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stepLINKS of the Day

CHECK OUT OUR VERY MERRY STEPFATHER GIFT GUIDE …Tis the fucking season….I am going to get drunk….That is what I do….Don’t drink and drive…. Now click on these steplinks….best of the internet….today in the least attractive way possible….. Lindsay Lohan Is Available For Weddings And Bar Mitzvahs Now. No, Really. GO I Don’t Know About […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here are some stepLINKS….I am disgusted with humanity….fingers are crossed for the end of the world…to rid us of all this fucking evil…what ever happened to helping each other and loving in each other…we are in this life together…why make shit more miserable than it has to be…robbing parents of their kids…I just can’t even […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You know what doesn’t matter…This doesn’t matter…None of this matters…except for the VERY MERRY STEPFATHER GIFT GUIDE and these links…these links fucking matter…they change lives and get me sex…you should try them sometime… Are you ready for 12/12/12 12:12:12 ? It’s coming. End of the world. Demi Moore Just Reached a New Level of Pathetic […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Telling girls you want to violate them with your penis, but reassuring them not to worry because you have a small penis and they likely won’t feel anything but the shame of knowing it happened…is a horrible strategy in getting girls to want you to violate them. Buy a Fuckign stepSHIRT you assholes. GO Here […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s black Friday…punch some old ladies…and get away with it….until over active, eager, security guards Taser you and release the security footage to the internet for the world to judge you for really wanted 50 percent off that blender you were just buying for your wife for Christmas…even though that’s a shit fucking gift…you thoughtless […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the weekend…get your fuck on…and if you’re totally socially inept…just masturbate…it’s probably what you’re doing already…maybe even what you’ve done multiple times today….and that’s OK…no one is judging you…except maybe for God, your dead relatives and the people standing behind you in line anywhere you go…you cum stanky motherfucker who doesn’t realize that girls […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You know what….I think I love you….but I think I love most things when I am drunk and celebrating Election Eve…being Canadian…makes me pretty involved in the shit…. Here are the stepLINKS…. Miley Lesbian Porn….Maybe… GO WTF Photo of the Day is Also a Pretty Sexy Photo of the Day GO Jennifer Walcott Sexy in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just got a collect call from the “belly of the beast” because it was a wrong number and we didn’t accept the charges of her one phone call…and for some reason I find that fucking amazing…. Because I am a fucking asshole…. Here are the stepLINKS….. What In The Hell Kind Of GD High […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The best things in life are vaginas. I feel so profound and those are my words of fucking wisdom fools. Here are my stepLINKS…. Octomom Got Drunk And Breasfted Two Baby Dolls Onstage At A Drag Show GO Christina Aguilera is a Plus Sized Clown GO Faceplant Compilation GO Taylor Swift Boring for Glamour GO […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I had a few failed lines of seduction with girls I social network…but the ultimate was this one: My Dick wants to be sick inside you….it wants to have explosive diarrhea…because baby he ate bad mexican and now he wants your uterus to be his toilet…. I wonder why it didn’t work. Here are the […]