conversation should be concerning…not necessarily on a freedom of speech level, but on a power of social media level…

I mean I’ve been censored off all the platforms since the dawn of my internet experience, so I’m well aware of censorship, and just accepted it as “They don’t want trolls being perverts or creeps on here”….and I knew that they had the right to police the narrative on their platforms that I was just a tourist on….by deleted DRUNKENSTEPFATHER and my smut is far different than deleting important people who have a different opinion on science than the tech platforms…who can selectively decide what is true and what isn’t because they own the minds of their members..

The truth is that all these people who were never deleted or censored off a platform get so mad about it, but they are the idiots…all of the members of the sites are the idiots…for not realizing that it’s not some free platform to promote themselves, if it is free, you’re the commodity…and if it’s free yet ZUCK is making billions a year…you’re the commodity…it’s really pretty basic…

That said, science can be manipulated by both sides of the conversation…there’s been science to prove sugar is the devil, that fat is the devil, that wine is the devil, and counter-studies saying the opposite…so science isn’t absolute…

BUT I WILL SAY when it comes to waist to hip ratio, the waist being skinnier than the hips, as a measure of sex appeal, is pretty absoulte….if you like boxy bitches, or big bellied bitches, you’re the outlier, not the norm…freak.

Here’s some girls showing ratio you can’t trust cuz there’s an app for that…but I’ll believe what I see and pretend it’s real, I mean it makes life more pleasurable.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I guess you shouldn’t believe everything you see on the internet, because these bitches fucking lie, and in their quest to be degenerates, they photoshop the fuck out of themselves to catfish the losers who buy into it into thinking they are hotter than they actually are…it’s just the internet and nothing is real….

I guess you shouldn’t believe all science either, since the last year has taught us that credible scientists get cancelled if they go against the narrative the powers that be are pushing….and all the data presented to you is not actually real…only propaganda and lies that by the time the truth surfaces the general population ignore because they are too busy taking selfies to try to get famous on the internet…you know the things that really matter in society…self involved cunts…

So the studies are typically skewed to favor those paying for the studies…and you can partially see through it if you look hard enough…but I choose to believe that girls with waist to hip ratios that involve a smaller waist to a wider hip have more sex appeal to a man on a primal level than a square dude-like shemale bitch….because I like the Ratio….guys like the ratio and girls are photoshopping themselves and getting ribs removed and fat transferred to have the ratio….there’s a reason for that….BELIEVE the ratio…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day


I normally leave the RATIO TUESDAY for the end of the day, because I am a guy and by default, according to science, I like my women to have the right kind of waist to hip ratio…one where the waist is thinner than the hips…it’s what triggers us into thinking a woman is a woman and makes us want to ejaculate inside her…creampie styles…in hopes of procreating…at least on a basic genetic level…since most dudes would have to be creepy to want to spread their seed…at least from my perspective because I find having kids the most insane idea ever…and not because I am trying to save the environment, but because I like being left the fuck alone and when I see dads pretending to be happy in the park playing like they are 5 with a 5 year old…I can tell it’s all a fucking lie and they’d rather be jerking off or napping….or eating…anything but running around the part with a 5 year old they created..

Anyway, TRUST science, except when it lies to you blatantly until its emails are leaked so that you can see it lied to you….at least when it comes to deciding when a bitch is hot or not…..because enough research has gone into it and dudes who are still dudes and into women who are still women don’t need science to tell them a good ratio is hot…we have built in devices to detect that…..


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

TRUST SCIENCE has been a bastardized term thanks to the state of this whole COVID thing, where the expert scientists fucking lied to you and for whatever reason no one cares…

But I still trust Science, at least actual science, where there is clear and obvious data outlined for me to draw my own retard conclusions…like that masks don’t work, the median age of COVID deaths is 86, higher than the life expectancy of people….the PCR tests aren’t accurate, the covid death rate is so low it’s like a flu, not even a bad flu…and we’ve all been suckers in denial of those facts…they call those of us who never believed any of the bullshit CONSPIRACY THEORISTS…even after Fauci’s emails were leaked…because we know how the internet is a propaganda machine…and yes it should draw outrage, nut instead they are telling you to hate white men…or people are saying “who cares, let me get to a restaurant now that covid is over for now, thanks big brother government”…nutty…

So yeah, I trust science, accurate science, not science paid for by some corrupt system, and that science tells me that girls with a waistline that is substantially thinner than her hips, is biologically hotter on some animalistic level, to dudes…maybe it means the bitch is a better breeder, healthier to make the baby, maybe a waist to hip ratio of a certain level is more feminine…which is why trannies everywhere are cutting their ribs out…..

And these are girls with waist to hip ratios they want to show off…and since i am into science and since I trust actual science…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Trust Science motherfuckers…even though science is a pile of fucking bullshit where the results are from the person paying for them, or Fauci…LOLZ right….I am in Canada they won’t send me to a FEMA camp for saying that, at least not yet…

But yes, science, despite being SUBJECTIVE and easy to manipulate, despite being marketed to us as “Hard Fact”….says the right waist to hip ratio is the key to beauty…or sex appeal.

It’s not height, weight, tit size, vagina tightness, anus color, level of HIV in her blood stream…it’s the waist to hip…so naturally, girls who naturally or unnaturally have a smaller waist or ass, will naturally or unnaturally show it off like these girls….

Well, years ago, when I went to bars, I asked a girl what her ratio was, after googling what the perfect ratio was…and she was one of those artsy lesbian types, you know…a feminist before it was IG trendy…and she got MAD..she called me a pig, a misogynist…which by the way is a word I didn’t know under year 4 of doing the site when I was called one on Jezebel or some shit…but that now every child in the third grade knows it which is always exciting for men of the world into pussy!


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I don’t know if The Ratio is what I call the Instagram Body, but when I see the instagram body, it’s usually fat tits, fat ass, with a waist, wearing some kind of sports bra or crop top and some skimpy ass shorts their ass hangs out of or leggings…it’s all the rage and for whatever reason so many girls have the look…and I wonder how they get the skinnier waist, since fat girls of my era didn’t have the fat in the right place, and my only conclusion is that it’s from the hormones in the foods, the same hormones that are giving men breasts and chemically castrating them into these hybrid men with no balls, just giant pussies…if not in genitals then in attitude…

I do know that there’s been ample research around The Ratio being seen as hotter to men than square, boxy, or round bitches who have no waistline and I get it…even if the studies were before the whole men turning into hybrid men crisis we are in today…we are drawn to thinks we want to impregnate and that is the healthiest baby making body around…

But as you’ve learned with COVID, science is some bastardized, misguided, lie used to discredit people who follow actual data…I’ve heard “Trust Science” so many times about things science doesn’t support…like lockdowns, PCR tests, COVID death rates, experimental vaccines…that the virus was created in a lab…and the comeback from all these misguided half retards who hate trump, racism, and genders and I guess America….is “Trust Science you Ignorant Fuck”…while they are in fact the ignorant ones….

Point being, science depends on who does the research, who pays for the research, who benefits from the research and what media outlets are posting the research…there is FACT and their is TRUTH but there’s also a lot of bullshit lies from the people your tax dollars finance…

So whether THE RATIO is real SCIENCE or not is always questionable, but I subscribe to it, because waist to hip ratios of the right size look good…

Here are girls showing off their ratios!


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

There’s a whole trust science debate going on, since science can be manipulated in ways that support the people paying for the research….then there’s the whole science on how to deal with things like pandemics being sold to us by the same people who paid to get the virus created in a lab….I mean…the science is subjective and now that science has proven itself to be a giant fucking farce….not that that’s anything new…I mean they replaced fat with sugar to create diabetic, they pushed cigarettes and so many other cancer causing products they said were ok for us…just a fucking pile of bullshit…

BUT I trust the science that says that a waist to hip ratio of a certain size triggers a sexual response in the men looking at the waist to hip ratio…making them want to impregnate them…assuming their testosterone isn’t depleted from other science approved things put into their food, water and air…you know the frogs are turning gay so I wonder what that does to people…

ANYWAY….I think a woman with a womanly shape speaks to our animalistic want to breed that they are trying to tell us we don’t have in their “don’t sexualize us even when we’re walking around with visible butt plugs in”….but sexualize us on OnlyFans…..

ANYWAY…here’s a bunch of girls showing off their ratio…or lack of it…and they are hotter than fat belly, square bodied, barrel looking women…it’s science.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Believe all science…

Hip To Waist Ratios are hotter to men…it is science.

So believe it.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Scientific research has gone into the important study of whether dudes find girls with a waist smaller than her hips hotter than girls without…you know the important studies that probably happened in some Grad school by some toxic masculine nerds who couldn’t get laid because the program they were in was not gender equal and had a disproportionate number of men to women, so they had to hit up the Home Ec department to source girls who would stand naked or half naked in front of these nerds with prods in their penises to see what they reacted to and as it turns out….they proved that girls with a girl body are more appealing to dudes…crazy right….that study would never happen today, but glad it did, so you can use it against girls who don’t have a good ratio for why you’re cheating on them to girls who do….or some shit…I don’t know if you can cheat on your only fans subscriptions and the indian call center pretending to be the girl you are paying….

Here’s some RATIO.


Posted in:The Ratio