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stepLINKS of the Day

If I started an OnlyFans for my mangled old man asshole, would you subscribe? I’m exploring vehicles to generate income to keep up this site for all you mooches. I don’t like the idea of being the star of content, I’ve avoided it for so long, but I guess we all have our price. I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s stepLINKS time…. Which is almost as good of a time as offering a cigarette to a pregnant woman, only to tell her “I just thought you were fat” when she gets mad at you for suggesting a pregnant woman smokes, like smoking really hurts the fucking baby, if anything it just makes them cooler […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When I see how much money people have made over the last 20 years producing porn, I feel like a real idiot because I have basically been called a porn site for the last 20 years, not getting any ads from the mainstream, definitely not getting rich, yet some asshole dude is making 100k a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The world may be a dark place, at least that’s how the media that is trying to divide has it all set up to be, but in reality, there are hot tits in it and that’s really all you need….I mean hot tits and stepLINKS…obviously… So all these news cycle nonsense that is to trigger […]




stepLINKS of the Day

On my daily fat person walk I realized that a huge amount of chicks were out with their asses out, like it was the great ass parade of 2024. Girls with short shorts, girls in leggings, girls being girls, because they weren’t all tranny, lesbians, fat or old….but I thought it was weird that they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not a racist because I hate everyone, but I am noticing that there are a lot of new people in this country and they are ruining my fucking life at the grocery store, which is the only social activity I partake in, because they all seem to walking into me like I am […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My life philosophy with hot biker chicks has always been sniff the seats when no one is around and no one is looking… The streets are filled with annoying bikers who are on their springtime afternoon ride because they are getting ready for their Easter Long Weekend since they work normie jobs and get rewarded […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Like every St Patty’s day, I am going to get to a bar, post up and drink until I can’t walk…hoping to find a midget chick I can dress up like a leprechaun to have sex with while it does an Irish Jig at least once in my life. You know, to make my St […]




stepLINKS of the Day

As annoying as all the Ukrainian propaganda has been over the last year, which isn’t to say that you shouldn’t have your flags, hate Russia, send all your tax dollars to Ukraine, it’s just to say that to someone who doesn’t give a fuck about wars in other countries, it’s a pretty boring conversation to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Is it International Women’s Day today? Not Mother’s Day? Not Valentine’s Day? Not International Trad Wife get in the kitchen day? Not International Women can’t drive day? Just straight up International Woman’s Day, that forces you to. think about what women have done for you lately? Sure they gave you life, but was that really […]