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The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The Ratio is science behind what makes a bitch hot…but that bitches, or miserable feminists who will never be happy, but that have found like-minded miserable people to attach themselves to, in order to keep the hive moving in the wrong fucking direction…won’t agree with.

They will find anything to complain about, that’s just the nature of the world or prison we live in, where cool people who were once cool people are now fucking mental cases..because they are slaves to the fucking system…and the outrage to things like proven studies like The Ratio is just a consequence of that.

These are the same people trying to convince you that a dude, born as a dude, who may or may not have cut off his dick, is a chick….and if you don’t fuck them…you’re a transphobe…you know…weird…

So I guess under that pretence, the people who hate the ratio, despite it being scientifically proven, are the people who believe that it’s unfair to men becoming women, since they can’t have a waist to hip ratio, therefore it is DISCRIMINATORY….

I guess they also get mad about it because they think dudes finding women attractive is AGGRESSIVE and scary, THOSE TOXIC MEN despite selling nudes on the internet to dudes, or being sugar babies to rich dudes, or most importantly, forgetting that HUMANITY IS FUCKING BASED ON MEN BEING ATTRACTED TO FUCKING WOMEN…it’s the reason we are here, daddy came in your mom dummy…for a fucking reason….that I am sure he wasn’t expecting to be such a miserable cunt…you know YOU are the STD since the day you were born.

The good news is that these people can wake the fuck up, break free from the mind control, and realize that a waist to hip ratio is fucking womanly and wonderful.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I believe in science, at least traditional sense of science, because science still exists, which is why I am all for the Ratio where we celebrate women’s waist to hip ratio to know how woman they are, because men are attracted and want to impregnate girls with the right ratio over girls with less desirable ratio…

I know that the media is telling us that we should be into trans women because they consider themselves women, so YOU should too, BIGOT…even if you’re not gay or into men who are on hormones…who think they are women…even if you’re like me and don’t care if they live life as a woman and people pander to them…doesn’t mean I want to fuck it….

Anyway, the media likes to discount science and confuse us all…I just saw some clip of Jedediah Bila, who I actually never heard of, but was a co-host of The View who I guess wrote some book she was promoting…I don’t fucking know, I haven’t watched The View since giving up on jerking off to Barbara Walters, pre Whoopi who now looks like Jabba the Fucking Hut….or more like Jabba the fucking House…she’s huge.

They did a zoom interview with their friend Jed because she was not allowed in studio due to Disney’s insane vaccine mandates that make no sense…

They gave her the chance to to explain her decision, and while dropping some actual CDC info about how vaccinated people can still spread COVID or catch COVID and she has 3 medical exemptions and is doing what is right for her…to avoid getting the side effects….and they CUT HER OFF, spoke over her, discounted her, said “you watch too much Fox News” for the simple minds out there that think “Fox News is for White Racists who Love Trump and Hate Vaccines”….totally DISCOUNTING the actual science for the viewers of The View and it was fucking disgusting….

It was NON SCIENCE and dismissive and fucking crazy….I guess I should post the clip…but it’ll RUIN all these hot ratio girls, you can just google it.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

People are pretty easy to manipulate, so I should probably figure that shit out, so that I can get that billion dollars I feel like I deserve, because I’ve had a website since 2004 and that’s a fucking lifetime in normal years, but a ten fucking lifetimes for internet businesses…it’s like when a gay guy tells you he’s been in a 20 year gay relationship, monogamous….that’s like 100 years in straight years…only less shit on my dick….but not much less.

But yeah, people are easy to manipulate if you know how, and clearly th worst fucking people know how to manipulate, because there is a level of evil involved in manipulating people…and I may make fun of shitty celebrities who reduce themselves to fleshy puppets…but they aren’t human…I am actually not interested in manipulating the every day person…which is why I waste my time compiling all this shit for you people for free…it is literally volunteer work and that’s ok, I’m just glad you’re here, not that glad, but you’re the last standing army and it’s fun to sink on this ship together…like we’re on our own titanic, because it was a big site once, only our collapse is organic, not a staged mass murder to kill off the opposition of the FEDERAL RESERVE…lol…google it.

So people are out here blindly following the bad science, hoping for th best and not even expecting the worse…they just don’t want to think there coul be bad shit that happens from things like experimental shots….they just LIKE/SUBSCRIBE/INJECT…because their friend they’ve never met but see on TV told them to.

When we should be wasting on time on the good science, like WAIST TO HIP ratios being the basis of what a man finds hot in a woman.

It may not speak to the transgenders out there that are forcing us to subscribe to their bullshit, rather than just living out their bullshit, they are such egocentric fucks they make it our problem….to the point where they are calling moms “Birthing People”….

It may not be inclusive to them, since MEN don’t typically have a hot waist to Hip Ratio….just ask J.LO….

They say J.Lo and a lot of celebs you jerk off are actually men, which is one of my favorite of the conspriacies….google it..

But yeah, hard to fake a waist to hip ratio which defines the hotness of the bitches, or determines the level of hotness of a woman, a REAL LIFE actual woman for any men out there not into this bullshit woke nonsense where everything is so inclusive it’s exclusive and LAME…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

In the event you feel like you’ve been lied to by Science over the last 18-20 months, you’re probably right, but who am I to tall you that you’re right, I mean these are things people need to come to terms with on their own. You know the process of evil corporations owning basically entire systems is a terrifying concept and probably better to just passively bow down and let them have their way with you, some people have rape fantasies, who knows, maybe they’ll like it, I mean they seem to fucking like it….love it…live for it…let em, even if they are contributing to the fall of fucking society.

So yeah, Science has been bastardized by the media and social media, to push some storylines that may or may not be real, and a big bulk of people hopped on board because they confused body autonomy with political parties or not being woke enough….

I will say that there is still merit to science, if you approach each hypothesis as you are supposed to approach it, like it is a theory not fact and that you should challenge it to try to break the theory, to strengthen it….

So people and their vaccine nonsense, or with their covid nonsense, or their social distancing nonsense….trying to fight remedies outside of the agenda….including NATURAL IMMUNITY…WHICH IS INSANE…because facts are fucking facts…and when you’re being lied to and presented with conflicting facts…they are no longer facts…

ANYWAY…Science says that the waist to hip ratio is what men are attracted to, because it represents actual WOMEN, and in an era of TRANS people being thrown on us in a weird and freakish way, they’re even saying if you don’t fuck a tranny, vaccinaeted or not, you are a transphobe…making it a hate crime to not want to fuck a man who pretends he’s a woman…fucking NUTTY

I believe in science, I believe in facts, I believe in the Ratio….Here are girls and their ratio…Real women…potentially real women…WHAT A CONCEPT! I’m so old school.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Trust the Science….that’s basically how I like to present this SCIENTIFIC research I’ve been conducting this week on girls who have the right waist to hip ratio as a reminder that science is a REAL thing that doesn’t need to be censored off social media, and really all of the media, because they’ve been silencing everyone, from politicians, scientists, PhDs, MDs and even people who have lost family, friends, or even their mobility from the stupid fucking shot they are mandating even though it is experimental and has not gone through the SCIENCE needed to decide if it was safe..

Yes, I keep going back to that when you may want an escape, use the hot bodied ladies as your escape, while I see them as a reminder of the crimes against humanity going on….thanks to people being mindless half retard idiots!

But this isn’t about that, it’s about other science, which is that men are more attracted to women with a waist and hip ratio that is substantial enough so you don’t confuse them for me….which you can’t get with those men who want to live as women but they get enough cock from the perverts out there…so maybe it’s not about what makes a woman, or what makes a woman hot, now that everyone’s gay…

This is reminder that you don’t need to be gay, just because the media, hormones in the foods, want you gay….I watched that series YOU where they put in weird hate towards anti-vaxxers out of nowhere, which was a good time to turn off the show, but they went into being POLY AMOROUS because regular marriages, even amongst killers is so DULL…and in their pushing of that FUCK UP MARRIAGES because monogamy is a Christian Value, the dude in YOU said he was willing to fuck a dude in an orgy….because that’s where it’s at…and now all you freaks into watching porn are wondering if the dick is what turns you on or the girl being fucked by the dick…or whether YOU are the woman in the porn being indoctrinated into this shit…

BUT SCIENCE…which can’t be argued are saying girls with hips and a smaller waist are hotter than those boxy bitches..


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

As there is an attack on women, you know when men who dress like women, either because they are pervert weirdos who get sexually turned on by it, or if they legitimately think they are women, a crazy concept if you think about it as an outsider, not necessarily a concept that I care people do, live your own life, do you motherfucker, even if it’s even crazier when you realize that they cut off their own genitals because they are so committed to that cause…..

The issue isn’t so much the transgnders, unless they are predator transgenders, who exist because if you want to work your way into the girl’s bathroom with a free fucking HALL pass to work your way into the girl’s bathroom, and your fantasy is girl’s bathrooms, you may want to be transgender…

The issue is the people who love to jump on various WOKE issues, usually women…I saw some meme that CAN’T BE real about people actually campaigning against RIGHT HANDEDNESS….basically stating that the world is designed for right handed people….so we need to accommodate the lefties for feeling subpar….like this was the 1900s when the nuns would beat motherfuckers with the YARD STICK for using their left hand….a dumb thing to run seminars and events around…>RIGHT HANDEDNESS but I am sure it’ll be WOMEN in the audience.

So yeah, women are being attacked, you had a man who lives as a woman be honored as a Four Star General, for inclusivity, forgetting to make an actual woman a Four Star Genral…and that’s too bad…but women, endorse that shit with WOKENESS….

I am pro woman, not into manly women, not into men who pretend to be women on a sexual level, so the RATIO applies to me, my instinct, and I guess the instinct of men everywhere, because we are animals, we have instincts, and being drawn to women for procreation is what our HUMANITY is based on.

I know that they are trying to turn humans into robots and all that, but DEEP in our souls is still our human instinct, hence the success of THE RATIO post celebrating the WOMAN form…which has wider hips, smaller waists and bigger tits that a dude..

It’s science, it’s real, we find it hot…so immerse yourself in hotness.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I trust Science not Scientists, but I like when fat blue haired pigs who you know won’t live to 50, and not because it’s the end of the world, or because they’re vaccinated and that shit may kill all you motherfuckers, but because she’s 500 fucking pounds and that self hatred makes her fucking angry, but at least she can dye her hair and wear tight dresses to prove how UNIQUE she is…as a genderless, woke, god hating, pile of miserable and lonely dog shit, who gets fucked on the regular because they are gender fluid or on the dating apps, and people will fuck anything…even after watching them fuck themselves with random sex toys….as people do….

But yeah…Scientists can be bought, exploited, misguided, extorted, blackmailed, set up to fail if they don’t say what their handlers are telling them to say, you know they have a life, bills, and if you put yourself first and see more opportunity making that deal with the devil you’ll say whatever you need to say to live your best life, even if it kills. NICE SELFISHNESS FUCKER….

So in not trusting Scientists but trusting science, the RATIO, something that NATURAL BORN WOMEN are given, assuming they keep fit, you know bone structure shit to trigger the animal instinct in men to want to impregnate them……so science the science behind the waist to hip ratio is there…it matters and it is something exclusive to women and as hetero men because we haven’t ingested enough plastic to turn us gay yet…we LIKE it.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Trust the Science….

Trust The Ratio…

The Ratio is the Science that I like to celebrate every week because the right waist to hip ratio makes a bitch hotter in our minds….

The feminists would hate that there is a scientific method to NUMBER THE HOTNESS of a bitch, you know they hate being called 10s, when they aren’t 10s…it’s sexist, DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY….as men cut their dicks off to experience the female struggle as a female…and the women shave their heads and grow out their body hair to de-sexualize themselves into angry monsters…only to sell nudes on their OnlyFans…cuz sick people will pay to see other sick people be sick…

You may be wondering what The Ratio Means, I mean there are so many ratios out there being talked about, from social media engagement ratios, but this RATIO is smaller waist to bigger hips ratio to determine how womanly a woman is…..

The studies are conclusive…NOT THAT THAT MEANS ANYTHING…I mean if we learned anything this past 2 years….Data can be manipulated…studies can be censored…lies can be pushed as science…but any dude will know the truth…in their gut…because sometimes you don’t need some nerd in a lab coat running experiments to prove what we already know….like how I know the general public is a braindead, complicit, half retard, medicated, lazy, self involved, distracted, streaming, pig of a person who just goes along with what they are told, to get back to being shit stains on society consuming what they think they are supposed to consume…

Listen to your gut…while dreaming of blowing out some of these guts with your wizard wand….you freaky nerd fuck…why are you here?


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The Ratio is Science…I haven’t looked up the medical journal information regarding this science…because as you’ve probably been seeing the media tell you not to do your own research or your own critical thinking on the internet because you will end up down a vortex of misinformation even if the misinformation is being published by reputable sources…you just can’t trust yourself to read it…even though it is in english…because words can mean a lot of things and your’e just not bright enough to figure out what they do mean…save that for the experts and do what you’re told….

So I have no real evidence that the Ratio is actual science, if it is, it’s likely science they want to suppress, seeing as I’ve asked at least one feminist what her ratio is in the last 10 years, and the answer was not really a ratio but rather that I was a misogynist oppressor who basically just ratped her with my inquisitive and scientific mind…

I just generally accept that a girl, who has a waist and hips bigger than said waste have what I’d call a womanly body and with a womanly body my brain on a primal level gets triggered to “IMPREGNATE” that shit….

SO it makes sense to me, even if I can jerk off to basically anything, or could at my peak of manliness, I’m old and weathered now…the smaller waist and the bigger hips is hotter than the alternative…RATIOS matter and these are girls showing off their ratios…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I know that the definition of woman, at least in the media, not according to my dick, is some kind of woke bullshit that includes transgender people, or men on hormones, or men with mental illness who think they are ladies, or men who were born into the wrong body…I don’t really dive too into that shit and figure you can be or identify as whatever fucking weirdness you want….and you can be as crazy and weird as you want…just don’t try to rule my fucking existence with your crazy…

So to me, women are women, and that means they were born with lady parts and grow into adults who have those same lady parts that can be used as a facemask, just not CDC recommended for grocery store entrance, can be worn as a condom, just not very easy to fuck other lady parts with when wrapped up in one lady part…and the whole thing, even with the bad press, the rebranding of women, the death of the family….is still hot to old perverts like me who despite having small cock still has enough testosterone to know…women, actual women are hot.

In support of women being hot, I post these waist-to-hip ratio pieces, since trannies can’t really get that natural waist to hip ratio, and our brains acknowledge the waist to hip ratio as a level of sex appeal…despite al the protests…it’s genetic, coded into our animalistic boners, and there’s not much you can do about it, except ignore your natural instinct and CUCK to the powers that be, telling you how to think or what to think…..but I’d rather just look at pics of some girls showing off their waist to hip ratio cuz it’s feminine, it’s womanly, it’s hot…and their sharing is caring…which is something you’d want from a woman…I mean they have that whole maternalistic thing..


Posted in:The Ratio