I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – Mariah Carey is Half Black.


I watched some MTV biography on Mariah. She’s half black. That’s where this post ends. The funny thing is her black dad was an engineer and her white mom was a singer…..seems a little backwards. I am not racist. I am mexican, we are lazy. I guess her being half black isn’t where the post ended…because I went on a few more sentences…I also wanted to mention how she was never hot, and I am not saying that cuz I am anti-black girls, I am saying that cuz she has a busted face. Cuddles.

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I am – Jersey Girls are Trash : Step TV of the Day

Jersey Girls are trash, and it is proven is the newest episode of Step TV, where Steve lands some slag with hot tits in the bar and gets her to make out with him. Unlike the average man, Steve slams this bitch down and she runs away humiliated. I would have worked a different angle, maybe trying to get back to her hotel room, maybe try to get a lesbian show, even though that shit’s boring and been done…but still something worth sorting out. Steve doesn’t give a fuck though, and him pushing her down is pretty fucking funny…I hope her boyfriend’s watching….it is 5:30 am and I have a fever. Cuddles. I will get Steve’s side of the story today, he just emailed me the youtube link.

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I am – Behind the BuckCherry Video and Contest


Girls are whores. I hope this doesn’t trigger some anti-slut feminist dyke to hack my shit and ruin the fun for everyone for another week…instead of hating on me and hacking into my site, why don’t you read why I think girls are sluts…..

It’s pretty simple, I am in love with a stripper and when I was sitting in the booth after dropping 60 dollars on lap dances, I asked her why she does what she does, she told me that all girls want to be strippers, they just don’t follow what they instinctively want. After further investigation, cuz that’s what I do, I investigate, I got to thinking about all the everyday girls on the internet that take mass amounts of slutty pics of temselves doing slutty things. I have been sent pics of tits and pussy and ass and fucking and insertion from girls that are from “NORMAL” backgrounds….it’s just like back in the day, when I used to fuck, the good girl’s were always the ones begging me to shove it in their asses….

The Step TV crew went out last Saturday with a huge camera, every slut who saw the camera, jumped in front of it, made out with other girls and flashed their tits…no questions asked…they just did it and that is why girls are whores.

I posted the Buckcherry video a while ago HERE, and now we have exclusive behind the scene footage of that shoot, where girls pretty much whore the fuck out the more drunk they get, because that’s just what girls do.

We are doing a BuckCherry ticket giveaway, so if you want to go to a show, send in pics of your tits/your girl’s tits/ your mom’s tits/ with Buckcherry written somewhere in the pict….the most creative entry wins, just email it in we have 2 tickets for every date listed;

4/1-Indianopolis, IN
4/2-Milwaukee, WI
4/4-Ft. Wayne, IN
4/5-Columbus, OH
4/7-Toronto, ONT
4/8-Detroit, MI
4/9-Cleveland, OH
4/11-New York, NY
4/12-Townson, MD
4/15-West Springfield, VA
4/18-Cambridge, MA
4/19-Sayreville, NJ
4/20-Hartford, CT
4/22-Beford, NH
4/23-Atlantic City, NJ
4/25-Jacksonville, NC
4/26-Nashville, TN
4/28-Chattanooga, TN
4/29-Atlanta, GA
5/2-Hollywood, FL
5/4-Seattle, WA
5/6-Ft. Walton Beach, FL
6/2-Vancouver, BC
6/10-Kansas City, MO

Girls will do anything to be famous….one of these stripper bitches even studied theatre and thinks this is her big break…hilarious.

Watch Behind The Scenes Video Here

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I am – Hackers….continued


I know there hasn’t been much of an update lately, it is because I have been hacked, I don’t like the fact that I have been hacked, I find it annoying. I am running around trying to change passwords, but even with that, another email has been hacked and now they are fuckin with the server and applications on it. I have officially been hacked.

I have contacted the FBI and the canadian FBI and told them the situation. They claim they can bring him down in less than 24 hours. We’ll see about that. But it’s nice that for once, I am working with the authorities and not running from them. I am excited to see people arrested and ass raped…

Google is still a cunt and won’t let us talk to any real people, just automated messages. I find it obnoxious that their system is based on “never deleting” a message, archive everything, but have a security system that sucks my dick and obviously anyone can work their way into an account and have access to lots and lots of info that you never deleted. I am planning on suing them.

So far, we think the hacker is Canadian because of the IP’s being used.

Unfortunately, there’s not Angelina in this story.

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I am – Email's Been Hacked


The password on my GMAIL has been changed by someone who isn’t me. The backup email, has been changed. No one really has access to this email, but seems like they tricked the GMAIL system. If anyone is trying to get in touch with me and you’re getting either no response, or an annoying response. It’s not me doing it….if you wesnt to reach us, email info@drunkenstepfather.com. For those of you who think I did this myself, or I just forgot my password in a drunken stupor, I would like to say that I didn’t but someone’s trying to fuck with me.

I feel like Paris Hilton, but iut burns a lot less when I pee. I guess it means that you’ve reached some level of fame when people start hackin’ your shit….

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I am – Email’s Been Hacked


The password on my GMAIL has been changed by someone who isn’t me. The backup email, has been changed. No one really has access to this email, but seems like they tricked the GMAIL system. If anyone is trying to get in touch with me and you’re getting either no response, or an annoying response. It’s not me doing it….if you wesnt to reach us, email info@drunkenstepfather.com. For those of you who think I did this myself, or I just forgot my password in a drunken stupor, I would like to say that I didn’t but someone’s trying to fuck with me.

I feel like Paris Hilton, but iut burns a lot less when I pee. I guess it means that you’ve reached some level of fame when people start hackin’ your shit….

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I am – Josie Maran: Fat


So Josie Maran is pregnant, or as I prefer to call it: a slut. Pregnancy doesn’t only mean that a woman puts out, it also means that she likes it raw dog…and by raw dog I mean no pullin’ out business all internal. Now this isn’t a lesson in sex ed, because I am the last person to be telling anyone how things should be done, but I will say that babies are the biggest/worst STD out there, and abortion is the best contraception…..I realize my site has no real substance, just me going on like an idoit on the daily. So, I have decided to add random celebrity quotes to legitimize what I do, and more importantly, make me feel like a real journalist…even if that said journalism consists of me going to FemaleFirst.co.uk and rippin off celebrity gossip that have relevance to my post.

Liv Tyler on Pregnancy:

“It’s so hard to lose your baby weight! Everyone makes it look like it just drops off and everyone in magazines is so skinny three weeks later and says ‘Oh, I’m just running around after my kid’; it’s total bullshit!

“I don’t know one woman who woke up three weeks later and was a rail.”


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I am – So Solid Crew's Lisa Maffia


When I think of Grime, I think of my past. I think about my apartment. I think about my poor liver after years of abuse. I think about my underwear. I think about girls from Boston. I think about a lot of things, but I don’t think about music, because I am too old to listen to music and too drunk to care about the new styles that are poppin’ up everyday, like a 14 year old’s erection at the nudist beach. I guess that was a stupid analogy. Yeah, I know I am definitely not funny.

Here are some pics of Lisa Maffia of the So Soild Crew, a Grime/Garage group from the UK. I like her just fine, not that that matters to any of you losers.

Visit Their MySpace Page (not much going on-on it)

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I am – So Solid Crew’s Lisa Maffia


When I think of Grime, I think of my past. I think about my apartment. I think about my poor liver after years of abuse. I think about my underwear. I think about girls from Boston. I think about a lot of things, but I don’t think about music, because I am too old to listen to music and too drunk to care about the new styles that are poppin’ up everyday, like a 14 year old’s erection at the nudist beach. I guess that was a stupid analogy. Yeah, I know I am definitely not funny.

Here are some pics of Lisa Maffia of the So Soild Crew, a Grime/Garage group from the UK. I like her just fine, not that that matters to any of you losers.

Visit Their MySpace Page (not much going on-on it)

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I am – Draw Your Vagina Vagina and Describe it in 10 Words or Less


She is a fan of the site and I guess that means that I am a fan of hers. By fan I mean I’d like see her on all fours clucking like a chicken, but thats only because poultry turns me on, not because of the taste but because of the egghole. Yes, I realize that my jokes are played out. So this girl sent in her vagina drawing and the fact she participated was cool so she has just won an all expense paid trip to my house to do my dishes, for a day.

This is from her myspace profile.

I am Rachel.

I am half Puerto Rican, I apply eyeliner like it’s my job, and I will roundhouse kick you in the face. I’m pretty much the most awesome person I’ve ever met, and trust me, I’ve met a lot of people.

She has a boyfriend and my new life goal is to get her to cheat on him…this is her pic…

Visit her Myspace Here

I just made you famous, bitch. Thanks for playing. Tell your friends.

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