I trust science, traditional science, not science for profit, or science for livelihood, that if you go against it you’ll be “cancelled”, fired, and put out to pasture for not going along with the narrative..
I also like freedom, even controlled freedom like we’ve had for my entire life…
So seeing science be totally disregarded for the sake for making the rich much richer is pretty terrifying…but not as terrifying as seeing the people going along with this shit….
The idea of quarantining the healthy, or politicizing vaccines, in a way to get a Bill Gates endorsed global VACCINE passport that is on the blockchain and that will be tied into your universal basic income, all to track your every move, will be the END of society as you know it…
I didn’t even like being logged into my hotmail back when I had hotmail in the 90s, so being logged into Bill Gates with my BODY is really not something I am overtly excited about…
Whether I believe in the vaccines or not, which I don’t because they haven’t proven to be very effective, they have proven to hurt people and the idiots endorsing them with logic like “I don’t know what’s in my McDonalds, so why would I care about what is injected in me” and other INSANE logic….since MAYBE you should know what you’re injecting in you, dumb fuck…
But I won’t single out those who believe in the shot, for whatever nonsense reason, I’ll just say that thanks to a misuse of science, freedoms are being breeched, I get that no one wants to believe the government is controlled by an evil entity called power and greed, and that’s ok…
I just think if you go along with the vaccine passports, and people are, you’re paving the way to a fucking disaster…
So whatever your “science’ is, I’ll say that there is no way the science on a hot waist to hip ratio is wrong, it won’t cause debates by the evil people pushing it, it won’t get those saying “I’m not into ratio” cancelled, and the journalisms covering it, won’t stop asking the important questions, to get to the bottom of everything, because it’s pretty obvious and generally accepted…
So support ratios, take medicines you want that is your right….even if they don’t work and could ruin you for whatever “reason” you have, but stop trying to force other people who don’t want it to take it, especially now that their are holes in their story that are too obvious to ignore, since not everyone is on the wrong side of the powerful cult that controls us and want people to know what’s up….
There is no argument that the vaccines are killing people, not all people, but there are people dying from it….Japan is saying that they are magnetic, that they are not working, that natural immunity works 13 times better than any vaccine will because that is how we are designed with this immune system…that there are medications like Ivermectin, which they are trying to smear as a horse product, but that has been approved for HUMAN use for something like 40 years, that is inexpensive, not patentable because it’s from the earth and that reverses damage caused by the toxins they feed us in everything we consume…which would be the last thing the industry would want people to know about since their profits would be affected…..hat’s the fucking lie we all bought into….we are all guilty of it….
But stop the fucking global vaccine passports, because that is GOING to fuck everyone, society as a whole, over….and they don’t give a FUCK about you…so taking some stance that doesn’t put you and your family first, is idiotic….and anti-human….our TRIBE should be our most important allies.
So good luck waking up and don’t bother if you prefer be passive and distracted…die off or let them kill you off..that is your fucking right while you still have rights…
I am just sure that there is no going back to normal, they tell us there is no going back to normal, so following the rules or going along with things blindly is not going to get you back to normal, do your research, read the studies, take time to figure it out on your own…and don’t get caught up in all that is out there to manipulate you and ruin your fucking life. Respect your freedoms and the freedoms of others cuz once they are gone…you’ll never get them back..
I hope you choose LIFE….even if life sucks….but LOOK AT ALL THESE RATIOS and let them inspire you to live…
Posted in:The Ratio