I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – Who the Fuck is Cheyenne Kendall of the Day

The biggest joke of this site is that I really have no idea who any of the people I post about are. I am convinced that all the other celebrity sites live and breathe this shit. When they go home for Sunday Dinner, or when they go on dates with girls who are impressed by bloggers (which means UGLY girls), or when they hang out with their 2 childhood friends who still talk to them, while waiting in line for tickets to see Superman (the movie) for the 47th time while rockin’ a Superman T-Shirt (cuz you love Superman), you probably talk about what Portman, Johansson, Lohan, Hilton and all the other cliched celebs are doing. It is their life. It’s not to say that I have a life, or I have meaning, or that I do anything interesting or talk about anything interesting. I just have know nothing about the people I am writing about. This is an example of that. I even googled this cunt and found nothing.

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I am – The Weirdest Video I Have Ever Seen of the Day

I am not in the mood to post anything, still sick, but someone emailed this to me and it’s too fucking weird to not put up on the site. It reminds me of when the internet was a place for socially awkward losers to congregate. It reminds me of mIRC where all these freakshows who had no friends in their real lives would chat with each other and create a virtual society, false sense of popularity and find equally lame people on the other side of the country to marry. It was a way to not feel so alone, cuz cool kids are jerks, and it gave the losers hope. The Internet is less lame now, cool people use it, but the losers who were the first up on this shit are still floating around…..that’s the story i heard. Now, back to bed.

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


I have been sick on and off for the last month. It is worse now that it’s ever been and that is why I haven’t updated the site in a few days. I did however gather some links to occupy you until my return to the website updates. I have missed a lot of good posts and the site is suffering hard, I suck at life and if I was Asian, I’d want to be called Wong Lee. …now here are the links motherfuckers….

Jessica Simpson Left her Bra at Home GO

Ashlee the Crying Clown is Upset that Daddy Never Touched Her GO

Gisele on the Beach GO

Madonna Doesn’t Realize Argyle Sweaters are for Frat Boys and Hipsters of Yesteryear GO

Midwest Manny is Ugly but Naked Go

Loaded Magazine Party has Nipples GO

Half Naked Hipster Sluts Throwing Up Is Hot GO

Allison Angel and Lia Video GO

I Have A Feeling that One of You Virgins Made This GO

Cracked Magazine Lists Howard Stern’s 25 Best Moments GO

Stacy Keibler’s Ass GO

Vice Has Shitty Writing – This is a not funny at all Don’t GO

Ani DiFranco Performing on the Rollins Show GO

Jamie Lynn Spears Has Herpes GO

Hot Ass At The Beach GO

Pam Anderson Still Has Nipples…Suprising. GO

Pricasso the Penis Painter is Funny – Watch the Video GO

Absinthe is Good for Any Party GO

Flickr Tag: Blowjob GO

Photobucket Tag: Sexy GO

Santa Claus Sexy Party GO

Raymi the Minx’s Friend has Good Tits GO

Bansky is back with a Funny new Piece GO

You get Laid, I get Paid, Good Deal GO


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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


I am not updating as much as I did last week, because I figure one good link dump is worth 15 decent updates. This is not that link dump, but check out some of the shit that’s made its way into my box and by box I mean vagina. I don’t know what I am saying – just click the motherfucker…

Britney Spears in Vegas GO

Justin and Cameron on the Beach Vacation GO

Mel Gibson does Suicide Girls GO

Lindsay Does Paparazzi GO

This is how I treat my Wife, But She’s too Fat for Rides GO

Last Week’s Lohan Letter GO

Teens Ask Great Questions GO

Mariah is Trying GO

Naked Amateurs Make Me Happy GO

Tera Patrick and Aria Giovanni Together Naked GO

This deserves it’s own post GO

2 Bisexual Teens Get it On GO

I like Girls with Talent GO

This Bitch Does Tit Dances GO

remember priceless pics? I always HATED them…. GO

K8tie is Naughty in Lingerie GO

Drunk Girls are Easy GO

Tori Spelling Loves Porn GO

Girl With Her Sex Doll GO

This is Someone’s Girlfriend GO

Israeli Girls in the Army GO

Lucy Becker is Topless GO

Petra Nemcova Gallery GO

Teens Sniff Mothballs to Get High GO

Girl on Girl Action is Boring GO

It’s all about the photographer’s ass GO

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I am – Nicky Hilton's Bathing Suit of the Day


There is a white trash family that lives across the hall from me, because I live in a low income apartment block. This white trash family makes me laugh because the father, a balding great drunk is always wandering around the halls in his stained tank top. His son or his son in law or the dude who got his daughter pregnant hangs out with him all day long drinking out of his 40 of beer. Today, I saw them in front of the building testing out a mini-bike. I don’t know how they can afford mini-bikes, but I don’t ask, mainly because they hate me for being Mexican. That said, Nicky Hilton and her cunt of a friend remind me of those two guys, wasting away their lives doing nothing, only they do it a lot more expensive, but still hate mexicans and by mexicans I mean Lohan. There are some smoking pics in here for HornyLohanWanker. You’re welcome.

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I am – Nicky Hilton’s Bathing Suit of the Day


There is a white trash family that lives across the hall from me, because I live in a low income apartment block. This white trash family makes me laugh because the father, a balding great drunk is always wandering around the halls in his stained tank top. His son or his son in law or the dude who got his daughter pregnant hangs out with him all day long drinking out of his 40 of beer. Today, I saw them in front of the building testing out a mini-bike. I don’t know how they can afford mini-bikes, but I don’t ask, mainly because they hate me for being Mexican. That said, Nicky Hilton and her cunt of a friend remind me of those two guys, wasting away their lives doing nothing, only they do it a lot more expensive, but still hate mexicans and by mexicans I mean Lohan. There are some smoking pics in here for HornyLohanWanker. You’re welcome.

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I am – French Rap Porn Music Video of the Day

Sexy Music Video – video powered by Metacafe

I don’t understand french people and I definitely don’t understand black or asian people, so this music video makes no fucking sense to me, other than the fact that strippers are getting banged with glowstick like their pussies were a fucking rave and after a pap smear it would probably reveal that the bacterial level of these boxes are probably not that far off from being a rave. Either way, this is a horrible song and a cheap video that you should watch til the end. I’m sure you’ll dig it. Considering you’re a virgin. Oh and I am back from my weekend away, welcome me back fuckers.

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I am – Wonder Woman is for Losers of the Day


So I go to a wedding this past summer. I meet a drunken girl who is trying to piss off her controlling parents. Her solution is get fucking wasted. Bitch caused a huge fucking scene and complained the whole night about how she wishes she was dead and how she hated her life. Definitely my kind of slut. I find the whole thing entertaining so I hang out with her for a bit. Her mother comes up to tell her to behave herself and that she’s embarrassing the family and she tells her mom to go fuck herself. She was doing what most angry 16 years olds do, only difference is, this bitch is in her 20s and doesn’t even live at home anymore. She goes on telling me about how her dad is gonna beat her up for this, and all the regular “Victim” bullshit. I don’t feel sorry for her and I get bored of her shit so I go to the bar to get a couple more drinks because let’s face it, I live for open-bar. She disappears. I run into her later, and her knee is bleeding. I ask her what happened, thinking maybe her dad gave her a the beating she was talkin’ about, but find out she tried to fuck one of the 15 year old guests, but fell off the ledge and ripped her leg open. Point of all this was to say that that 15 year old has already got way more action than any motherfucker who’s into Wonder Woman. These pictures are for those Wonder Woman losers who read this site. That’s the story I heard.

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I am – Ethnic Sex Revisted of the Day


A couple of days ago, I posted an exclusive video of some Singapore slut getting slammed. If you missed it, I suggest you keep it that way. If you are dying to see what I am talking about, you can see the post HERE.

People seem to think that bitch has locked down her blog, it’s not all that interesting. But I decided I’d post some pics of the Slag you see getting slammed in my post. That’s about all I’ve got to say about Vanessa. Her 5-minutes are up.

Remember I made you famous, bitch.

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I am – StepLINKS of the Day


I haven’t been by a computer in 48 hours at this point, but the site is still uploading, I hope. If you are reading this, than it is. Either way these are some links I found a couple days ago, and I will be back to the site by Monday. I want you cunts to send in some links so that my life is a little easier and more importantly we get the best fucking link dump going on the net. Stop being so fucking Lazy. That’s all I have to say about that. Have a good fucking weekend.

Go check out this band GO

Victoria Silvstedt Masturbating in G-String GO

This Is A Picture of Nudist Girls Doing Handstands GO

Go check out Brad/Angelina and Baby in Wax GO

If I Got Body Painted – I’d Be a Superhero GO

Go Look At Chinese Political Graffitti GO

This is a Picture of a Nudist GO

Go Watch a Cheap Lookin’ Cam Whore GO

This is a Picture of Some Dude Getting Rubbed On GO

Go Check Out Some Older Big Breasted Slag GO

Meow!!!! GO

Jack and Jane are my Favoirte Nudist Couple GO

Go check out some sweet monster truck videos cuz you are Trash GO

Go Check Out Some Lucy Beckery See Through GO

Go Check Out Natalie Portman and the Paparazzi GO

Go Check Out DJ AM and Nicole Being Skinny GO

Go Check Out Japanese Tongue Twisters GO

Go Check Out Janet Jackson’s Body GO

Go Check Out Old Aniston on the Beach GO

Go Check Out Barbara Streisand’s New Fat GO

Alanis Morrisette is Still Satan GO

Go Check Out Pink’s Topless Photoshoot GO

Check out the CannabisCup GO

Folk Music is Making a Comeback – be Part of It GO

Go Check Out Kendra Wilkinson with Panties GO

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