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Archive for the The Ratio Category




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Anyone who has fucked a girl with waist and a hip from behind will know that it feels like you’re fucking an actual woman….because nothing is more womanly than a set of hips and the best way to see the hips is if the bitch has a waist…

Clearly, it’s a trend to have that waist-to-hip ratio because the sluts of instagram know that on a psychological, deep rooted, genetic level, they know that is what men find hot at their core. So they can whine about sexualization, the patriarchy, misogyny and all that other catch phrase activism you know they don’t fucking care about, because they are out there getting their back fat sucked out, ribs removed for Armie Hammer, ass injections and other insanity all the have that waistline….they also jack their underwear or bikinis up to their fucking neck, to give some optical illusion of a ratio because when it comes to hotness it all comes down to RATIO..

Sure, some men are attracted to square women because they are closet cases, or because it’s all they could get at the wife giveaway or mail order catalog….and some men are attracted to any bitch that gives them attention, no matter how fat and sloppy she is…so the girls with no ratio don’t need to kill themselves off…they just need to know they aren’t as hot as girls with RATIO…so they should probably stop trying…

Believe Science, Trust Science, Etc…..when it comes to the Ratio…I do…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I am not mathlete, but I do know what a waist to hip ratio and I like it….and so do other men…they’ve done scientific research on the ratio and men prefer a woman with a smaller waist than her bigger hips….you see it with all the social media girls who edit their pics to look like they have crazy waist to hip ratios…because they know that people like the ratio…it is more important than big tits, it can lead to bigger asses, or at least heart shaped asses, that come to a point at the top called a waist…

So girls of all sizes can have a ratio…and girls who don’t have a ratio…their boxy, hipless bodies….can’t compete…..so this is to celebrate science with girls who are proud to show off her waist to hip ratio cuz they know it’s hotter than being a boxy bitch…save the boxy for the trannies…yo.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

With the internet being a whole pile of bullshit…as all these clout chasing aspiring instagram girls are trying to be their hottest…when the majority of these girls trying to be the hot on instagram girls aren’t even the hot girls…actual hot girls are usually less insecure than that and are busy living their hot lives that they don’t need to spend their days trying to game the fucking system in the most obvious ways….all these motherfuckers trying to get their muppet faces out there…all thanks to the Kardashians leading this ugly girl trend…

SO these ratios may not be AUTHENTIC ratios, as every one of these ugly girls trying to be hot girls spend hours photoshopping themselves, or their AVATAR they pass off as themselves, since their fake internet life offsets their shitty real life….and they hope their fake internet life becomes their real life…like a cinderella story…of “life could be so simple, if the internet treatment trickles down into real life, because you can fake it til you make it”….

But they are still ratios and a waistline is a scientifically proven sign of attractiveness, that all those square bitches don’t get to partake in….so let’s look at some RATIOS…whether they are real or not doesn’t matter…they happened….and the nice thing about ratio is that you can get a whole mix of body types that have ratio…skinny bitches with ratio…fat bitches with ratio…it keeps things interesting…just NO SQUARE BOXY BITCHES allowed….those trans fucks.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I do The Ratio Tuesday every Tuesday as a reminder to all the feminists out there fighting for inclusivity, empowerment for all disabilities, basically attacking the traditional model of what a HOT chick is, by whining because they want to be hot chicks too….you know the whole plus sized model movement that has basically pressured loser brands to fold and use men in their women’s lingerie campaigns and other insanity…

Well, SCIENCE has proven that there is a formula to hotness, and FAT chicks with the right body can fall into the right side of that formula, so long as they have a waistline, so it’s not so much a weight thing, but more of a shape thing, and that is THE RATIO…

Girls know that the RATIO exists, whether they try to GASLIGHT you or VIRTUE SIGNAL you or BLAME the patriarchy for it’s use of girls with a RATIO to brainwash us into thinking what is hot is just a construct of the media not brainwashing us into thinking the not hot is hot, which they try all the time, I mean so many ugly Celebs have been misgendered or wrongfully identified as hot, like Ashley Tisdale, when they clearly aren’t….but people just run with what they are told…

WELL SCIENCE – TRUST SCIENCE – Says…RATIO is fucking real, so I’ll run with that, promote that, endorse that, cuz I like a good ratio, it is what makes fucking a woman feel like fucking a woman and not a boy or a fat slop pile of shit equivalent to fucking the bean bag chair at that high school party in the 70s after too much weed smoking gave you that WEED schizophrenia…

Point being, RATIO…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I don’t know if these RATIOS are all legit RATIOS or if these girls are pulling in their waists to have a RATIO, you know to put it out there that they have a ratio, because if the world believes it, then maybe they’ll start believing it, and their RATIO dreams will come true…

I remember I once took a class called ART AND THE COMPUTER which was entry level photoshop, illustrator weirdness in the 90s. I wasn’t very good at it because art is for queers especially when it was 90s computer art….but that has turned into what every girl does with her own selfies…it’s a cartoon motherfuckers…it just looks semi real…real enough…while being a lie…

All these girls selling themselves off like it’s really them, when clearly…it’s a caricature of them thanks to photoshop, filters…like what are we even looking at….an avatar?

Then those same people preach body positivity, inclusivity, all while not even loving themselves enough to post a legit selfie, get the fuck out of here..

But yeah, I don’t know if these RATIOS are real or not, I just know that RATIOS or the right ratio which is 0.7 is scientifically proven to be the hottest ratio…so get the fuck out of here you boxy bitches…this is ABOUT RATIOS…or fake ratios you are pretending are real…you know…Art and the Computer shit.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The Ratio is the most important measurement a woman can take according to Science, not according to the male chauvenist, sexist, misogynistic, patriarchy who prefer “what bra size are you”….you know things to piss off women when it is coming from some degenerate drunk at the bar that they didn’t invite to their table, and that is basically the human equivalent of an unsolicited dick pic, but who I am sure they don’t mind telling their bra size to when a rich, good looking guy other girls want to fuck walks in….that’s the thing with unsolicited dick pics and the human version of unsolicited dick pics…you just never know if the person against those two things is actually all for unsolicited dick pics from the right person…because they usually are….so basically, when you’re a loser you’re a loser and girls don’t want you around….

That’s not the point…

The point is that science says a ratio of 0.7, when you divide the waist size by the hip size, 0.7 is the sweet spot…so get those tape measures out the next time you trick a lonely girl from tinder to fuck you, to make sure you’re fucking optimal ratio…you probably aren’t, but we take what we can get….and these girls who think they have ratio…probably aren’t even 0.7s….but at least we know what they are supposed to be, to see how far gone they are…and maybe in the FEMA camps we are stationed in, they’ll kill off all the women who aren’t optimal hotness, so that there won’t be any discrimination against those who don’t ratio…you know EQUALITY FOR ALL…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day


Unfortunately, not the science they teach you in high school, because if I had known that you could spend a life measuring women’s waist and hips for other men to gauge the hotness of those girls based on their waist and hips….I’d likely be working in that field…

If any girls get mad because you call them a boxy bitch, or refer to her as a dude because she doesn’t have waist or hips, or tell her that her ratio doesn’t meet your standards….or society’s standards….you can tell them to fuck off because science has a different fucking story that their fear mongering propaganda….

I’ve know that I’ve asked feminists their ratio when we were allowed to interact with humans without getting arrested and I’ve been consistently yelled at by those very feminists for being a misogynistic asshole who objectifies women without even knowing about the site that intentionally objectifies women…just an attack on my person, without any context, all because I asked to know their ratio….cunts….ignorant cunts that don’t realize that SCIENCE holds the truth of all things in life…

So as they protest the whole COVID mask wearing and demanding the government impose curfews so that the old people don’t die, since 98% of people live, while calling the police on their neighbors for having their family in for the Holidays, in efforts to save the fucking world because of Science…they’ll have no backing or support to discount you waist-to-hip ratio science…and that’s a powerful place to be.

So here are some girls that are less uptight about RATIO because I guess they identify as people with RATIO and it’s good.


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The Ratio is Science. Girls with a hip that is bigger than her waist is scientifically more appealing to men than girls who are boxy as fuck. It’s been proven and you can’t argue it, so fuck off…

So the internet of “WOKE” pains in the ass who are normalizing the pronoun “they” so that we no longer have genders because Caitlin Jenner lost his damn mind and cut his dick off for attention, the athletic hero was tired of being the backseat dweller to the rest of his family and had to do something dramatic….he needed a hook and now everyone is trans, raising their kids trans, or genderless, it’s almost by design that they don’t want anymore breeding, or men and women….eventually even you will call yourself THEY…

So humans, when left to their own devices, get lost in their own bullshit, buy into hype and marketing and are idiots about it….when SCIENCE has all the answers…

So body positivity, no more body shaming, plus sized everywhere as we celebrate all defects because it’s the right thing to do….can’t beat out the waist to hip ratio…because Science…and stupid humans and their stupid ways can’t negate that….

So here’s some ratio..


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….because I don’t have much to say when it comes to girls posting pics of their hip to waist ratio….or what they think is a waist to hip ratio when it is clearly the wrong ratio….other than that Science has proven that men find the ratio to be a legitimate thing when it comes to a woman’s sexual attraction, so all those bullshitters pushing body positivity and believing all women or whatever, are forgetting the very important thing….that none of that matters without a RATIO…otherwise we are selling ourselves show in acception things that science says is untrue…like why wouldn’t I only go for girls with the ratio if that’s the cream of the crop all you boxy bitches can fuck off…

My other ratio story, and I should save it for next week, but I’ve already said it because how many ratio stories can a motherfucker have….is that I used to ask girls their ratio when I went drining in clubs and even before the whole feminist instagram woke thing…we’re talking 20 years ago…girls would still be offended at that question…calling me some woman objectifier…which I guess I am…but I was only asking for science…


Posted in:The Ratio




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The Ratio is a scientific, proven in various labs that involve dudes jacking off to various pics of girls, or at least getting their dicks strapped into a device to see what body shapes resonate most with their dicks…and as it turns out…it’s someone with a smaller waist than hips…despite all the square and fat chicks out there with no ratio to cry about and beg for inclusivity only for the media to hop on board and validate their bullshit despite science telling a very different story…

I believe in science…and here are a bunch of girls claiming to have ratio..


Posted in:The Ratio